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Bellows Pro v1.4 – WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu (Seven Spark) Nulled

Bellows Pro - WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu (Seven Spark)

Download Free Bellows Pro – WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu v1.4

Bellows Pro – WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu (Seven Spark) Free Download v1.4 – WPAccordionMenu | Bellows Pro – WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu Nulled v1.4 is a svelte, robust, and intelligent accordion menu plugin for WordPress. (LATEST)

Built on the WordPress Menu System

Bellows Nulled is written using the WordPress Menu System, so you can manage your menus via the Appearance > Menus interface, and use all the standard WordPress menu features.

Individual Menu Item Customizations

Change the colors, font size, and padding of individual items within the menu for complete styling control. (Not applicable for auto-populated menus)

Too much content to show at once?

Bellows Nulled includes “Show More” functionality, so you can cut off your submenu item list at a point of your choosing, allowing your users to expand more content at their leisure.

Display your hierarchical content in style

  • Easily drop into your layout via widget, shortcode, or PHP snippet
  • Allow your customers to quickly drill down directly to the content they need
  • Build menus in the WordPress Menus screen, or auto-generate based on post or taxonomy hierarchies
  • Highly flexible and customizable
  • Add icons, images, widgets, custom content, and more

Advanced Content

Add advanced content to individual menu items within your menu:

  • Widgets – create widget areas within the menu to add your widgets
  • Icons from Font Awesome
  • Custom content – add any text, HTML, or shortcode to the menu via custom content
  • Images – upload a custom image, or inherit the post’s featured image


  • Generate your menus automatically based on taxonomy or post hierarchies
  • Ability to inherit hierarchy based on the current page or taxonomy allows you to create one menu that will dynamically change contents based on the current page.
  • Works with custom post types and taxonomies
Sales Page

Bellows Pro WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu Free Download Link (LATEST)

Old Version

Nulled Bellows Pro – WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu 1.2.1

Changelog Bellows Pro WP Accordion Menu from the makers of UberMenu Nulled

Requirement Update: Minimum PHP version to 7.4 (current support through 8.1)
Feature: [Pro] New Order By option for Autopopulated Terms Menu: Meta Term Order (supports WooCommerce custom Product Category ordering)
Enhancement: Current submenus expanded by default rather than animating open on page load
Fix: Walker start_el arguments default type to stdClass instead of array
Fix: [Pro] Duplicate Autopopulation corner case
Fix: Undefined variable corner case
Fix: Resolve undefined $default variable notice in Customizer
Feature: [Pro] Menu Section functionality (display just a section of a menu, based on a root, which can be dynamically determined)
Feature: Add aria-label to submenu toggle buttons
Feature: Add filters for submenu toggle icons and content
Fix: Radio toggle alignment in Customizer settings
Fix: Checkbox settings in Customizer
Fix: [Pro] Responsive & Mobile tab contents not displaying in pro
Fix: [Pro] Pass \'counts\' attribute to bellows_terms shortcode
Fix: Properly echo toggle when menu is also echoed rather than returned
Feature: Current Associated Term Highlighting (highlight as current terms in the menu associated with the current page)
Feature: Collapse on mobile option (toggle to reveal mobile menu)
Feature: Tree mode (toggles on left edge, aligned to text), including Tree skin
Feature: Vertical and Horizontal padding settings for top level and submenu items
Feature: Configurable Submenu Indent setting
Feature: Configurable Submenu Slide Speed setting
Feature: Include Parent setting for Autopopulated Posts menus
Feature: Exclude Posts option for Autopopulated Posts menus
Feature: Exclude Terms option for Autopopulated Terms menus
Feature: Current item priority functionality - determine which item should be opened if multiple items are current.
Enhancement: Improve keyboard accessibility
Enhancement: Styling support for when using SVG replacement icons
Enhancement: Configurable admin capability constant
Enhancement: RTL improvements
Update: jQuery 3 compatibility (replace deprecated functions)
Update: PHP 7.4 compatibility
Fix: Make term population work with arbitrary roots when using child_of
Fix: Walker UberMenu check to pull ID properly
Feature: Added bellows_auto_terms_query_args filter
Feature: Added bellows_auto_posts_query_args filter
Feature: Added bellows_auto_post_title filter
Feature: Added bellows_auto_term_title filter
Enhancement: Improved RTL support
Fix: Active state added to items with no submenus when default submenu state set to open
Feature: Added Force Override Filters setting to combat themes and plugins that try to filter menu output
Feature: Added Depth/Level limit setting for Terms Autopopulator
Feature: Added option to set submenu default state to open or closed globally
Feature: Added option to set submenu default state to open or closed on individual menu items
Enhancement: Added bellows_menu_item_data filter
Enhancement: If skin is disabled, and submenu dividers enabled, force the divider border
Enhancement: Added bellows_link_attributes filter
Exposed open and close submenu functions to external API
Force parent submenus of current item open even if missing current classes
Submenu item padding Customizer setting
Submenu font size Customizer setting
When link is disabled, it will act as a toggle for submenu
Add current menu item classes properly to terms in automatic terms taxonomy items
Initial Release

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