Download Free mySTAT WordPress Plugin v.3.3 – CodeCanyon | mySTAT v3.3 – Site Visitor Statistics for WordPress has great unique features for analytics, statistics, SEO optimization for better search engine optimization results and that is why anyone who has their own online website should have it. In fact, mySTAT is a very great comprehensive set of tools that is necessary for collecting and classifying data from all valuable areas. The previous version of mySTAT has over 500,000 active downloads and stringently positive reviews! This premium product is a multi-platform one, so it can easily be installed onto both existing popular types of CMS (Content Management System) and onto any other third-party developed sites.
Download Links
- Statistics Summary
- Site traffic
- Page views per visitor
- Pages received per robot
- Time of downloading the pages
- Popular pages
- Popular titles
- Domain names
- Popular error 404 pages
- Referring addresses
- Referring domains
- User-Agent of robots and spiders.
- Search engines
- Social networks
- Mail services
- Search phrases
- Links to 404 pages
- IP addresses of visitors
- IP addresses of robots and spiders
- Countries of visitors
- Visitors’ system language
- User-Agent of visitors
- Robots and spiders
- Operating system
- Browsers
- Color Depth
- Screen resolution
- Reporting database size