Free Download Logo Carousel Pro v4.0.0 [ShapedPlugin]
Logo Carousel Pro ShapedPlugin Free Download v4.0.0 | Logo Carousel Pro ShapedPlugin Nulled v4.0.0 | Logo Carousel Pro Nulled is a beautiful Multi-use Logo Showcase and Responsive Clients Logo Gallery Plugin for WordPress that allows you to showcase a group of logo images in a visually appealing way through an intuitive Shortcode Generator. (LATEST)
It has the ability to display the logos in a Popup or External custom link with the required logo information like Logo, Title, Description, etc.
Showcase a group of logo images with Title, Description, Tooltips,
Links, and Popup or Lightbox as a grid or in a carousel.
Finally, The Best WordPress Logo Showcase Plugin
that’s both Easy and Powerful 🚀
Here are the features that make Logo Carousel Nulled the most powerful and user-friendly Logo Showcase plugin in the market.
Simple To Use
Straightforward setting with live preview, no code template or syntax involved. No more time to learn, no coding skills. Simply install and enjoy. No coding is required.
Mobile & SEO Friendly
Logo Carousel Nulled is fully responsive and SEO-friendly out of the box. You can control the number of team members displayed on a desktop, tablet, and mobile device.
Import and Export Wizard
Save time by importing and exporting your logo showcase. You can easily import and export local to live server or old to the new website! It’s super fantastic!
Developer Friendly
Manage and display your logo showcases on your site using the WordPress interface you know and extend with plenty of hooks to modify the team and output.
Page Builders & Gutenberg
Logo Carousel has been designed to work seamlessly with the new Gutenberg WordPress block editor and the most popular WordPress Plugins & Page Builders including Elementor, Divi, etc.
Multi-use! Be Creative!
Although this plugin was built to display client, sponsor, or supporters logos on your WordPress website, you can use it for other purposes! You can display a list of images with links.
High Performance
Logo Carousel Pro Nulled is built for speed and optimized for performance. It follows the best WordPress coding standards. It performs speedily on all kinds of sites.
We Speak Your Language
You can translate Logo Carousel Pro Nulled in your language with .po & .mo files. This plugin is Right To Left-RTL ready. You can even create multilingual websites.
Priority Email Support
We provide dedicatedly one-to-one top-notch email support instantly whenever you face any issues with the plugin. Over 90% of our customers rate our support great!
Create Unlimited Logo Showcases, Logos, and Groups
Showcase a list of clients, supporters, or sponsors logos with title, description, tooltips, link URL, and popup in 5 different ways, e.g: carousel, grid, list, isotope, inline, etc. You can manage and display logos by grouping them into separate categories on your WordPress site in a few minutes with an intuitive and stylish admin interface. It’s super fantastic!
5 Logo Content Positions with Full Control Over Styling
The logos will display in different layouts with the number of columns you set and the content to the right, left, above, and below, overlay the image, depending on your settings.
Control Device-wise Logo Columns For a Better User Experience
Fit your Logo Showcase to any Resolution
Want to display a personalized logo showcase? With Logo Carousel Pro Nulled, you can display all your logos in a fully responsive way. You can also easily control how many logos display per row in the desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile view.
The logo images Nulled will be displayed in a grid with the number of columns you set and the logo images will resize to fit the columns. On smaller screens, the grid will adapt, and the logo images will resize accordingly. In smaller screens, if the number of columns set is too big for the size of the screen, fewer columns will display. (LATEST)
Changelog Logo Carousel Pro ShapedPlugin Nulled
VERSION 4.0.0 - JAN 20, 2024
New: The Logo Analytics feature tracking clicks and impressions on logos.
New: The Logo Analytic Dashboard with Logo Performance Trendline Chart, Data filter by Last Year/ Month/Week, Average Clicks, and Impressions Circular Chart.
New: The Logo Performance List Table to compare easily.
New: The Download PDF of Logo Analytical data.
New: The Dropdown styled Ajax Live Filter.
New: The Alignment option of Ajax live filter and Isotope filter.
New: The CSV import and export feature to import or export logos.
New: Justifying the Logo feature of Grid and Inline layouts.
New: A hook \'lcp_edit_no_result_found_text\' was added to modify the \'no result found\' text.
New: 2 New Pagination Styles (Dynamic, Strokes) to the Carousel Pagination option.
New: Action Type (Link/Email/Phone) for Call To Action feature.
Improved: The Layout Preset option has been reorganized.
Improved: Plugin UI and UX improved.
Improved: The Tooltip/Help texts of plugin options to make it more user-friendly.
Improved: The \'Shortcode Generator\' menu item was renamed to \'Manage Views\'.
Improved: The Ajax Logo Search option was moved to the Display Settings tab.
Improved: The GrayScale feature option has been reorganized.
Improved: Animation added to the import feature
Improved: The Space between logos option moved to the General Settings tab.
Improved: The Border Radius option is separated from the Logo Border option.
Improved: The for and id attributes of the search field were not the same.
Updated: The language (.pot) file.
Fix: Inner Padding Not Working.
Fix: The Tooltip is not working after searching logos in the search field.
Fix: The hover color of the Logo Title does not work.
Fix: The logo linking doesn’t work after changing the pagination if the pagination and Ajax are enabled in the Grid and Isotope layouts.
Fix: The logo repeats on multiple pages of the isotope with Ajax pagination when the orderby is drag and drop.
Fix the Alignment issue in the list layout when the title is disabled.