Download Free Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.0.4 – Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled
Asset CleanUp Pro – Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled Free Download – Gabelivan | Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.0.4 – Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled reduces and combines CSS and JavaScript files, resulting in massive, bloated and slow-loading pages. It is best used when combined with a cache plugin , such as WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache or W3 Total Cache.
Table Of Content
- Download Free Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.0.4 – Performance WordPress Plugin Nulled
- What exactly is an Asset CleanUp Pro?
- Premium Features
- Does Asset CleanUp Pro load any assets onto the front-end?
- What are the types of objects this plugin is dealing with?
- What are the conditions to use this plugin for improving page speed?
- Test Mode Functionality
- Changelog Asset CleanUp Pro – Performance WordPress Plugin
What exactly is an Asset CleanUp Pro?
Web assets refer to elements like CSS, JavaScript, Fonts and image files. They create the front-end, which is the appearance and function of your site that can be handled by the web browser you’re using (e.g. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.).
Premium Features:
- Taxonomy pages like default WordPress categories, tags, and customized ones like categories for products from WooCommerce.
- Page of author (e.g. the page that lists the posts written by a particular author discovered by the the is_author() function)
- The default WordPress Search Page
- WooCommmerce search Page (which is the same configurations as the shop page that is detected by the the shop is_is_shop() function)
- Page 404 (Not Found) The page must been designed to be as light as it can and is less likely to be all are the CSS or JavaScript files are required in this case (detected by the the is_404() function)
- Date Archive Pages: this refers to any site that processes content filtered by date, and is identified by the it_date() function
Does Asset CleanUp Pro load any assets onto the front-end?
It does not load any extra content in the front-end to slow down the site.
The only components loaded (only for administrators who are logged in) are CSS and an JavaScript file that is required to style and function for Asset CleanUp Pro’s web pages.
What are the types of objects this plugin is dealing with?
The Asset CleanUp Pro WP Plugin deals with CSS and JavaScript assets that are loaded within WordPress by the theme and plugins. It also cleans HTML codes from the HEAD part of the site that isn’t needed.
What are the conditions to use this plugin for improving page speed?
In order to utilize Asset CleanUp Pro, you must have these:
- WordPress website is installed and running (not from You must be running the free software in your hosting account The script is from
- PHP 5.4+ (I strongly recommend PHP 7+ since it’s more efficient and will increase your website’s speed substantially)
This plugin was tested and is compatible with the most recent PHP version: 7.3.
Test Mode Functionality
This lets you improve your website (unload unneeded files and set async. Also, you can accept loaded JavaScript files, and clean the HTML text) without having to apply the modifications “live” (to visitors who have been logged in as the normal visitors) in the event that you doubt that the change you make could affect the website’s functionality.
The changes you make will only be made available only to you (the administrator who’s logged in). If you’re pleased with the way the page appears and functions you can turn off “Test Mode” to make the changes to everyone else so that everyone else will benefit from the speedier page load time.
Asset CleanUp Pro Nulled WordPress Plugin
Changelog Asset CleanUp Pro – Performance WordPress Plugin - 11 January 2022 * Improvement: Load jQuery UI files locally, thus removing any unnecessary dependency on another site (e.g. not from "") * Improvement: Escape as late as possible all variables when echoed * Improvement: Replaced json_encode() with wp_json_encode() for better security * Fix: When a word containing "calc" (e.g. calculation) was included in CSS comments, sometimes, the code following the comment was stripped - 30 November 2021 * PHP 8 Fix: 'PHP Warning: Undefined array key "critical_css_disabled"' in /templates/admin-page-overview.php * Fix: 'Error: The security check has failed.0' when loading the CSS/JS list via the 'Direct' method within the Dashboard - 23 November 2021 * Added the "wpacu_settings" filter - add_filter() - so the plugin's "Settings" can be altered via code (e.g. adding if clauses programmatically to alter the value of a certain textarea or have an option disabled on specific pages) when necessary * Prevent the following option from being accidentally disabled: 'Ignore dependency rule and keep the "children" loaded' (e.g. in rare cases, some CSS/JS have dependencies on certain pages only) * Fix: Added nonce checks for every WordPress AJAX call to improve security - 14 September 2021 * Automatically preload any combined JS files within the BODY tag (that do not have any "defer" or "async" attribute) to improve the Google PageSpeed Insights score for the following: "Preload key requests" * Reorganised the layout for "Manage in the Dashboard" from "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" * Fix: When minifying CSS content, do not strip the extra calc() when something like the following is used: "calc( 50% - 22px ) calc( 50% - 22px )" * Fix: When Gutenberg editor is used and the post is updated, sometimes the CSS/JS manager is reloaded BEFORE the changes are saved showing the same state as it used to be confusing the admin that the changes weren't applied - 29 August 2021 * If the security nonce is expired or not sent when certain forms are submitted, show an error message about the potential problems and how to fix them without showing the standard "Link has expired" error * Added the plugin version under the "Pro" text next to the logo * WPML Fix: Load the combined CSS/JS files from the right domain to avoid any CORS policy issues (in case there are multiple domains for each language) * Fix: The CSS/JS manager form wasn't submitting when "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)" was enabled * Fix: Make sure the loading exception rule if the user is logged-in is saving correctly * Fix: Do not show the "loading based on screen size" area if there is no SRC attached to the handle (e.g. "woocommerce-inline" handle) * Fix: Do not print anything whenever a cron job is triggered (this is only for debugging) * Fix: Assets' position was not shown correctly within the Dashboard (HEAD instead of BODY) * Fix: Do not trigger any cache clearing and page preloading if the post status is "draft" (after the post is saved) * Fix: Avoid changing the update plugin link as "Plugin failed" should not be a problem anymore - 31 July 2021 * Compatibility with FlyWheel hosting accounts (and other hosting accounts using the same pattern): The WordPress root directory is different than the ABSPATH one in relation to the "wp-content" directory where all or most of the CSS/JS files are located (e.g. the file size wasn't calculated for the static files before this change, which is needed for certain plugin functionality such as calculating small files for inlining) * Compatibility fix: Whenever the 'active_plugins' option is updated incorrectly by another plugin, it might contain the filtered list done via "option_active_plugins" and not the original list; Put back the missing plugins to avoid ending up with site-wide deactivated plugins (the ones with unloading rules in "Plugins Manager") * Avoid the same database query to be called more than once within the assetCleanUpHasNoLoadMatches() function * Limit the number of fields that are submitted whenever CSS/JS manager is used by re-organizing the fields' structure; Disable certain inputs that are at the time irrelevant for submitting (it helps if max_input_vars from php.ini is set to the default 1000 which is a low number for large forms) * "Overview" page change: Highlight posts that are not "publish" or "private" within the "Page Options" area * Do not add any CSS/JS manager link to the post's actions if the post is not "publish" or "private" (within "All Posts" page - /wp-admin/edit.php) * Order in alphabetical order the unloaded plugins from the top admin bar "Asset CleanUp Pro" menu - 25 July 2021 * Cached the plugin filtering (in case there are plugin unload rules) to decrease the total page loading time whenever a non-cached page is visited * Limit the number of fields that are submitted whenever CSS/JS manager is used (it helps if max_input_vars from php.ini is set to the default 1000 which is a low number for large forms): Whenever "+" or "-" is used to change the state of the asset row, the change is done asynchronously via an AJAX call * Avoid any errors related to parse_str() (e.g. when the string is too long) * Whenever plugin filtering from the Dashboard is used ("Plugin Manager" -> "IN THE DASHBOARD /wp-admin/"), do not trigger any plugin unload rules in Asset CleanUp's pages (e.g. to avoid showing incomplete custom post types) and in the following admin pages: /plugins.php, /plugin-install.php, /plugin-editor.php, /update-core.php - 15 July 2021 * "Plugins Manager" Multisite compatibility: Make sure network-activated plugins are fully manageable (e.g. only plugins activated per site were showing) * If "Contract All Groups" & "Expand All Groups" buttons are used, make sure the state (contracted or expanded) whenever the admin manages the assets again (the following option is updated in the background: "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "On Assets List Layout Load, keep the groups:") * Fix: "Uncaught ReferenceError: wpacuLoadCSS is not defined" was sometimes showing. It's been fixed by updating the fallback script needed for CSS async preloading (e.g. for browsers that do not support it by default) * Fix: "Warning: Constant WPACU_PREVENT_ANY_FRONTEND_OPTIMIZATION already defined" - 3 July 2021 * The meta box "Asset CleanUp Pro: Page Options" has had its contents moved to the "Page Options" area from the CSS/JS manager in any location the assets are managed * Added "Page Options" for the homepage as well (e.g. latest posts) besides posts, pages, and any public custom post types (e.g. WooCommerce product pages) * Prevent the plugin from triggering when WooCommerce API calls are made * Make no PHP errors are logged due to $allEnabledLocations not being initially declared as an empty array * When checking if critical CSS is enabled for any custom taxonomy/post type, make sure to ignore the inactive ones (e.g. a taxonomy that is not used anymore) * Make sure the following option works well when non-Latin characters are in the URI: "Do not load the plugin on certain page" * Fix: When hovering over the post's title in the Dashboard's posts list (either post, page, or custom post type), make sure "Manage CSS & JS" is only shown to the right admins to avoid any confusion * Fix: When assets' list is fetched, WP Rocket was disabled which made some plugins/themes that are directly calling WP Rocket functions to generate fatal errors * Fix: Make sure the handles with the following option always get unloaded: 'Ignore dependency rule and keep the "children" loaded' * Fix: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare assetCleanUpClearAutoptimizeCache() - if both plugins (Lite & Pro) are activated - 26 May 2021 * Make sure the plugin can be updated via WP CLI (so far, the update was visible within the Dashboard in /wp-admin/) * Option to skip Autoptimize cache clearing via using the "WPACU_DO_NOT_ALSO_CLEAR_AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE" constant (e.g. set to 'true' in wp-config.php) * Fix: Make sure that applying to unload on all pages of a certain post type works from "CSS & JS MANAGER" (which is the new place for managing CSS/JS files within the Dashboard, outside the edit post/page area) * Fix: Manage assets didn't work on "CSS & JS MANAGER" -> "Homepage" tab if the actual page was a static one set in "Settings" -> "Reading" - 16 May 2021 * New Option: Manage assets loading for posts, pages, and custom post types within "CSS & JS MANAGER" -> "MANAGE CSS/JS" without the need to go to edit post/page area which is often bulky and could have too many fields from the theme & other plugins leading to a higher number than the one set in php.ini for "max_input_vars" * Higher accuracy in preventing the plugin from triggering when there are REST requests * Fix: Make sure RegEx rules for unloading plugins/assets are working well when non-latin characters are in the URI * Fix: Make sure the plugin works well (e.g. without any PHP errors) if the plugins' directory is changed (e.g. from "plugins" to "plugins-custom-name") * Fix: Critical CSS was not showing in the front-end view for all page type * Debugging purposes: Prevent CSS/JS from loading based on the media query via /?wpacu_no_media_query_load_for_css & /?wpacu_no_media_query_load_for_js - 25 April 2021 * Option to manage critical CSS (in "CSS & JS Manager" » "Manage Critical CSS") from the Dashboard (add/update/delete), while keeping the option to use the "wpacu_critical_css" hook for custom/singular pages * Improvement: Make sure "&display=" is added (if enabled) to Google Fonts links if their URL is changed to fit in JSON formats or JavaScript variables * Fix: Make sure managing CSS/JS for taxonomies from the Dashboard (e.g. when editing a category) works 100% * Fix: Clearing load exceptions from "Overview" didn't work for all pages of a certain post type - 16 April 2021 * Divi builder edit mode: Allow Asset CleanUp Pro to trigger plugin & CSS/JS unload rules when the page editor is on to make the editor load faster via define('WPACU_LOAD_ON_DIVI_BUILDER_EDIT', true); that can be set in wp-config.php / read more: * Cache Enabler (compatibility with older versions): Make sure the deprecated "cache_enabler_before_store" hook is in use * Unload "photoswipe" fix: If WooCommerce's PhotoSwipe was unloaded, empty dots were printed at the bottom of the page from unused/unneeded HTML (hide it by marking the DIV with the "pswp" class as hidden) * Improvement: Only use 'type="text/css"' when it's needed (e.g. an older theme is used that doesn't support HTML5) * Improvement: Make SweetAlert2 independent (styling, functionality) from other SweetAlert scripts that might be loaded from other plugins/themes (e.g. "WooCommerce Quickbooks Connector" export in an edit product page was not working) * Fix: Better detection for the homepage (e.g. the latest posts page was mistaken with the homepage in the front-end view of the CSS/JS manager) * Fix: Better detection for the singular page; Make sure the latest posts page such as the "Blog" one is also checked) * Fix: Make sure the license deactivation works even if the license is not valid so that it could be replaced with a valid one (e.g. a null version was initially used) - 1 April 2021 * Minify CSS/JS improvement: From now on, the minification can be either applied to files, inline JS code, or both (before, the files minification had to be enabled to files first and then to inline JS code; sometimes, users just wanted to minify inline code and leave the files untouched) * Fix: On some WordPress installations, the plugin's menu icon from the Dashboard's sidebar was not showing properly (the height was too large) * Fix: If there are too many assets/plugins unloaded, when showing up in the top admin bar menu, the list was not scrollable (e.g. only 20 out of 40 assets were shown because the height of the browser's window wasn't large enough which can not be expanded on smaller devices) * Fix: If the current theme supports HTML5, the 'type="text/javascript"' attribute is not added any more to altered SCRIPT tags by Asset CleanUp, thus avoiding any errors from W3C validators * Fix: When "Move All SCRIPT tags From HEAD to BODY" was enabled, all SCRIPT tags got moved including those with the "type" attribute having values such as "application/ld+json" (these ones should stay within the HEAD tag) - 16 March 2021 * The layout of a CSS/JS area is changed on the make exception area & a new option was added to make an exception from any unload rule on pages belonging to a specific post type (e.g. unload site-wide, but keep the asset loaded on all WooCommerce 'product' pages) * Oxygen plugin edit mode: Allow Asset CleanUp Pro to trigger plugin & CSS/JS unload rules when the page editor is on to make the editor load faster via define('WPACU_LOAD_ON_OXYGEN_BUILDER_EDIT', true); that can be set in wp-config.php (read more: * In specific DIVI powered websites, the "PageSpeed" parameter is appended to the URL from the client-side, thus make sure to only check for "et_fb" when detecting if the DIVI builder is on to avoid loading Asset CleanUp Pro there * Fix: Make sure that for languages such as Arabic where the Dashboard's menu is shown on the right side, the plugin's icon is not misaligned - 6 March 2021 * Fix: Make sure WP Rocket is fully triggered when the assets are fetched via Asset CleanUp, as the "Uncode" theme is calling get_rocket_option() without checking if the function exists * Fix: Added nonce checks to AJAX calls made by Asset CleanUp for extra security - 4 February 2021 * Improved the caching mechanism: The most recently created files are never deleted in case HTML pages that weren't cleared for weeks or more would still load them successfully; Once "ver" is updated, then the now old file will be cleared in a couple of days (e.g. at least one day + the number of days set in "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "Clear previously cached CSS/JS files older than (x) days") * Set a higher priority of the order in which the plugin's menu shows up in the top admin bar to make room for the notice related to the unloaded assets; Changed the notification icon from the menu (from exclamation to filter sign) * Make sure the textarea for RegEx rules within CSS/JS Manager is adaptive based on its content (for easier reading of all the rules) * Cleanup the value (strip any empty extra lines) from the RegEx textarea when it's updated for any unload/load exception rule to avoid invalid RegEx rules & make sure the delimiters are automatically added to the rules in case they were missed * CSS Minifier Update: Better detection and minification for CSS related to math functions such as min(), max(), calc() and clamp(); Fix broken CSS (rare situations) that uses nested calc() * Combine JS Update: Make sure the inline "translations" associated with a JS file is appended to the combined JS files, as this would also avoid possible errors such as "Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined" * Make sure preg_qoute() is used in CleanUp.php when clearing LINK/SCRIPT tags to avoid any errors such as unknown modifier * Make sure jQuery Chosen is not beautifying the SELECT drop-down if "Input Fields Style" is set to "Standard" in the plugin's settings, so that anyone using a screen reader software (e.g. people with disabilities) will not have any problems using the drop-down * Fallback: Added Internet Explorer compatibility (11 and below) for the deferred CSS that is loaded from the BODY * Improved the way the file paths from "Inline CSS" and "Inline JS" areas are matched to make sure regular expressions can also be used for a match, not just the relative path to the file * The super admin will always be able to access the plugin's settings for security reasons * Fix: Make sure the unloading feature works for the WooCommerce Shop Page and it's not taken as a product archive page since it's connected to a page ID * Fix: PHP Warning - array_merge() - Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given - within the method alterWpStylesScriptsObj() * Fix: Sometimes, due to the fact there were no line breaks on specific code shown in the hardcoded list, the left-side meta box had its width increased so much that it was hiding or partially showing the right-side meta boxes area that was only visible by using "View" -> "Zoom Out" in Google Chrome * Fix: Hide the following area from the edit taxonomy page if the user is not an admin to avoid any confusion: "Asset CleanUp Pro: CSS & JavaScript Manager"
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