Download Free Justified Image Grid WordPress Plugin v.3.0 – CodeCanyon | Justified Image Grid v3.0 – Premium WordPress Gallery (Updated on 11th March 2016) is a premium responsive WordPress Gallery Script/Tool/Plugin that aligns your thumbnails into a justified grid using amazing jQuery as same as Flickr and Google image search. This professional tool makes your galleries stand out in an eye-catching and extremely unique new way! You can easily replace the standard WP galleries as [justified_image_grid] with lots of new easy to use visitor friendly features and options.
WordPress manages the all galleries and this superb plugin will display them. Or alternatively you can also load various images from Flickr, acebook or use NextGEN as an image manager/source. Also unleash the power of image RSS Feeds and pull any videos from YouTube or Vimeo and images with sizes from 500px, Imgur, deviantART, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, blogs and more!