Download Free Media Player Addons for Elementor v1.0.1
Media Player Addons for Elementor Free Download 1.0.1 – elementoraddons | Media Player Addons for Elementor v1.0.1 contains ten more Media Player widgets that provide you with some fantastic features and enhanced media compatibility.
Easy to use
Using this addon, you may quickly and easily create and embed media players. To get started, simply install the Elementor Plugin and activate the addons.
Make video and audio playlists and embed them in your pages/posts. You can also use them in other places of WordPress that support elementor.
Video supports picture-in-picture mode. It also supports the plays inline attribute.
Multiple caption tracks/subtitles are supported. As a result, your work is more accessible.
Each Player has the ability to rescale itself in order to maintain the user experience and look and feel across all devices.
Translation Ready
POT files are included with the plugin and can be translated using your WordPress language settings.
Optimized for Mobile
Players installed with this addon are mobile friendly, which means they will work properly on any mobile device of any size.
Maximum Options
Each Player has a limited number of options to meet your requirements. Each option is clearly documented and labelled so you can easily handle it.