Download – BMAG v2.0.2 Blogger Template | ThemeForest
BMAG v2.0.2 Responsive Blogger Template |
Platform: Blogspot
Theme Name:Â BMAG Magazine Responsive Blogger Template
Author: sweetheme
Created: 24 September 14
Last Update: 8th April 2015
Download BMAG v2.0.2 Magazine Responsive Blogger Template (We safely removed our backlink from this template) is a Premium News Magazine Blogspot Theme having trending features. It is Clean and compatible with many electronic devices such as Latest and Old Android Phones, Apple Devices, iPod, iPad, Laptop and Desktop Computers etc. It is Fully SEO Optimized, Fully Adsense Ready having Bigger Ad Spots on Header, Widget Ready, Sahifa WordPress Theme Like Drop-Down Menus, Home Menus on Top bar, Premium Social Media Gadget on Sidebar, Professional Bigger Custom Search Bar, Stylish Labels, Awesome Short-codes and much more other stunning qualities have been included in this pack. It is perfect for all type of niche like you can use it on Games and Software Topic, News, IT (Information Technology), Mobile and Computer Tips, Blogging Tricks, Fashion and Style etc.
BMAG Blogger Template v2.0.2 comes with Unlimited Colors and Fonts, Power-full Admin Panel as same as WordPress, Cool news Ticker with Two options, 404 Error Page, Create Contact Page using Shortcodes, LTR and RTL Switcher with one click etc.
BMAG Responsive Blogger Template includes Three Threaded Comment System (Blogger, Disqus and Facebook) with Short-codes, Facebook Like Box Short-code, Custom Pagination posts with numbered. In other words it is Fully Search Engine Optimized with many Premium Features which no other webdesign never has.
Download links
List of Features
- Recent version 2.0.2
- Fully Responsive Design
- PowerFull Admin Panel Check it
- Theme Option : Translator / Boxed Style Switcher / Image Scroll Animation New
- Unlimited Colors & Fonts
- Fully customizable Design
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
- Post Layout Style : Full Width / Sidebar Right / Sidebar Left with shortcodes New
- 9 Home Layout Boxes Style New
- Main Intro Posts with two options (recent or random)
- Cool news ticker widget with two options (recent or label name)
- Support Twitter Cards & Facebook Open Graph New
- Adsense Ready with new widget
- jQuery and CSS3 Effects
- Social Counter widget
- Easy to customize jQuery Dropdown Menu
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Preview posts ready
- Font Awesome Icons Integration
- Support RTL Languages
- LTR / RTL Switcher From OneClick New
- Related posts under posts
- Full Images Quality
- Support YouTube thumbs
- Random Posts / Recent Posts / Recent Comments widgets with shortcodes
- Popup contact US Form
- Tabs Widgets
- Custom Widgets
- Threaded Blogger Comments
- Error 404 Page
- Posts shortcodes
- Easy to create Contact us page
- Faceook like box with shortcode
If you want to make your blogspot site more attractive and user friendly than others then you must Download BMAG v2.0.2 Blogger Template on your website to make your site more awesome as same as WordPress sites. It support all major browsers having high resolution compatibility.
Last Update:
September 18, 2018
Comments are closed.
How can edit name “Designed by”?
How to add comment System+Disqus+ads inside post and all
is it available for free?
How to verify purchase code?
you do not need any purchase code for running this version 2.0.2
hey, please help me, its awesome, but i have problem, in homepage its just show a recent post section, not show the slider or collums like your homepage, i have read and follow the tuts even the yt vide, can you help me please
First of all tell me, Which version are you using right now, i mean v2.0 or v2.0.2
i download it the v.2.0, please help me, i have working 3 hours sill not work
now i try to instal the new one from your site
how to change the colour and full make it ful width
BMAG v2.0 requires purchasing code in order to run complete functionality. I recommend you to download BMAG v2.0.2 and use it on your blog, because it does not require any purchasing code..
Here is the link to download: http://www.jojothemes.com/2015/06/bmag-v202-blogger-template.html
i mean in
Home Layout Boxs nothing happen
Dude please help me….its great template but how to add top social media & menu bar section?…
it is has a problem with pagenav ! not show all posts from label . how to fix ?
sir i have a problem in this theme its not show a randomposts in tab what can i do
Theme has been updated… with No error [on] 15-Nov-2015
New ver has error: can’t save template.
Thanks to Sharing this Template Admin.
This is Great and Beautifull Template… very love it .
im use version 2.0.3 🙂
We are happy to hear that…
thanks for sharing this template
can you guide me to modify my blog to look like yours please? i’m okay with the credit as your website because you shared this to us 🙂
This is one of the best Blogger templates that I’ve ever seen but I’m facing a problem. When I add navigation menu. Menu doesn’t appear at home page but it’s working fine on other pages and posts.
I’m using BMag v2.0.2 version.
Can you help me to solve this issue?
I use this version 2.02, but the response intro post on top of so slowly. how to fix it?
Thank you sir, this is great template blogger, I love it,
Dear I am facing one problem, related posts are not appearing below the post. It’s repeating the label.
Can you show a screenshot of the problem, so that we could easily understand and help to resolve this problem….
Problem is solved. I was trying it in private mode and that was the reason why some features were not working properly. Thanks for your response.
Nice to hear that your problem has been solved, We are very joyful to feel our users happy….
Hey Sir, I am also facing same problem… Please Help Me.
It’s happening again. And not only on our blog but BMAG’s demo blog is also affected. I don’t know why.Have a look at the screenshot below:
Thanks Sir for the response. I thought it was only mine. Well let’s hope it will be fixed soon.
I hope so.
Hey Sir, I am also facing same problem… Please Help Me.
After install this team i scroll down so slowly . What is the matter ? Can you tell me how to solve ?
how do i make it full width? In feature you mentioned boxed to full width switcher but its no here. plz help how can i make it full width?
Please up-lode new file 2.0.3
We were unable to save your template.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure that all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message:
The element type “div” must be terminated by the matching end-tag “”.
Kindly re-download the BMAG Blogger Template, we have already updated it…. So check again…
Thank you for your quick response
Hello jojothemes can u tell me the way to translate that template please
waiting for you
Theme Support RTL/LTR so simply you can change Direction by change your Language from your Dashboard > Setting > Language and formatting > Language, and you well done.
Now if your language is not English, And you want to change the language to language , Only through the translator feature can be change simply through this tool
How it’s Work : Go to Layout > Theme Option > in Translator tool click on edit.
On “New Site Name” field 1 field add the default language
And on “New Site URL” field 2 field add your language.
Exemple :
/*—— English To Arabic ——*/
field 1 : Popular Posts
field 2 : المقالات الشائعة
/*—— English To French ——*/
field 1 : Popular Posts
field 2 : Articles populaires
/*—— English To Allemand ——*/
field 1 : Popular Posts
field 2 : Beliebte Beiträge
/*—— English To Espagnol ——*/
field 1 : Popular Posts
field 2 : Puestos Popular
nice sharing I have installed this template to my blogspot….. but the priblem is there is no Page no: I mean page navigation like: 1,2…. last……. please help me sir…. i will be pleased
Go to Layout >> Then select Home PageNav and write Yes There and then save it, as shown it the below screenshot
Hello JOJOThemes, I downloaded this template but a problem has been arise. Share Button at main blogspot isn’t working on desktop but works on mobile devices. When clicked on the Share Button in main Blog Posts, it doesn’t show share buttons. Please Help Me.
Please show a screenshot of the problem you face…
Hola. Porque BGMAG V2.0.2 esta fallando
Dear JOJOThemes Editorial Team, I am facing one problem, related posts and comments are not appearing below the post. It’s repeating the label.
How can i import the demo content , same as theme demo
why credit goes to jojothemes and redirect to jojothemes if credit changed..huh
Please download it again and then check it. Now it has credit free template… Sorry for the issue you face…
thanks to sharing this template. .
but you know why this “Error parsing XML, line 3517, column 3: The element type “body” must be terminated by the matching end-tag “”. . .
Hey i downloaded Yor theme v2.0.2 and when i add slider its not showing what to do?