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Download Free Gridlove – Creative Grid Style News & Magazine WordPress Theme v2.1.6
Gridlove – Creative Grid Style News & Magazine WordPress Theme Free Download v2.1.6 – ThemeForest |Gridlove – Creative Grid Style News & Magazine WordPress Theme Nulled v2.1.6 is a most creative grid style WordPress theme that comes with a complete focus on news and magazine websites. By having many predefined layouts and templates you will have an extraordinary website up and running in no time – there is no coding required! As always, Developers have prepared a fully featured demo website…
- Hundreds of beautiful layouts
- Build a highly flexible homepage
- Highlight posts and widgets
- Multiple header layouts
- Diverse categories
- Customizable single post layouts
- Unlimited fonts and colors
- Monetize your website
- Optimized for high speed
- Responsive design
- Advanced theme options panel
- Support for Co-Authors Plus WordPress Plugin
- Inject custom content in post modules
- Support for custom post types in modules
- Unlimited sidebars
- Sticky sidebars
- Infinite scroll loading on single posts
- Four Pagination Types
- Custom Widgets
- Post formats support
- Paginated / multi-page posts
- Post views support
- Shortcodes
- WooCommerce support
- bbPress support
- RTL support
- Built-in translation
- One-click demo content import
- One-click updates
- Setup guide
- Get help from WordPress experts
Gridlove WordPress Theme Free Download Link
Changelog Gridlove WordPress Theme Nulled
Improved: Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3
Improved: Tested compatibility with PHP8
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Improved: Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.0 (yes, it’s safe to update your theme)
Added: TikTok icon in social menu
Fixed: Popup option compatibility with WP 5.9+ gallery blocks
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Fixed: Firefox and Redux (Theme Options) save problem
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Improved: WordPress 5.8 compatibility tweaks (yes,you can update your theme)
Added: noopener attribute to certain links
Fixed: Gutenberg editor font size problem
Added: WordPress 5.6 compatibility tweaks
Added: wp_body_open hook
Fixed: Redux notices are now removed
Fixed: Load more pagination issue
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Fixed: Choosing module layouts bug
Added: WordPress 5.5 compatibility tweaks
Added: Option for Cart Icon in Header options
Added: Disable header and footer on a blank page template
Added:Option to choose whether prev/next posts will load the posts from the same category
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Fixed: One column gallery slider fix, Gutenberg change structure that breaks slider
Added: Masonry Layout A post listing in 4 columns
Added: Official support for WP Forms WordPress plugin
Added: Options to choose multiple stylings for social sharing in the plugin settings in dashboard (Settings -> Meks Easy Social Share)
Added: Option to choose whether prev/next posts will load the posts from the same category
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Fixed: Removing modules in admin not working properly in the previous version
Great news! Gridlove theme has been awarded the “WP requirements compliance badge” by Envato/ThemeForest, which is a certificate proving that it now meets the highest quality standards in the WordPress ecosystem.
Improved: A slight code refactoring to meet the highest standards per Envato requirements
Fixed: Issue with creating new custom sidebars
Fixed: Back to top button functionality
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Fixed: Problem with the access to Theme Options panel
1.9 Mandatory changes to accommodate the latest Envato/ThemeForest requirements:
Theme Options panel is removed from the theme. To make it appear again, you need to install and activate Redux Framework Plugin via Appearance -> Gridlove plugins
All theme associated widgets cannot be a part of the theme anymore and are now removed. To get your widgets back, please install and activate Gridlove Buddy plugin in Appearance -> Gridlove plugins
Social sharing functionality cannot be a part of the theme anymore. To enable social sharing, please install and activate Meks Easy Social Share plugin in Appearance -> Gridlove plugins
Additional JS field is not allowed in Theme options anymore thus it is removed from the theme. As an alternative, you can use Insert Headers and Footers WordPress Plugin
Additional CSS field is not allowed in Theme options anymore and is now patched into the WordPress native field in Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS
Added: Styling support for the latest WordPress blocks (introduced in WordPress 5.2)
Added: Admin panel styling for WP 5.0+ editor and all blocks
Modified: Options to choose social networks for sharing are now located in the plugin settings in dashboard (Settings -> Meks Easy Social Share)
Fixed: Several minor styling issues