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Download Free WordPress Logos Showcase v2.6 – Grid and Carousel
Download Free WordPress Logos Showcase WordPress Plugin v.2.6 – CodeCanyon | WordPress Logos Showcase v2.6 – Grid and Carousel contains 4 versions such as Carousel (Group), Grid, Carousel (one by one) and Perspective. The last 3 versions have 2 skins like black & white. It perfectly allows you to easily display your desire brands tags on your website such as sponsors, logos, clients, brands, partners, portfolio items… you name it.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design – available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- tooltip – available parameter to activate/deactivate the tooltip.
- border – you can set the border size and border color for active and inactive image.
- grayscale – available parameter to activate/deactivate the grayscale.
- external url link parameter for each image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- multiple parameters from where you can customize the plugin.
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page.
- detailed help documentation included.
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