Basata (v1.3.3) Retina Responsive WordPress Blog Theme Nulled
Free Download Basata WordPress Theme v1.3.3 – ThemeForest | Basata – Retina Responsive WordPress Blog Theme is a latest Blog and Magazine Style Premium WP Template having great looking layout design that is fully user friendly and easy to use by every kind of user including newbies. It has most powerful features and unlimited number of professional options such as Fully Responsive Design having Retina Ready Options, Slide Out Sidebar, Multiple Post Formats, Support Embeddable Media, Customize Your Posts, Off-Canvas Mobile Navigation, RTL Languages Support, More than 15 Useful Widgets, Advanced Typography and Much More other great stunning features are available in the template.
basata-retina-responsive-wordpress-blog-theme-nulled (LATEST)
Features List
- Fully Responsive ( with Option to Disable it ) .
- Retina Ready .
- RTL Support .
- Unbranded Powerful Administration Panel .
- Post Formats .
- 600+ Google Web Fonts
- WordPress 3.0 Multi level drop-down menu .
- Localization Support (Easy to translate) .
- Social media users profiles Support .
- Built-in Related Posts Module
- Pagination Integrated .
- Easily adding Google analytics .
- Unlimited colors .
- 16 Custom Widgets
- Twitter Feed Widget
- Flickr Feed Widget
- Facebook like box
- Google + follow box
- FeedBurner email newsletter widget
- Featured Video Widget
- Recent Comments with avatar
- posts list with thumbnail option
- Category Posts Widget
- Custom Text/HTML
- Social Icons Widget
- Search Widget
- Social Counter
- Login Widget
- Subscribe to youtube Widget
- SoundCloud Widget
- 30+ Shortcodes
- Buttons
- Boxes
- Flickr
- Feed shortcode
- Google maps
- Highlight text
- Checklist
- starlist
- facebook like button
- Tweet button
- Digg button
- stumble button
- pinterest Button
- G+ Button
- twitter follow button
- feedburner counter
- Youtube / viemo Video
- Audio Player
- Toggled Content
- Author Bio
- Columns
- Tabs
- Dropcap
- Tooltip
- Divider
- ADS Shortcodes
- Lightbox Shortcode
- Shortcodes for logged in users and guests
basata-retina-responsive-wordpress-blog-theme-nulled (LATEST)
One Comment
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Please update basata wordpress theme to the latest version (1.3)