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Affiliate Management System PHP Platform (v10.0.0.5) Nulled

Ultimate Affiliate Management System - PHP Platform

Download Free Affiliate Management System PHP Platform v10.0.0.5 Nulled

Affiliate Management System PHP Platform Free Download v10.0.0.5 – CodeCanyon | Affiliate Management System PHP Platform Nulled v10.0.0.5 enables you to track purchases, clicks and so many activities that you need to track and share your commission with your affiliates on your website and shop. (LATEST)

This Affiliate Management System PHP Script Nulled can share your products and services and then a commission auto record in their affiliate wallet when they have an affiliate sales record. The same applies to programmed, leads, clicks, acts.

You can use the Affiliate-Pro SaaS script Nulled to make your affiliates your seller and integrate and share your own platform & store with system affiliates and increase sales on your own site. Admin can also earn a fee for each vendor operation from this option.

The system includes everything you require

  • SaaS – Vendor – Membership
  • Payouts – Store – Market Integrations Tool
  • Support External Sites/Stores Integrations
  • MLM – Deposit – Payment System – Recurring
  • and many more features that are included all of this at one price for life with no third-party plugins! Dont miss it!

The script comes with the complete E-Commerce where you can upload and exchange your products with affiliates by exchanging a sales commission and product clicks.

Many functions, such as PostBack, Language Manager, Currency Manager and more, are included in our advanced script.

The Affiliate Script Nulled is supplied with a membership module which allows the administrator to load his users using the system and so many other features that can be found here.

What is important to know is that we add so many new features monthly and free of charge so that all customers can use our script, and almost 100% of the company there will be for support and development!


Through the system’s integration technology, it is possible to in a position to integrate to any website operating on an active server and is able to access the website code as well as server-side. The most frequently used integrations that are compatible to our system are:

  • Pay Commission Per Clicks
  • Pay Commission Per Sales
  • Pay Commission Per Leads
  • Pay Commission Per Actions
  • Pay Commission Per Registrations
  • Pay Commission Per Membership Plans
  • Pay Commission Per MLM Upline Activity
  • Pay Commission Per Vendors Activity
  • and so many and more…

100% Integrations with the most popular framework/cms/stores:

  • WooCommerce Integration
  • OpenCart Integration
  • Shopify Integration
  • Magento Integration
  • Prestashop Integration
  • CodeIgniter Integration
  • Laravel Integration
  • CackPHP Integration
  • SYMFONY Integration
  • ZENCART Integration
  • YII Integration
  • LUMEN Integration
  • BIGCOMMERCE Integration
  • OSCOMMERCE Integration
  • XCART Integration
  • Custom PHP Site Integration
  • Custom JAVASCRIPT Site Integration
  • Custom ASP.NET Site Integration
  • Custom HTML Site Integration
  • and we’re making improvements features from versions to versions…

Old Version

Affiliate Management System PHP Script Nulled Changelog

 Updates Log – Version 10.0.02 – 05.10.2023

Admin Panel: Fixed missing status badges in the orders section.
User Panel: Added ‘No Data’ UI indicators.
All Panels: General performance and UX improvements.
CI 3 Core: Now compatible with PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2.
.htaccess: File updated; replace on-site.
Campaign Engine: Validation improved.

Updates Log – Version 10.0.01 – 28/29.09.2023

Admin Panel: Currency Converter Helper: Functionality and user interface have been enhanced.
Admin Panel: Currency Form: Form optimized for a better user experience.
Admin Panel: Paytm Image: Fixed the broken Paytm image in the store.

Updates Log – Version – 27.09.2023

General Changes:
Cookies Consent mechanism: Added to store front side, site front side. To cover some countries’ cookies policy.
Admin Panel:
Added an option to enable/disable vendor mlm module from admin SaaS setting.
MarketTools – Added a new validation to the target url of campaigns.
Tickets Module – Added a new option to filter by subject.
Store Vendor Review – Added an option to enable/disable the vendor store reviews module from the admin panel.
Google Ads – Added a new module to view ads on the user panel dashboard and left menu.
Export Structure/Reviews To XML: Improving export to XML according to php 8.
Export Structure/Products To XML: Vendor Store – Improving export to XML according to php 8.
Membership mlm commission to an unpaid membership order plan that was generated. Fixed!
Award + Membership modules – Not able to change user membership package that has an award level setting. Fixed!
Award module – Minor bug with the jump level action. Fixed!
Wallet – Improvements to displayed records, commissions, levels, and user types.
Store Forms – Improvements are done for the forms section with the mlm module.
MLM commission – Improving commission levels for the MarketTools and store.
Withdrawal Requests – Improvements for the user bank transfer/PayPal details that are sent to admin.
Store – Sales mode – The banner text “Explore Places in Suburb” and “Keep choose best” are now editable.
Mail Template – Improvements for the client registration emails.
Mail Template – Improvements for the phone number value.
User Panel:
A new modern design for the user panel that replaces the old design.
A new select option was added to the mail sender module [All users/All affiliates/All vendors]
Tickets Module – Added a new option to filter by subject.
Css bug with custom logo on the user side. Fixed!
The site logo is not displayed on the password reset page. Fixed!
Css improvements to the desktop version.
Css improvements to the mobile version.
The functionality of affiliate links slug create/edit/delete was improved.
Wallet – Improvements to displayed records, commissions, levels, and user types.
Vendor Panel:
Added mlm setting to the general vendor menu.
Added wallet setting and share sales setting to vendor MarketTools menu.
Auto-hide sales/cart product pages depending on the store mode setting.
MarketTools – Added a new validation to the target url of campaigns.
MLM commission – Improving commission levels for the MarketTools and store.
Wallet – Improvements to displayed records, commissions, levels, and user types.
Deposit notification improvements for MarketTools and store.
Mobile App:
Based Flutter – Version 1.0 – [Separate paid Item] – Coming Soon… INFO HERE

Updates Log – Version – 23.02.2023

Admin Panel: New Features: Themes: Re-edited and improved the themes page functionality.
Admin Panel: New Features: Withdrawal Payment Methods: Added switch button for fast enable/disable.
Admin Panel: Fixes: Market Campaigns: Downloading the campaign integration plugin is broken. Fixed!
Admin Panel: Fixes: Products/Campaigns Categories: The auto-search filter does not load categories. Fixed!
User Panel: Improvements: User Side: Left menu icons and modification of vendor/affiliate parts.
User Panel: Improvements: Multiple-Pages Theme: Mobile version improvements.
User Panel: Fixes: Deposit: A duplicate alert message is displayed after payment is completed. Fixed!
User Panel: Fixes: Multiple-Pages Theme: The top menu custom background color, on the mobile version, does not set. Fixed!

Updates Log – Version – 16.02.2023

General Changes: New Features: Mail Sender: Added filter to search by first name, last name, and Email.
General Changes: New Features: Useful Links: Added icons to the menu items.
General Changes: Fixes: Multiple-Theme: Fixed minor bugs with multi-language.
General Changes: Fixes: Multiple-Theme: Fixed CSS minor issue.
General Changes: Improvements: Languages: Improvements when adding a new language.

Update Logs
Updates Log – Version – 15.02.2023
Full Logs
<strong>GENERAL CHANGES:</strong>
 NEW - PHP Version: The System supported php version 8+
 NEW - Codeigniter 3: Improvemtns for the CI 3 core files/libraies
 NEW - WooCommerce integration plugin ver_2: Core code improved
 NEW - WooCommerce integration plugin ver_2: Support curl instead of file_get_content
 NEW - Multiple_Pages theme: Multiple languages support 100% of the theme 
 NEW - Multiple_Pages theme: Added an option to set static pages in the footer 
 NEW - Multiple_Pages theme: The footer logo was removed as it creates many design issues
 NEW - Sitemap XML: Sitemap added to the site front side in all themes, under base_url/sitemap.xml
 NEW - Sitemap XML: Sitemap added to the store-front side in all themes, under base_url/sitemap.xml

<strong>DESIGN CHANGES:</strong>
 NEW - Multiple pages theme: Adding background color setting to responsive menu
 NEW - Themes Footer: Added to all front-side themes
 NEW - Themes About popup: Added to all front-side themes footer
 NEW - Themes Policy popup: Added to all front-side themes footer
 NEW - New Theme: Added a new modern theme [index 11]

 NEW - Invitation link ID: Added an option to set if to display/not display the invitation links ID on the user panel
 NEW - Auto withdraws module: Auto collect In-Wallet transactions from the user side by minimum days setting
 NEW - Auto withdraws module: Auto collect maximum In-Wallet total transactions by cron job setting
 NEW - Auto withdraws module: Added an option to set the minimum/maximum withdrawal the amount
 NEW - Manual withdraws module: Added an option to set the minimum/maximum withdrawal the amount
 NEW - Manual Transaction: Added support in integers and decimal
 NEW - Troubleshoot module: Helps to troubleshoot general issues with server configuration
 NEW - Tutorials module: Admin can add custom categories and pages that displayed on the user panel
 NEW - Tutorials module: Added support for multi-language
 NEW - Multi-Language: Added multi-Language support to All front themes [index1 - index10]
 NEW - Multi-Language: Added multi-Language support to the Multiple-Pages Theme
 NEW - Welcome popup module: Added an option to display a welcome popup on the user panel [Title/Video/Content]
 NEW - Mail module: Added an option to enable/disable the mail function of the system
 NEW - Ratio - Marketing: Conversion ratio added to external Order campaign / Action campaign / Click campaign
 NEW - Countries/States: Added an option to edit and delete countries and states from the admin panel

 NEW - Shipping cost added to the admin balance
 NEW - Tax cost added to the admin balance
 NEW - Shipping & Tax added to the local store dashboard
 NEW - Cart image: Added an option to replace the cart image
 NEW - Import product: Admin can import cart products by an XML file and XML link
 NEW - Dummy reviews: Admin can add cart products Dummy reviews by an XML file and XML link
 NEW - Multi-Language: support added to store about/contact/policy pages
 NEW - Ratio - Store: Conversion ratio added to store cart products

 NEW - Import product: Vendor can import cart products by an XML file and XML link
 NEW - Products publishing 1: Vendor can select if to share/not share his products with all system users
 NEW - Products publishing 2: Vendor can select if to share/not share his products with his own affiliates
 NEW - Campaigns publishing 1: Vendor can select if to share/not share his products with all system users
 NEW - Campaigns publishing 2: Vendor can select if to share/not share his products with his own affiliates
 NEW - Orders page: Added an orders page for vendor products only
 NEW - Clients page: Added a clients page who ordered the vendors products
 NEW - Dummy reviews: Vendor can add cart products Dummy reviews by an XML file and XML link
 NEW - Vendor deposit: Minimum validation amount added to vendor deposit payment process
 NEW - Ratio - Marketing: Conversion ratio added to external Order campaign / Action campaign / Click campaign
 NEW - Ratio - Store: Conversion ratio added to store cart products
 NEW - Network Tree: Displaying all user levels even if it is less from admin levels settings

 NEW - Payment Info: Added a new payment details page to edit payment method details
 NEW - Primary payment: Added an option to choose the primary payment method from the available list
 NEW - Membership: If the membership plan is expired, the user will be able to log in and work with the wallet page
 NEW - Membership: If the membership plan is expired, the user will be able to log in and work with the withdrawal page
 NEW - Network: Phone number is added to the network referred users tree tab
 NEW - Tutorials page: The user can read all custom pages that are added from the admin side and set as published
 NEW - Multi-Language: Added multi-Language support to the Tutorials pages
 NEW - Welcome popup: Added a welcome popup after the user login to his panel + option to close/forever close
 NEW - Network Tree: Displaying all user levels even if it is less from admin levels settings

<strong>IMPROVE CHANGES:</strong>
 IMPROVE - Admin Panel: General improvements
 IMPROVE - Vendor Panel: General improvements
 IMPROVE - User Panel: General improvements
 IMPROVE - MLM module: General improvements
 IMPROVE - Membership module: General improvements
 IMPROVE - Local Store module: General improvements
 IMPROVE - Translation: General translation improvements
 IMPROVE - Unused files: Unused files will auto-remove from the system after updating to the new version
 IMPROVE - Admin Panel: Vendor campaign terms do not save

Updates Log – Version – 18.09.2022
 POSTBACK: Conversion API added to the marketing campaign section on the Admin/Vendor panel
 Local Store: LMS product type added to the vendor panel
 Local Store: Sales mode added to the vendor panel
 Local Store: Vendor store page added to sales mode
 Local Store: Adding new status "draft" for admin products
 Local Store: Order with a ZERO total can be generated without payment methods logic
 Local Store: Dynamic footer added to the Forms module
 Local Store: Custom size setting to store logo
 Local Store: Setting link option added to the cart mode bottom banners
 Local Store: Product owner added to the cart/sales mode
 Local Store: A product display page has been added to the store admin manager
 Local Store: A product display page has been added to the store vendor manager
 Registration: Email verification for a new user account added
 Theme colors: Added a new color setting for admin and user buttons
 Errors View: Added a nice page to display errors like general php errors
 Errors View: Added a nice page to display errors like database errors
 Errors View: Added a nice page to display errors like php version error
 User Panel: Added an option to send files from the contact us form
 Currency Manager: Added a new setting for replacing the comma symbol
 Currency Manager: Added a new setting for replacing the decimal comma symbol
 IMPROVE - System core improvements
 IMPROVE - User side API improvements
 IMPROVE - User side hide/show sections/pages logic
 IMPROVE - Admin menu improvements for responsive version
 FIXED - Ticket/Contact-us sometimes show a 404 page
 FIXED - CSS bug fixes on language manager
 FIXED - Missing cron job on the cron job page
 FIXED - Local Store: Decimal issue with variants
 FIXED - Ticket Module: missing translation on the admin side
 FIXED - Ticket Module: missing translation on the user side
 FIXED - To-Do List Module: missing translation on the admin side
 FIXED - Local Store Forms: missing translation of the login/register section
 FIXED - Admin panel: Menu items names do not open in the responsive version
 FIXED - Admin panel: Invitation links are not displayed on all screens
 Must run update version To Improve the performance

Updates Log – Version – 02.08.2022
- NEW - Multiple Pages Theme: Add a new color setting to the bottom banner before the footer
- NEW - Local Store: Downloadable icon added to downloadable product type
- IMPROVE - Local Store module improvements
- IMPROVE - Membership module improvements
- IMPROVE - System core improvements
- FIXED - QR code is not in the middle of the popup
- FIXED - Local Store: Categories count does not display all products
- FIXED - Local Store: front side tags section is displayed empty tags
- FIXED - Membership: Unlimited campaigns/products vendor plan setting
- FIXED - Multiple Pages Theme: when adding multiple sliders, the button link does not work
- Must run update version To Improve the performance

Updates Log – Version – 23.02.2022
- FIXED - Database connection issue with a few types of servers
- IMPROVE - App Config/Update/Installation parts improvements

Updates Log – Version – 22.07.2022
- NEW - Marketplace – Cart Mode: Virtual/Physical products + affiliate program built-in
- NEW - Marketplace – Cart Mode: LMS online course products + affiliate program built-in
- NEW - Marketplace – Sales Mode: Sales/Landing pages products + affiliate program built-in. [Similar to JVzoo platform]
- NEW - Marketplace – External mode: Affiliate program to any site/store
- NEW - Marketplace – All store modes support Guest Checkout
- NEW - To-Do List feature added to admin side, for managing his to-do-list tasks
- NEW - Tickets feature added to admin side and user side, for helpful support between the admin to users
- NEW - QR code feature added to campaigns page on User Side
- NEW - Local Store: RTL support added to the default theme
- NEW - Local Store: Responsive version added to the default theme
- NEW - Payment System: "Toyyibpay" payment method added to store/membership/deposit modules
- NEW - Local Store sales mode: Add unlimited sales products pages product
- NEW - Local Store sales mode: New Classified Theme added
- NEW - Local Store sales mode: Sales button integration with any site buy button attribute
- NEW - Local Store sales mode: 7 new buttons designed for sales mode integration
- NEW - Local Store sales mode: Downloadable product type added
- NEW - Local Store cart mode: LMS product type added [course video links / course Video uploaded file]
- NEW - Local Store cart mode: LMS product type course watching page added
- NEW - Local Store mode manager: Added new switch mode for Sales/Cart
- NEW - Local Store: Google recaptcha was added to the store contact page
- NEW - Local Store: Added a contact us form that clients can contact the vendor
- NEW - Local Store: Added an option that vendor can hide his first name and last name from his store page
- NEW - Admin Dashbaord: New dashboard design changes
- NEW - Currency module: New option to add custom currency from the currency manager
- NEW - Country&States: New option to add missing country&states from the admin side
- NEW - Registration: Duplicate phone validation added
- NEW - Campaigns: Custom cookies for admin and vendor campaigns added
- NEW - Users page: Approve/Decline bulk users selecting
- NEW - Deposit: Minimum deposit auto-displayed on the user side and auto-calculated
- NEW - Security: Admin can edit the admin login url with a custom slug
- NEW - Notifications: Added new mp4 sound players
- NEW - Campaign Terms: Vendors can add terms policy to campaigns
- NEW - SaaS Module setting: Vendor mode - once enabled, the vendor will not see all related to affiliate
- NEW - SaaS Module setting: Vendor mode - once enabled, the vendor will not get a commission for admin campaigns/products
- NEW - Payment module: Added new option to set "enable proof status" on bank-transfer method, as required or not
- NEW - Multiple Pages Theme: Auto-runner added to the top slider images section on the home page
- NEW - Multiple Pages Theme: Auto-runner added to the top news runner section on the home page
- NEW - Multiple Pages Theme: Auto-runner added to the content slider section on the home page

- IMPROVE - Local store default theme design
- IMPROVE - Local store responsive version
- IMPROVE - Multiple pages theme setting save data
- IMPROVE - Vendor membership products/campaign limitation
- IMPROVE - Duplicate product/campaign button
- IMPROVE - Memberhsip minor improvements
- IMPROVE - System Minor bugs improvements
- IMPROVE - DataBase port connection
- IMPROVE - SMTP authentication setup
- IMPROVE - Membership module: Vendor campaign & products limitation
- IMPROVE - Admin balance now includes membership and deposit income

- FIXED - Campaign Image is not shared on Facebook
- FIXED - Paystack Payment method: Updated supported currencies to GHS, ZAR, USD, NGN
- FIXED - language Default setting on admin and user side
- FIXED - Setting: logo setting in admin side
- FIXED - Local Store: load more products by category
- FIXED - Local Store: delete all products and return an SQL bug
- FIXED - Multiple Pages theme: Meta tags content is not displayed
- FIXED - Membership: 404-page display when registering Free Package
- FIXED - Membership: Bank transfer payment method does not display the bank transfer selector on the user side
- FIXED - Local Store: Any coupon created by any vendor is being applied to all products in the store
- FIXED - MLM: User tree not displayed children view
- FIXED - MLM: User tree list not displayed children view
- FIXED - MLM: Show admin as a sponsor when the sponsor is admin
- FIXED - Currency: hidden currency function was displayed unlimited decimal
- FIXED - When disabling the membership module, approve/decline options on the user's table are not displayed
- FIXED - Meta tags content is not displayed in the "Multiple Pages" theme

Updates Log – Version 6 – 02.02.2022
- NEW - Modern design 2022 to admin panel
- NEW - Modern design 2022 to user panel
- NEW - Modern design 2022 to the vendor section
- NEW - Award Level Module to create commissions levels & bonus levels for your users
- NEW - Award Level Module support membership plans
- NEW - Membership: new option to set a plan to affiliate user
- NEW - Membership: new option to set a plan to vendor user
- NEW - Membership: new option to limit add products to vendors
- NEW - Membership: new option to limit add campaigns to vendors
- NEW - SaaS: Vendor permission to Vendor add a new program
- NEW - SaaS: Vendor permission to Vendor add a new campaign
- NEW - SaaS: Vendor permission to Vendor add a new store product
- NEW - SaaS: Vendor permission to Vendor auto-order campaign approval
- NEW - SaaS: Vendor permission to Vendor auto-order Actions campaign
- NEW - SaaS: Vendor permission to Vendor auto-order Click campaign
- NEW - MLM: Added full mlm module to vendor local store
- NEW - MLM: Added full mlm module to vendor campaigns
- NEW - Added new option to disable deposit module on add ons page
- NEW - PAYMENTS: Marge membership/store/deposit modules payment methods to one payment system
- NEW - PAYMENTS: Added new transactions page to display all system payments
- NEW - PAYMENTS: Created a new API to add new payments methods
- IMPROVE - Admin panel: Improvements & Bugs Fixes
- IMPROVE - Affiliate panel: Improvements & Bugs Fixes
- IMPROVE - Vendor Section: Improvements & Bugs Fixes
- IMPROVE - Store module client panel: Improvements & Bugs Fixes
Updates Log – Version – 23.11.2021
- FIXED - Logo position on the user side
- FIXED - Save issue on multiple_pages theme
- FIXED - MLM percentage setting issue with local store integration orders
- FIXED - MLM percentage setting issue with external integration orders
- FIXED - Replacing currency on store module view side not working
- FIXED - External campaigns URLs not working with a few languages
- FIXED - External campaigns URLs not saved with a few languages
- IMPROVE - Security campaign Validation Improvements for HTTPS Protocole
- Must run update version To Improve the performance
Updates Log – Version – 28.10.2021
- FIXED - Google recaptcha validation error - google change structure
- FIXED - Shopify Integration Instructions for: Shopify old version & version 2.0
- IMPROVE - Security Campaign Checker Improvements
- IMPROVE - Security campaign Shopify Validation Improvements
- Must run update version To Improve the performance

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