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W3 Total Cache Pro v2.3.3 WordPress Plugin

W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled

Download Free W3 Total Cache Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled v2.3.3

W3 Total Cache Pro WordPress Plugin Free Download v.2.3.3 – W3-edge | W3 Total Cache Pro v2.3.3 WordPress Plugin enhances your site’s SEO and user experience by enhancing website efficiency, decreasing load times through characteristics such as inclusion of content delivery network (CDN) and the recent best practices. (LATEST)

WordPress’s only web host agnostic Web Performance Optimization (WPO) framework trusted for more than a century by millions of publishers, web developers, and web hosts around the world. W3 Total Cache Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled builds on W3 Total Cache’s (free) Community version and adds features that will be of interest to any publisher who is serious about running a successful website.

The Ultimate WordPress Performance Toolkit

W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled lets you accelerate your WordPress website with all the resources you need to accelerate SEO, user experience and search ranking for beginners, intermediate and advanced WordPress people. Today, grow your W3TC brand!

10X Speed Improvement

W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled can provide an improvement of 10 times over the overall site efficiency, if properly configured, as indicated by Google PageSpeed Insights.

Easy Setup With Any Hosting

Compatible with most popular hosting, VPS hosting and server hosting plans. Simple installation and setup.

Includes Mobile Device Support

Whatever your users access it, W3 Total Cache speeds your website up. The same speed of lightning is provided to mobile visitors as on the desktop.

The Definitive WordPress Caching Plugin

A plugin that grows along with you is W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled. First of all, most websites need to do page caching and browser caching, and with a few easy clicks W3 Total Cache does this for you. Your caching needs are the same as you evolve. And for you there will be W3TC.

WordPress Page Caching

Page Cache is one of the most important things you can do to accelerate your site for your WordPress website. This is done quickly and conveniently for you by W3 Total Cache, which offers you many disc and RAM storage options, such as Redis or Memcached.

Static File Compression

Either W3 Total Cache will leverage your server with Brotli or Gzip Compression, so you can use the least possible bandwidth, combined with the highest page speed. With W3TC, your site can load more quickly and efficiently.

On Demand Images (Lazy Loading)

Lazy charge delays the loading of images except when they are available in the original rendering. This helps you to have rich, longer pages while maintaining page efficiency as quickly as possible.

Web Server and Stack Compatibility

Use Apache, NGINX, or both to speed up the page speed like never before. W3 Total Cache uses the webserver like no other plugin available to speed up your WordPress website.

Eliminate Render Blocking CSS

Rendering CSS blocking delays the visibility of a Webpage in due time. Each CSS file delays the rendering of your website. The larger your CSS, the longer you load the tab. You can remove a CSS with W3 Total Cache, which is not required at initial load, and it will flash fast!

Lazy Loading for Google Maps

Optimize Google Maps for visitors to your website speeds up loading time. Facilitates the charging of your page so that the map is not loaded until required.


Download Links for W3 Total Cache Pro WordPress Plugin (LATEST)

Old Version

W3 Total Cache Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled Changelog

Feature: PageSpeed Insights reports and performance page widget
Feature: Added basic OpenLiteSpeed support
Feature: Add Permissions-Policy to mirror Feature-Policy directives
Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility
Fix: GuzzleHttp 7 conflict with Azure
Fix: Allow object cache updates when using WP-CLI
Fix: Added missing Page Cache configuration “host” value
Fix: Missing on_comment_status action callback
Fix: Flush cache on attachment update
Fix: Varnish flush for posts
Update: Improved comment status logic for flushing database and object caches
Update: Adjusted FTP form style
Update: Removed deprecated MaxCDN and NetDNA components and added a notice if one was used
Update: Removed deprecated FeedBurner
Fix: Comment status change error
Fix: Varnish flush post arguments
Fix: Error when flushing page cache after an attachment update
Fix: Optimized and fixed object cache flushing
Fix: Scheduled post page cache flushing
Fix: Admin bar flush cache for current page with disabled purge policy
Fix: Loop when disabling Minify HTTP/2 push setting
Fix: Extension admin notice missing links
Update: Removed custom translation files
Fix: Reset our textdomain for translations
Fix: Escape output in compatibility checker, minify, and New Relic pages
Fix: Admin notice buttons on non-plugin pages
Fix: Namespace on exception type in a minify class
Fix: Translation issues due to hooks and typos
Fix: Broken JavaScript in admin_print_scripts calls when language is not English
Fix: Deprecated warnings in JS and CSS minify
Update: Translation files
Fix: Updated database cache connection class to avoid deprecated warnings in WordPress 6.1
Fix: Redis: Fixed handling of retry interval and timeout options for usage statistics
Enhancement: Redis: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option
Enhancement: Page cache: Added query string exemptions
Fix: Error clearing all cache when using Cloudfront full CDN in Pro
Fix: Revert WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
Fix: DB cache syntax error in PHP 5.6
Fix: Added missing space to S3 CDN bucket label
Fix: JS error for CloudFront CDN related check on non-W3TC pages
Fix: Page cache unpack warning for empty/malformed files
Enhancement: Image Service pre_get_posts anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_modify_query_obj)
Enhancement: Image Service ajax_query_attachments_args anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_filter_ajax_args)
Fix: Extensions URL in settings
Fix: Redis undefined array key warnings
Fix: Redis connect issue based on phpredis version
Fix: Sanitization of licensing messages
Fix: DB cache error in Ajax
Fix: Call to undefined function in DB cache query class
Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: join
Fix: WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
Enhancement: Add setting for AWS S3 public objects in ACL
Enhancement: Check if post is empty before cache flush
Enhancement: Add max lifetime setting for non-disk page cache
Enhancement: Add notice when selecting CDN using CloudFront
Update: CSS Tidy 1.7.3 => 2.0.1
Update: Add sns-message-validator
Security: Ensure cache writes in cache folders
Fix: Redis Cache: Removed exception on warnings
Fix: Compatibility check for WP_CACHE
Fix: Flush all cache cache except Cloudflare button
Fix: License terms update notice escaping
Fix: Feature Showcase: Image Service activate button
Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.8
Security: PHPCS and WPCS updates
Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.6
Security: Updated guzzlehttp/psr7 to 1.8.5
Fix: Cloudflare flush all cache
Fix: Access log test
Fix: Better handling for PHP 5.6
Fix: Convert Redis warnings to exceptions
Fix: WordPress 5.5 image lazy loading
Fix: Infinite loop when using database cluster configuration
Fix: Database cluster logic
Fix: FTP credentials form
Fix: Preview deploy button
Fix: Image Service links in multisite network admin
Fix: Enable Image Service settings changes in multisite blog/sub sites
Enhancement: Updated Cloudflare settings to allow a global API key or token
Enhancement: Added Cloudflare CDN public objects option to settings
Enhancement: Added timeout settings for Redis
Enhancement: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option for Redis
Enhancement: Added Image Service visibility option
Enhancement: Updated Image Service limit notification
Enhancement: Better handling of trailing slash URLs
Update: Adjusted lightbox for accessibility
Update: Removed deprecated opcache flush
Fix: Cloudflare: Removed use of the retired ip_lkup V1 endpoint
Fix: Prevent error in some environments using non-direct filesystems
Fix: Added better checking for some filesystem actions
Fix: AWS CloudFront: Reverted async change for cache invalidation to honor promises
Enhancement: Added option to exclude minified JS files from being processed by Rocket Loader
Enhancement: Improved handling of Image Service rate-limiting and error messages
Feature: Image Service API extension: WebP conversion options

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