Download Free Pet World – Pet Sitter and Pet Shop, Animal Care WordPress Theme v2.8
Pet World – Pet Sitter and Pet Shop, Animal Care WordPress Theme Free Download v.2.8 – ThemeForest | Pet World v2.8 – Pet Sitter and Pet Shop, Animal Care WordPress Theme is a full Pet sitter, WordPress theme job directory that comes with management and job search, pet sitting info options, job posting, pet sellers, pet care providers, pet sitters, pet grooming, pet adoption centres, veterinarians, blue cross volunteers, pet trainers, and pet training centers and service requirement.
Although, Pet and Pet sitter profiles provide better tag and category search experience.
The Pet World WordPress Theme comes with tons of essential design elements such as gallery, blog and header designs, Ultimate VC Addons, color and font management plus support for popular market plugins, powerful backend and drag and drop page builder, WooCommerce, Revolution slider, bbpress, event calendar pro, yoast etc.
Create websites for pets using WordPress, pet blogs, petshops, pet hotels, pet shops, pet shop WordPress, pet centers, pet clinics, pet clubs, animal care, pet sitting, dog walking, pet grooming, and veterinary.
Core Features
- Pet Shop Page
- Lots of Unique Shortcodes
- Pet Home Page
- Pet Detail Page
- Search a Pet
- Pet Sitter Search
- Pet Sitter Page
- Appointment Forms
- Pet Sitter Page
Pet World WordPress Theme Free Download Link
Nulled Pet World – Pet Sitter and Pet Shop WordPress Theme 2.3
Changelog Pet World WordPress Theme Nulled
2023.10.23 – version 2.8
* Fixed: Unyson Installation Issues.
2023.06.16 – version 2.7
* Compatible with WordPress 6.2
* Compatible with PHP 8.2 version
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Resolved PHP warnings and deprecated errors.