Brama v1.4.1 – Themeforest Premium Agency Theme
Download Free Brama WordPress Theme v.1.4.1 – ThemeForest | Brama v1.4.1 – Premium Agency WordPress Theme is a completely new creative agency web theme proudly designed for WordPress. This premium web design is an ideal for fashion salon, creative agency/artist, architecture bureau or any other company or entrepreneur who really wants to sell their products online. Brama is fully designed to be minimal, sleek, strong, bold and incredibly smart.
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- 100% WPML compatible
- WooCommerce 2.2.8 and up ready
- Simple and ajax pagination on portfolio and blog pages
- Localization support (*.po and *.mo files included)
- Dummy-data included
- Ready for your brand
- 2 Homepage styles
- Filterable portfolio + custom single post with project details
- 3 Blog types
- Unique modern design
- 3 Portfolio sizes
- Shortcode Generator included
- Unique parallax effects
- Infinite portfolio and blog
- Unlimited widget areas for menu, sidebar and footer
- Child themes support
- Intuitive and user-friendly options framework
- Optimized for “Category Thumbnails” and “Contact Form 7”
- Unlimited slideshows on posts and pages
- 100% responsive and retina-ready design
- Hardware-accelerated slideshows using keyboard navigation and swipe support
- Advanced Google Maps settings
- CSS3 powered
- Accurate and valid cross-browser code
- Sharing bar + integrated Facebook Open Graph and Twitter meta tags
- Includes Fireform WP Gallery plugin
- …and much more!
Last Update:
December 10, 2020