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Ad Overlay Anything (v2.5) Free Download

Ad Overlay Anything v1.8 - videos, images or text

Download Free Ad Overlay Anything v2.5 – videos, images or text

Ad Overlay Anything – videos, images or text Free Download v2.5  – CodeCanyon | Ad Overlay Anything – videos, images or text or text frames Nulled v2.5  will view your ads on top of anything. Your ad visibility and revenue from the web by directly putting relevant ads over your most important content! (LATEST)

You can use Ad Overlay Anything as a plugin for WordPress or include it directly without WordPress on your own web pages.

The Ad Overlay Everything WordPress Plugin Nulled allows you to put advertising directly where your guests can look, enhancing your ad views and clicking through ratios. This can be YouTube videos, Flickr pictures, relevant text that your visitors are searching for… nothing!


Ad Overlay Anything Free Download (LATEST)

Changelog Ad Overlay Anything videos, images or text Nulled

= 1.9.3 Released February 1st, 2022 =

* Added option to Automatically overlay custom meta fields.
* PHP 8 support changes.
* WP 5.9 support changes.

= 1.9.2 Released October 22nd, 2021 =

* Added extra debug messages for auto overlay.

= 1.9.1 Released May 25th, 2021 =

* Plugin Update Checker updated to v4.11
* Sanitize all output elements.
* Unique prefixes.

= 1.9 Released March 17th, 2021 =

* Allow empty ads to display an empty overlay.
* Allow auto overlay to process additional shortcode.
* BugFix: mce ‘aoa’ button did not work properly using Classic Editor on latest WordPress.

= 1.8 Released November 1st, 2019 =

* Updated Plugin Update Checker to v4.6
* Ensure no extra whitespace in Auto Overlay field Ids.
* Added option to repeat ads showing every X seconds.
* Added fix for JS type variable being undefined.

= 1.7 Released November 5th, 2018 =

* Added option ‘Show Ads on Mobile’ for visitors on mobile devices.
* Added option ‘Show Ad after’ to show ads on content only after X seconds.
* Added option ‘Domain whitelist’ to not show ads if referering domain is on whitelist.
* Added ‘Ad Preview’ on edit page.

= 1.6.2 Released October 22nd, 2018 =

* Fix ‘aoa-click’ trigger and modified its cookie to 24 hours.

= 1.6.1 Released June 20th, 2018 =

* Changed AoA’s the_content filter to priority 99 so it occurs later in filter queue.

= 1.6 Released Oct 31st, 2017 =

* Added support for custom CSS class ‘aoa-click’ for non-embeds. When this type of ad is clicked, overlay will c
lose and cookie set to not show ads to this user for 12 hours.
* Bugfix: Check for cookie if using automatic overlays.
* Fixed typecase for wp_localize_script call.
* Fixed possible jQuery error in aoa-mce.js that adds button to WP visual editor.

= 1.5 Released April 10th, 2016 =

* Added filter ‘aoa_shortcode_atts’ for user to custom modify ad rules.
* Added shortcode ‘idcookie’. If COOKIE is set, this ad id shown instead.
* replaced curl with wp_remote_get.
* moved setcookie() to WP init action.

= 1.4.3 Released February 12th, 2016 =

* Added admin only option for live testing.

= 1.4.2 Released February 2nd, 2016 =

* Apply do_shortcode when AOA triggers negative match rules.

= 1.4.1 Released February 1st, 2016 =

* Allow cookie duration to be float, such as 0.5 = 30 minutes.

= 1.4 Released January 27th, 2016 =

* Added ability to call AOA from PHP scripts, without WordPress.
* Bugfix to edit Inactive ads.

= 1.3.1 Released December 24th, 2015 =

* Shows Ads: Verify checkboxes after Submit.
* Added option ‘Random Ads Status’ to disable random ads from displaying.
* Bugfix to recognize meta field ‘aoa_id’ to override shortcode or auto ads.

= 1.3 Released December 18th, 2015 =

* Added option to auto remove ads after delay.
* Added option to show 1 ad per user per X hours.
* Support post custom meta field ‘aoa_id’. If set to < 0, no auto ads will be shown. = 1.2.1 Released December 9th, 2015 = * Added media button to ad content editor. = 1.2 Released December 8th, 2015 = * CSS tweak when ad is bigger than the overlay. * Added option to delay display of Close Text and Close Button. * Added uninstall.php file = 1.1.1 Released December 4th, 2015 = * Bugfix for recognizing multiple IDs in shortcode. = 1.1 Released December 3rd, 2015 = * Tweak for calling AoA PHP function directly. * Envato API tweaks. = 1.0 Released November 30th, 2015 = * Initial Release

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