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Download Free Dentalia v2.1.3 – Dentist & Medical WordPress Theme
Dentalia – Dentist & Medical WordPress Theme Free Download v.2.1.3 – ThemeForest | Dentalia v2.1.3 – Dentist & Medical WordPress Theme is a complete highly customizable WordPress theme which is perfectly suitable for healthcare professionals, dentists and companies that proudly offer medical services. It is fully ultra-responsive with a modern and clean design, unlimited color options and an extremely easy to use page builder.
- Team carousel or grid widget
- Easy to use & fast Page Builder
- Responsive Video Widget
- Two header types + transparent header option
- No coding required
- Various section separators
- 25+ custom widgets
- Team member custom post type
- Working hours widget
- 120+ Dental icons included
- Featured Pages Widget
- Multiple header Options
- Multiple icon packs
- Responsive & mobile-friendly design
- Header widget area & top bar
- Parallax Backgrounds
- One-click demo import
- Slider Revolution Plugin
- Separate logos for light & dark headers
Dentalia WordPress Theme Free Download Link
Changelog Dentalia – Dentist & Medical WordPress Theme Nulled
26. May, 2022 Version: 2.2 Compatibility update.
- New: One Click Demo Import
- Improved: WordPress 6 compatibility
- Improved: WooCommerce 6.5 compatibility
- Improved: Widgets management
- Improved: translations (CTA button)
- Improved: PHP 8 compatibility
- Improved: Layouts library
- Improved: theme colors in backend
- Improved: static blocks are now searchable
- Improved: Block styling
- Fixed: overlay issues in WP 5.9+
- Updated: Demo content
- Updated: libraries (CMB2, Redux framework)
9. December 20, Version: 2.1 Compatibility update.
Fixed: Swipebox black screen bug in WP 5.6 resolved.
Improved: WordPress 5.6 compatibility.
Improved: WooCommerce templates updated.
New: Option to disable demo import
11 September 20, Version: 2.0 A major update.
Fixed: OnePage jQuery helper bug (WP 5.5.+) - javascript .
Fixed: Logos and Testimonials widget not displaying full-screen bug
New: Alternative mobile menu layout added (in Theme Options)
New: Sticky mobile menu
New: Call us icon button on mobile
New: WooCommerce Products widget
New: Baner Area
New: Additional section separators and an option to animate them.
Improved: Demo content updated
Improved: Gutenberg compatibility
Improved: WooCommerce compatibility
Improved: Page Builder UX
Improved: Header improvements
Improved: Overlays
Improved: Styling options on various widgets
Improved: megamenu
Improved: blog improvements
Improved: Theme options improvements.
20 June 19, Version: Minor update.
- IMPROVED: Minor Gutenberg styling improvements
- IMPROVED: Top bar on mobile styling improvements
- IMPROVED: Sidebars now display only if they contain widgets
- FIXED: icon with text widget - center on mobile option.
- FIXED: Owl slider switching slides too fast on testimonials
- REMOVED: Orion Widget block.
General compatibility update 25.5.2019 – v 1.8
- ADDED: RTL - support for right to left languages
- ADDED: WordPress 5.2.1 Compatibility
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.6.3 Compatibility
- ADDED: Translation files updated
- IMPROVED: Gutenberg styling
- IMPROVED: General styling
- IMPROVED: General widgets imporovements
- IMPROVED: Contact form 7 checkbox and radio field improvements,
- FIXED: Logos widget layout on small devices
- REMOVED: Classic editor dependancy
Gutenberg compatibility update 8.12.2018 – v 1.7.1
- FIXED: Orion widgets Gutenberg block
WordPress 5.0 and WooCommerce compatibility update 5.12.2018 – v 1.7
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.2 compatibility and shop settings added to theme options
- ADDED: WordPress version 5 compatibility
- ADDED: Basic Gutenberg compatibility
- ADDED: Custom carousel widget
- IMPROVED: Reduced page load: FontAwesome and ElegantIcons icons in theme replaced with smaller Orionicon font
- IMPROVED: Added button styles in Featured pages widget.
- IMPROVED: Top bar improvements
Minor update 6.3.2018 – v
- FIXED: Departments not displaying bug.
Minor update 12.2.2018 – v
- FIXED: Video lightbox interfering with image/gallery lightbox
Major update 11.2.2018 – v 1.6 Read more about update here.
- FIXED: Submenu hiding behind featured pages,
- FIXED: Google Maps display in row with equal height option,
- FIXED: Department not showing in team widget,
- FIXED: Separators showing up on hidden rows,
- IMPROVED: links in Logos widget can now optionally open in a new tab,
- IMPROVED: Icon list widget: now accepts HTML tags,
- IMPROVED: Page Settings now work on the Blog page,
- IMPROVED: Hide mobile menu search if not enabled,
- IMPROVED: Page Builder UI minor improvements,
- IMPROVED: Improved theme options UI,
- IMPROVED: Contact form 7 date field improvements,
- ADDED: Simple team widget and Theme Option to disable Team post type,
- ADDED: 3 additional sets of dental icons,
- ADDED: SEO settings in Theme Options for better page speed and integrations with Facebook and Google,
- ADDED: Theme options for Boxed layout shadow and rounding,
- ADDED: Theme Option to hide page title and display breadcrumbs only,
- ADDED: Theme option for adjusting horizontal menu item spacing;
Compatibility update 29.9.2017 – v 1.5.2
- FIXED: PHP 7.1.X compatibility.
- FIXED: Team member mail url bug.
- FIXED: Hiding widget areas now works on the blog page.
- IMPROVED: Static blocks limit removed. Only last 5 static blocks were displayed in the widget.
- IMPROVED: CF7 limit removed. Only last 5 forms were displayed in widget.
- IMPROVED: CF7 fields design.
- IMPROVED: Video lightbox
- IMPROVED: Microformat support.
- IMPROVED: Translation strings updated.
- ADDED: Team widget random sorting option.
- ADDED: All plugins are now included in the main-files.zip -> plugins folder
Compatibility update 2.6.2017 – v 1.5.1
IMPROVED: Internet Explorer Compatibility
IMPROVED: Section Separators
IMPROVED: Light/Dark Logo behaviour on mobile
IMPROVED: One-page functionality
IMPROVED: Static blocks shortcodes added
FIXED: Mega menu (1/6 column display)
FIXED: Equal height behaviour on tablets
FIXED: Bottom menu header with boxed layout
FIXED: Sticky menu line height issue
Major update 25.5.2017 – v 1.5 Read more about update here.
- Added: Transparent header option with optional overlay
- Added: Native MegaMenu
- Added: Timeline widget
- Added: Gallery widget (grid and carousel)
- Added: Static blocks (reuse content on more places)
- Added: Custom menu widget
- Added: Additional main navigation type - Simple navigation
- Added: Header CTA button
- Added: Global page title overlay (in Theme Options)
- Added: New demo content
- Added: Sticky header logo
- Improved: Contact form 7 compatibility
- Improved: Page builder 2.5+ compatibility
- Improved: Additional responsive options in Page builder
- Improved: All widgets with carousel functionality are improved (autoplay + new carousel navigation type)
- Improved: Gallery post format (upload fields for gallery images)
- Improved: Boxed layout functionality
- Improved: 404 error page
- Fixed: Wrong date format issue on Contact form 7 date picker
- Fixed: Blank screen when saving a page where Revolution slider widget is used
Update: 10.2.2017 – v 1.2
- Added: Timeline Widget
- Added: WPML compatibility: config file added to the theme
- Added: OnaPage functionality added
- Improved: SiteOrigin compatibility fix
- Improved: Empty space widget now supports bigger spacings
- Improved: Video lightbox added with autoplay support
- Improved: Opening time widget now offers also inline translations for days of the week
- Improved: Team Members: team-member url can now be changed
- Fixed: Section Separators fixed (SiteOrigin compatibility)
- Fixed: Testimonials widget now supports autoplay
Update: 17.12.2016 – v 1.1:
- Added: Lightbox option in Image widget
- Added: Slider template added to main files
- Added: Child theme added to main files
- Added: Remove side paddings on mobile devices widget option
- Improved: Top-bar on mobile devices
- Improved: Comments display
- improved: Demo importer
- Improved: Icon with text widget now supports HTML
- improved: Sticky header
- Improved: Categories meta spacing on blog and single post
- Improved: Testimonial widget on tablets and mobile
- Improved: Lightbox
- Improved: Icons on extra small buttons
- Improved: Copyright footer two columns
- Fixed: Icon widget link issue resolved
- Fixed: Contact form 7 radio button issues
- Fixed: Logo now links to site URL instead of WordPress URL