Download Free Leopard v2.0.32.4 – WordPress Offload Media Nulled
Leopard – WordPress Offload Media Nulled Free Download – CodeCanyon | Leopard v2.0.32.4 – WordPress Offload Media Nulled copies to Amazon S3, Wasabi, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean Spaces from your WordPress Media Library and rewrites URLs to serve the files from the very same storage provider or from your preferred CloudFront CDN.
If the big website works, I see that it is necessary for the website to operate efficiently and securely to decrease bandwidth consumption.
Underground and automated synchronisation: for large pages with a wide variety of images, videos, pdf files… Synchronization, etc., would be difficult (because the web browser or the sleeping machine must not be switched off). You can turn off the computer to go to sleep or other tasks using the underground and automatic synchronisation function. Save time and achieve the greatest effectiveness.
- Unlimited existing media to AWS S3, Google, wasabi, DigitalOcean Spaces storage, Bunny storage, Cloudflare R2
- Unlimited and all in one. No add-on, no more money.
- Support AWS S3, Google, wasabi, DigitalOcean Spaces storage, Bunny storage, Cloudflare R2
- Add: Custom path folder bucket
- Pull Assets (js, css, fonts, svg..etc from theme, plugin, core wordpress)
- Underground and automatic synchronization function
- easy digital downloads ( support storage: AWS S3, Google, wasabi, DigitalOcean Spaces, Cloudflare R2)
- Digital/Downloadable Product woocommerce ( support storage: AWS S3, Google, wasabi, DigitalOcean Spaces, Cloudflare R2)
- Select files from folders on cloud in wooCommerce download and Easy Digital Downloads. Work with public and private.
- Compress Objects Automatically ( Enable GZIP )
- Minify CSS, JS, HTML
- Removing the emoji
- Change the Custom path
- Support BuddyBoss plugin
- Support WebP – Create WebP file automatically after uploading and rebuilding. Automatically synchronize to cloud.
- Support Frontend Submissions – Easy Digital Downloads
- Supported regenerate thumbnail plugin with images on the cloud.
- Support edit ( Scale, Crop, rotate, flip ) images on cloud.
- Select file with shortcode or url from cloud.
- Rewrite Asset URLs for Asset Option
- Support Multisite
- Cache-Control option
- Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) option.
- synchronize between bucket in a cloud and other cloud.
Leopard WordPress Offload Media Nulled Free Download
Changelog Leopard WordPress Nulled
*Version (17 January, 2023)
- Fix issue upload handle
- Cloudflare R2: support Asset (only js)
- Cloudflare R2 : Fix path error when using "patch" option
*Version (15 January, 2023)
- Fix issue: Check the plugin enable mod rewrite url
- Fix some sync issues that occurred in version 2.0.31
- Fix: issue R2 client get object url
- Add vendor mobiledetect
- Update vendor Phpfastcache
*Version (10 January, 2023)
- Support Cloudflare R2 storage
*Version 2.0.32 (03 January, 2023)
- The "one click" function has been rebuilt for faster syncing and fewer stuck files.
- Support the Elementor plugin.
- Update storage regions and SDKs for all clouds
- Many debugs from buddyboss have been resolved. Thanks to all the customers who gave feedback to make the plugin even better.
*Version 2.0.31 (13 November, 2022)
Buddyboss: Fix issue upload video and document
Buddyboss: Fix issue get_by_source_id when object null
Buddyboss: Fix issue video image preview
Buddyboss: Fix issue cache get item by source id
*Version 2.0.30 (09 November, 2022)
- Fix error uploading sub folder
- Fix issue media item get by source id
- Fix issue: image preview isn't displayed when selecting settings to delete files after upload
- Buddyboss: Remove file when upload completed
- Buddyboss: Fix issue upload Bunny CDN
- Update function set MIME types to gzip
- Update cache expire time
*Version 2.0.29 (21 September, 2022)
Add: Support BuddyBoss plugin
*Version 2.0.28 (15 May, 2022)
Update vendor guzzlehttp 7.4.2
*Version 2.0.27 (10 May, 2022)
- Add: Update vendor aws-sdk and guzzlehttp
- Fix name file download wooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads.
*Version 2.0.26 (06 April, 2022)
- Add DigitalOcean Space region San Francisco 3 ( sfo3 )
*Version 2.0.25 (13 March, 2022)
- Add: With 1 click Change all links download from server to cloud(Woocommerce, Easy Digital Downloads)
- Fix issue: Warnings on php 8.
*Version 2.0.24 (21 February, 2022)
- Add wasabi region EU West 1 (London) , EU West 2 (Paris), AP Northeast 2 (Osaka)
*Version 2.0.23 (15 February, 2022)
- Update vendor
*Version (17 December, 2021)
- Fix issue: insert shortcode woocommerce/EDD download product
*Version 2.0.21 (14 December, 2021)
- Optimize for Google Pagespeed Insights.
*Version 2.0.20 (12 December, 2021)
- Fix issue: replace srcset url with cname.
*Version 2.0.19 (04 November, 2021)
- Fix issue: function wp_hash not exist
*Version 2.0.18 (05 October, 2021)
- Update connect DigitalOcean Spaces
*Version 2.0.17 (04 October, 2021)
- Generate autoload files
*Version 2.0.16 (15 September, 2021)
- Update vendor