Beyond Multisite v.1.15.3 – Utilities for WordPress Network Admins Free Download
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- Does it allow Multi-Networks (Networks comprised of Multisite Networks)?
- Q Is the plugin able to generate any cookies?
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- Beyond Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Network Admins Nulled Changelog
Download Free Beyond Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Network Admins v1.15.3
Beyond Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Network Admins Free Download 1.15.3 – | Beyond Multisite v1.15.3 – Utilities for WordPress Network Admins Nulled helps WordPress multisite administrators manage their networks better and protect their networks.
beyond-multisite-utilities-for-wordpress-network-admins-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Network disabling plugins
- Disabled plugins are not visible to administrators of sites on the screen for plugins (so they can’t be activated or deactivated)
- Site enable plugins to allow plugin activation/deactivation for only some sites
Bulk activation/deactivation of plugins
- Target any or all of certain websites with ID
Bulk delete comments
- Target every site or certain websites using ID
- Sites that have at the very least X comments
- Remove comments in accordance with the status of the user, age or that contain URLs
Bulk remove revisions
- Target any or all of a few websites with ID
- Make sure to leave recent changes
Bulk delete sites
- Target old or empty websites
- Targeting by attribute or the site ID
- Permanent or soft deletion
- Delete now or plan an upcoming deletion
- Inform site administrators of an upcoming deletion and let the cancellation
- Choose maximum email notification sending speed
Bulk delete leftover database tables
- They are part of websites that are permanently deleted
Users can be deleted in bulk without having any role on the site
- Completely duplicate a website, except the main site.
- The internal links have been updated to reflect the new website URL
- A full debug log is produced
Replaces newly created websites with copies of the template site
- Options to copy and not copy: users, site title, admin email of the site
- Internal links are also updated and logs are created as in normal site copying
- The Super Administrator selects the template website from the available options (not users) It can’t be the main site
Manage signups that are not activated
- Sign up for a new account.
- Remind the activation email
- Delete signup
- Search using usernames or email
View user’s last IP address as well as country.
- Fast links IP blacklist websites with information
- Find users who have identical IP addresses as your selected user.
Users are banned and their IP addresses
- The ban prohibits the ability to sign up, login, or commenting
- Permanently or for 7-30 or 90 days
- Users are required to log in one time while the plugin is in use (to identify the IP)
Add HTML globally
- Target every site or certain sites with your ID
- Insert in the head (before ) or in footer (before )
- Insert on front-end, and/or back-end
Guard WordPress forms by allowing you to customize a captcha
- Easy to read by humans, but difficult to be read by spam bots
- Choose a the character set you want to use such as letters, numbers, or both
- Select a character count of 3 3, 4, or 5
- Choose captcha image height: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, or 120 pixels
- Choose which forms to safeguard:
- Blog signup
- User signup
- Login
- Lost password
- Reset password
- Comment
Bulk email sends emails to multiple users
- Target users using identification or by roles (including customized roles) in all or certain websites
- Unsubscribe by clicking the link or in a profile setting
- Shortcodes for user names, username, user sites
- Choose maximum sending speed
- Emails are sent in small pieces
- Export emails to be used elsewhere
Various improvements
- Display the your user ID and site ID on the site and network users pages
- Hide plugin meta (version, author, etc.) from administrators of the site
- Automatically erase any remaining database tables from permanent deletion of the site
- Show an icon for websites which do not permit indexing by search engines
- Display an icon representing the role of every user’s site on the page for network users
- The option to turn off or on any improvement
Does it allow Multi-Networks (Networks comprised of Multisite Networks)?
A: It has not been tested in this setting.
A: No. If a later version begins using cookies, I’ll be sure to include it on the changelog.
Everything contained in Beyond Multisite, except the log created after copying a site is translatable. The POT file is part of the package. Read instructions for translation. Fully completed Bulgarian Translation files included.
- WordPress 4.6 or greater
- WordPress multi-site enabled
beyond-multisite-utilities-for-wordpress-network-admins-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Beyond Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Network Admins Nulled Changelog
Beyond Multisite 1.15.0 – 6 January 2023 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 15ADDED: Option to delete users by role or a list of roles, including custom roles. Only affects users that do not have any other roles. Affects all sites. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 16ADDED: The ability to export the site IDs or site URLs for the results of the Activated In module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 17ADDED: Option to copy a site into a new site (instead of replacing existing one), but it will use the template site copy settings. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 18ADDED: The registration type column in the Pending Users table now shows if the user was added from the back-end of a site in the network. It also shows from which site and as what role. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 19ADDED: Hooks for developers to add extra fields to the site deletion form. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 20ADDED: A new status for emails in the Email Users module, called “Sending emails”. This protects from potential double sending while being sent and not yet marked as sent. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 21ADDED: A new sending mode for the Email Users module. It is called “Real-time” mode, and it does not use a cron job. Instead it sends while you stay on the page. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 22IMPROVED: No longer shows the whole query in the copy site log, when replacing a URL in the options table, since it can lead to big log data. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 23IMPROVED: The bulk activate/deactivate feature now shows a message that it is not compatible with the WP Rocket plugin. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 24IMPROVED: Better support for persistant cache plugins, since now we are clearing the WordPress cache after certain operations that needed it. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 25IMPROVED: Better support for Windows based systems due to removing the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant from the plugin code. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 26IMPROVED: Automatically fixes the [unsubscribe_url] link attribute if WordPress adds a http prefix to it upon saving with the visual editor in the Email Users module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 27IMPROVED: Site deletion tasks and email users tasks now show the status of the cron jobs. If the task is not doing anything it could be because the cron job was not created, and now that is easier to find out. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 28IMPROVED: The task statistics of the Email Users module now refreshes automatically while you stay on the page. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 29FIXED: Incorrect detection of the base database table prefix for multisites that have a different base prefix than the main site prefix. It was causing problems with a few of the modules for such multisites. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 30FIXED: The HTTP version of HTTPS URLs from the site we are copying would not get replaced. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 31FIXED: Incorrect loading progress data shown while exporting site IDs from a site deletion task. Now also switched to showing a percent done, instead of a number. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 32FIXED: A PHP warning about an undefined array key in the improvements.php file in some situations. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 33FIXED: Some error situations would cause an endless loading without showing an error message. Now they show an error. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 34FIXED: The captcha will show an error now if it could not write the answer to the database. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 35FIXED: Errors will be shown now on some pages if we detect that plugin database tables are missing (instead of just returning empty results on some operations). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 36FIXED: The ban users cron job was added without a function if the plugin was activated while the module was turned off. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 37UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.14.1 – 19 January 2022 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 38IMPROVED: Replaced most global variables with either constants or super global array elements, to improve WP-CLI compatibility. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 39FIXED: Tasks for emailing users or scheduling site deletions could not be created if there was an emoji in the email message that needs to be sent. Beyond Multisite 1.14.0 – 5 January 2022 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 40ADDED: A WP-CLI command to copy a site. It is described in the options of the Copy Maker module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 41ADDED: Some hooks in the be_mu_copy_sites_copy_for_seconds() function to help developers copy a site with the function. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 42IMPROVED: The site copy process now supports the blogmeta database table, and copies the site meta data from there as well. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 43IMPROVED: Some layout improvements in some module options and more clear wording on some places. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 44FIXED: Sometimes wrong error count was shown inside the copy site log. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 45FIXED: Sometimes it would show that the admin email was changed and waiting for confirmation after the site was replaced with a copy of another site. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 46FIXED: The Insert HTML module did not insert the admin head code on the customizer pages. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 47UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.13.0 – 15 August 2021 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 48ADDED: An option to select multiple roles, including custom roles in the Email Users module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 49ADDED: The ability to export a list of all affected emails instead of sending them an email in the Email Users module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 50ADDED: A new shortcode [user_admin_sites_only_selected_sites] in the Email Users module, that shows only admin sites that are also selected by site ID in the user selection. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 51ADDED: New options for the Copy Maker module: do not copy media files from the template site, do not copy posts, pages, categories, tags, or media files when normally copying a site. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 52IMPROVED: Added the new Update URI plugin header, so if a free plugin with the same name as this one is created in the WordPress repository, it doesn’t update and replace this one. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 53FIXED: A plugin conflict that causes a fatal error about a call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() when the plugin Rank Math Pro is activated without the free version being active first. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 54UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.12.0 – 2 January 2021 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 55ADDED: Options to not copy the posts, pages, categories, or tags from the template site. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 56ADDED: Shortcodes for the Email Users module, that show the title or URL of the site where the user is an administrator, or a list of all such sites. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 57ADDED: The ability to delete all users that do not have a role in any site with the Cleanup Module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 58ADDED: An option to change the folder used to store captcha images in case there is a conflict with a CDN affecting the uploads folder. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 59IMPROVED: Due to a bug in WP Ultimo, the user table columns for ID, Ban Status, and Last IP were empty when WP Ultimo is active. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 60FIXED: Incorrect comment counts shown on the comments page after comment cleanup on a site that uses WooCommerce. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 61FIXED: Incorrect captcha preview image path after clicking the Update Preview button multiple times, but still working in modern browsers. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 62FIXED: A PHP warning when we cannot write in the plugin folder. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 63FIXED: Some circular icons, like the ones showing the Network Enable/Disable status, were vertically stretched on mobile devices. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 64FIXED: When the GD PHP extension was not active on the server, it would cause a PHP error. Now it shows an error in the settings page. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 65FIXED: On some servers people may get an error about an empty response after some actions, even though they were successfully executed. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 66UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.11.0 – 3 June 2020 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 67ADDED: A new option in the Improvements module that allows you to automatically delete the leftover empty uploads folder of permanently deleted sites. It is deleted upon site deletion only. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 68IMPROVED: The captcha for the blog signup form for logged out visitors is now compatible with the WP Ultimo plugin (tested with version 1.10.11). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 69IMPROVED: The Captcha module is now turned off by default (affects only new installation of the plugin). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 70FIXED: The Copy Maker module now works properly if your database name contains a dot. But still it is strongly recommended that you don’t use a dot in the database name or column names. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 71UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.10.0 – 4 January 2020 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 72IMPROVED: The values of the text boxes of the Insert HTML module are now encoded before the POST request and decoded before saved in the database. This will prevent various security measures on some servers from blocking the request when they see that it contains JavaScript code. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 73IMPROVED: The Improvements module now also stops email notifications about a changed password even when the WooCommerce form is used. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 74IMPROVED: Reduced the maximum number or sites and users that the plugin affects by a single request, when performing various actions, from 5000 to 1000. This will reduce the load on the server and prevent an error on some servers with lower resources and thousands of sites/users. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 75IMPROVED: The phrases “Any site ID” and “Any user ID”, have been replaced by “Any site ID (All sites)” and “Any user ID (All users)” so they are more clear that it means it affects all sites/users, and not just one ID. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 76IMPROVED: A warning text added for the feature that deletes leftover database tables, that it could produce a very slow MySQL query on some servers. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 77FIXED: An error in older PHP versions produced by a misplaced closing bracket in the Ban Users module: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ’||’ (T_BOOLEAN_OR), expecting ‘)’ in /home/example/public_html/wp-content/plugins/beyond-multisite/includes/ban-users.php on line 470 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 78UPDATED: Language files. Beyond Multisite 1.9.0 – 14 August 2019 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 79ADDED: An option in the Copy Maker module settings to choose a site (we call it a template site) to be copied into and replace newly created sites upon their creation. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 80ADDED: An option to choose the IP address detection method in the Ban Users module settings. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 81IMPROVED: The Copy Maker is now compatible with the PeepSo plugin and copies its files properly. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 82FIXED: The Copy Maker now replaces properly the old URL in the site copy if the URL is stored encoded or escaped with slashes. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 83FIXED: When the plugin list command is used in WP-CLI, it now shows all plugins properly instead of only the ones that are not disabled with the Plugin Control module. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 84UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.8.0 – 7 May 2019 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 85ADDED: New deletion types when deleting sites with the Cleanup module. Now you can mark sites as archived and also choose whether to change the last updated time or keep it the same. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 86FIXED: The arrows to change the results page, when viewing the scheduled or cancelled sites of a scheduled site deletion task, were not working. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 87FIXED: Sites with zero administrators were skipped when scheduling a site deletion task. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 88UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.7.0 – 3 May 2019 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 89ADDED: The ability to export the IDs or URLs of all the sites in the results box of previewing a cleanup task (for comments, revisions, and sites). A text file with comma-separated values is generated. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 90FIXED: If you click the button to execute a cleanup task from inside the preview box with results, and then cancel upon asked for confirmation, and then change the page number, it would now display the preview results as if the task was executed (even though it is just a preview still). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 91FIXED: When performing a scheduled site deletion task and using a maximum email sending speed higher than 240 per hour, the [user_sites] shortcode in the notification email shows more sites than it should. It includes other sites that are also scheduled for deletion, but the notified user is not their admin. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 92UPDATED: Language files. Beyond Multisite 1.6.0 – 19 April 2019 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 93ADDED: New options for the “Delete Sites” section on the “Network Cleanup” page. They allow you to ignore the default first post (Hello World!), page (Sample Page), and comment, when trying to affect sites with zero published posts, pages, or approved comments. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 94FIXED: Incorrect confirmation message when executing a site deletion task (present since version 1.5.0). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 95UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.5.1 – 14 March 2019 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 96FIXED: When doing site cleanup, and choosing “Less than 1 day after registration” for “Last Updated”, an error for invalid data was shown. Beyond Multisite 1.5.0 – 21 February 2019 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 97ADDED: An option to show text captcha instead of an image for the login form in order to reduce server load when there is a large number of attacks. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 98IMPROVED: Now the captcha images are stored for much less time in order to reduce the number of generated files when there are many requests. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 99FIXED: In some weird situations when WordPress temporarily does not return correct options data, the plugin update function would be triggered and some settings would be lost. Now there is a file fail-safe that stores the latest plugin version of the database information and prevents this. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 100FIXED: WordPress fixed a bug in version 5.1, which affected site cleanup when certain options were selected. Unfortunately all sites created before this are still affected. I have removed the option to fix the time zone of the time of registration of the sites when performing site deletions, and I have added a warning message visible when certain options are selected. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 101UPDATED: Language and documentation files. Beyond Multisite 1.4.0 – 27 December 2018 Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 102ADDED: The ability to choose custom numerical values for many of the options on the Network Cleanup page (instead of only choosing from predefined ones). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 103ADDED: A new option in the “Improvements” module. It shows an icon for each user role in the Sites column on the Network Users page. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 104ADDED: A new option in the “Improvements” module. It shows an icon in the top admin bar, in the My Sites menu, and in the My Sites page, indicating which site has discouraged search engine indexing. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 105ADDED: Buttons to go to the next or previous page from the set of results in various places in the plugins. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 106ADDED: Two new links with IP address information on the screen for banning/unbanning users. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 107IMPROVED: When we failed to send a test email from the settings of the “Cleanup” module, we now show an error. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 108IMPROVED: The “Ban Users” module is turned off by default for new installations. This will prevent unnecessary IP address data collection in the multisites of clients that are not using the module but also haven’t turned it off. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 109IMPROVED: The small icons with links to IP address information sites in the network users table are easier to touch on mobile devices (added clickable padding around them). Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 110IMPROVED: The list of user sites, which are shown in the email notification for a scheduled site deletion, are now active links. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 111IMPROVED: The default name of the sender of the email notification for a scheduled site deletion is now the network title, instead of the title of the main site. Affects new installations only. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 112IMPROVED: The default email of the sender of the email notification for a scheduled site deletion is now the WordPress generated email (like wordpress@example.com), instead of the network administrator email address. This prevents unwanted revealing of your email address to the users being notified. Affects new installations only. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 113IMPROVED: It is more recognizable that a module is turned off. An extra step to turn it on is visible in the Quick Start tab, and also a red message in the settings area. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 114FIXED: There were incorrect results when searching for banned or pending users with a string that contains an underscore. This was due to incorrect MySQL escaping in some queries. Technically the search feature of the two modules was also vulnerable to a so called SQL wildcard attack (which can be used to perform complicated queries in order to slow down the server), but since only Super Administrators can access these pages, it is not a problem. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 115FIXED: Removed one link with IP address information from the screen for banning/unbanning users because it does not work anymore. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 116FIXED: We now make sure that the IP address of the user is valid before we perform certain operations with it in the “Ban Users” module. This will prevent errors if for some reason the provided IP address data is invalid. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 117FIXED: An issue with the height of text editors in the module settings in WordPress 5. It is a bug in WordPress and I have reported it, but I have also implemented a fix for now. Beyond Multisite - Utilities for WordPress Network Admins - 118UPDATED: Language and documentation files.
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