Axel (v1.1.5) Single Property Real Estate Theme Free Download
Download Free Axel v1.1.5 Single Property Real Estate Theme
Axel Single Property Real Estate Theme Free Download v.1.1.5 – ThemeForest | Axel v1.1.5 Single Property Real Estate Theme Nulled is devoted to single property. This is a excellent instrument for promoting a property unit featured and showcasing all the advantages of obtaining this property.
We have expanded original WordPress admin to provide you with more functionality that involves a broad range of alternatives and configurations and offers maximum flexibility in customization to assist you develop a single real estate website for a real estate or real estate agency. Axel WordPress Theme Nulled is given with thorough descriptions of how-to as well as all our other goods. We also care to always get professional assistance from our clients using our products.
Axel Single Property Real Estate Theme Nulled Changelog
Version 1.1.2: 1. Updated plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.1: 1. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 2. Fixed apply custom fonts in gutenberg editor. 3. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 4. Updated plugins 5. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.0: 1. Fixed pingbacks & trackbacks 2. Fixed twitter connection 3. Updated plugins 4. Updated translates 5. Fixed hover slider script 6. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.9: 1. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.8: 1. Fixed MailPoet notice 2. Update Plugins 3. Updated translates 4. Fixed demo content -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.7: 1. Added function wp_body_open() 2. Fixed jQuery Migrate notices 3. Fixed Load More 4. Layer and Rev sliders scripts in Gutenberg editor 5. Fixed archive title for WP 5.5 6. Fixed breadcrumbs 7. Fix for short syntax in js <div /> 8. Fix iLightbox 9. Add example for MPTT demo content in theme 10. Fix register settings 11. Fix for theme style compatibility 12. Fix for TGMPA 13. Fix for Changing Post-Format on Gutenberg Editor 14. Logo 2x(retina) must has width as 1x (no retina) 15. New version jquery.isotope.min.js 16. Fixed "Columns Custom Height Behavior" 17. Added deprecated function for Flickr widget 18. Update isotope js 19. Update Plugins 20. Update Translate -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.6: 1. WP 5.5 Color Picker fix 2. Removed Form Builder plugin 3. LayerSlider 6.11.2 -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.5: 1. Updated Content Composer (Gutenberg) 2. Added Guttenberg Support. 3. Removed library that are already pre-packaged with WordPress. Included library imagesloaded instead. 4. Removed envato market plugin zip archive from theme (added external link to github repository). 5. Added One Click Demo Import plugin Support. 6. Added CMSMasters Custom Fonts plugin. 7. Changed cookie notice plugin. 8. Updated revslider -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.4: 1. Update for Gutenberg -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.3: 1. Fix menu dropdown 2. Update plugins 3. Update WP 4.9.6 - Privacy Policy 4. Languages updates -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.2: 1. Fix menu dropdown -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.1: 1. Fix menu 2. Fix require fields form -------------------------------------- Version 1.0: Release!
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