Download Free BookingWP Appointments for WooCommerce v4.20
BookingWP Appointments for WooCommerce Free Download v4.20 – Bookingwp | BookingWP Appointments for WooCommerce Nulled v4.20 is the ideal plugin for your own website to process appointments. Fully integrated with WordPress, Calendar and WooCommerce. It is the best scheduling programmed for appointments you can get now. Payments are requested or appointments accepted free of charge. You collect payments for appointments with little to little effort with this WooCommerce extension.
Built on WooCommerce
It’s a WordPress booking plugin Nulled based on WooCommerce to use all WooCommerce features and extensions, without affecting the reputation of your store. You should accept WooCommerce support for all payment gateways.
Quick Setup
The plugin can be used and installed very quickly. It works quickly and no personnel programming or preparation is required.
Extra Form Fields
Appointments include additional fields (for example check boxes, options, inputs, color swatches and uploads). An additional cost and period can be provided for each additional sector. Termination costs and length for each sector can also be reduced if you wish.
2-way Google Calendar sync
Both forms work synchronization. Google calendar events are synchronized with your site automatically and vice versa. Staff can also synchronize 2-way with appointments on their own Google calendar.
Staff Management & Login
Assign multiple employees to appointments, administer schedules for each employee and allow them to register and make available their desires.
Flexible Availability Rules
Set custom accessible dates, days and hours for each calendar and set vacation breaks Prioritize each rule of availability and circumvent global product and workers availability.
WordPress Appointment Plugin for Professionals
Appointments is professional WordPress Appointment Plugin Nulled, built for business that want to focus on their work and trust appointment scheduling to software that will full automate the workflow. It is very simple to install and no training is needed for staff to use it. It is hands down the best WooCommerce booking solution that allows you to accept payments for appointments with little to no effort. Works 24/7 and has more than 3 years of improvements and refinements behind it, so rest assured it will serve your business well into future.
Works on any Theme
Appointments plugin works with any theme and is constantly tested with major themes like Divi, Avada, Enfold, X, Storefront and Genesis Themes to make sure it works perfectly fine on all of them. Also works on custom-built themes.
Notifications / Reminders
Reduce no-shows and send email reminders to customers prior to appointments. Edit email templates and add additional information to customers to make sure they are well informed before you service them.
Calendar Administration
For better overview of your appointments, you can view and edit your appointments inside a flexible calendar. Manage the calendar in weekly or daily view. Calendar is synced with staff as well as Google calendar.
Approval before Payment
Not only can you accept payments for your appointments, you can also delay them by requesting appointment approval before confirmation. This way, you will send payment request after appointment is approved.
WooCommerce Booking / WordPress Booking
Appointments plugin Nulled is built as a WooCommerce extension and gives you all the advantages of having a WordPress booking plugin on your own website. You control the payments, appointments, customers and the whole experience for your customers. All data is yours.
Old Versions
Changelog BookingWP WooCommerce Appointments Nulled
2024.06.29 - version 4.20.0
* Feature - Added WC Payments multicurrency support.
* Feature - Added Appointable product to Analytics for filtering.
* Improvement - Better integration with WooCommerce Payments gateway.
* Improvement - Add-ons integration added earlier, better compatibility with external plugins.
* Improvement - Updated Product Add-ons to 6.8.4.
* Improvement - Handling failed orders with appointments added back with additional validations.
* Improvement - Bump "WC requires at least" to version 8.7.
* Improvement - Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.0.
* Fix - Add-ons work with WC Payments for appointable products.
* Fix - Updating manually added Appointment in Order can create critical error.
* Fix - Timezone visible in admin for non-timezone appointments.
2024.05.22 - version 4.19.1
* Feature - Integration with Official WooCommerce Stripe Gateway.
* Improvement - List WooCommerce plugin as a requirement for Appointments to work properly.
* Improvement - Updated Product Add-ons to 6.8.3.
* Improvement - Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.
* Improvement - Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.
* Fix - Uncaught Error: Class ‘WC_PAO_Admin_Notices’ not found.
* Fix - Report dashboard count translation error.
2024.03.26 - version 4.19.0
* Feature - Add a DATE add-on custom field.
* Feature - Appointments saved with a site's timezone and customer's set timezone (optional).
* Feature - Integration with AutomateWoo extension.
* Improvement - Updated all translations.
* Improvement - Updated and added strings to Hebrew translation.
* Improvement - Updated Product Add-ons to 6.8.0.
* Improvement - Revert Appointment status to "in-cart" when order fails to enable re-payment.
* Improvement - Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.7.
* Fix - Importing addons globally does not work.
* Fix - Missing View cart button on individually sold appointments.
* Fix - Clear cache when appointment is trashed/untrashed.
* Fix - Can't reorder addons.