Breek (v4.1.4) Minimal Masonry Themes for WordPress Download
Download Free Breek v4.1.4 – Minimal Masonry Themes for WordPress
Breek – Minimal Masonry Themes for WordPress Free Download v4.1.4 – ThemeForest | Breek – Minimal Masonry Themes for WordPress Nulled v4.1.4 is a super modern blog based on high speed and vibrant colors, and fits perfectly with any form of blog, particularly personal, resources, freebies or biography blogs. It’s super light, with multiple techniques to achieve excellent scores on Google, this fast theme was made, we also keep the quality of the code and SEO in mind. Using and customizing it is easy. To make administration simpler, 11 customs widgets and a strong theme options panel are included. Breek Nulled Theme has AMP and RTL support, including Turkish, French, Portuguese, Spanish and English, and is multilingual.
Table Of Content
- Tested up to WP 5.9
- Super Light and Modern design.
- Highly optimized and lightweight (just 1.5mb size).
- AMP Support (Transitional Mode) Check AMP Home and AMP Single Post.
- Constantly updated.
- Translation ready (English, Turkish, French, Portuguese and Spanish included).
- Minified and Optimized code.
- ACF Pro bundled (save $29).
- RTL included (Feedback appreciated).
- Open Graph Support.
- Built with SCSS and pre-compiled with Prepos 6 (Windows and Mac compatible).
- Dedicated advertising section (below header, before and after post content, custom advertise to place anywhere).
- Advertising section between grid posts. demo here
- Supports menu with icons
- Sticky sidebar for Posts
- Lazy Load for Lists (home pages, archives, categories, etc).
- Lazy Load for post content.
- Lazy Load for embed (iframes like Youtube/Vimeo/Soundcloud).
- * New: Category cluster demo here
- * New: 1 Click Updates
- HTML5 & CSS3 ready.
- 3 Single post dispositions
- Fullwidth: cover for large images, see here.
- Standard: image inside the article, see here.
- Fullwidth No sidebar: see here
- Classic No sidebar: see here
- No Sidebar Style for Post and Pages see here.
- Custom Tag page, see here.
- Custom Author page, see here.
- Custom 404 Page see here.
- About me Widget.
- Custom Tag Cloud Widget.
- Custom Galleries.
- Advertising sections.
- Disqus and Facebook support.
- Fully responsive.
- Video Support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
- Retina Display Ready.
- Font Awesome icons.
- Works on Android, Ipad and Iphone.
- Documentation included.
- Clean Design.
- Well Coded.
- Navigation Menu.
Breek – Minimal Lightweight Masonry AMP Theme for WordPress Free Download Link
Changelog Breek – Minimal Lightweight Masonry AMP Theme for WordPress Nulled
v4.1.0 - 29 August 2023
- Fixed: PHP warning if migrating from other EP theme.
- Fixed: Minor error on Single Post ads.
- Fixed: Unordered and Ordered lists alignment on back-end Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed: Banner below header option do not appear properly on Customizer section.
- Improved: Updated Theme Options framework.
- Improved: Now categories are displayed even if featured image is disabled globally (single post option).
- Improved: Reduced amount of libraries on the front-end, this will reduce RAM/CPU usage.
- Improved: Minor adjustments to EstudioPatagon dashboard.
- Added: Compatibility up to PHP 8.2.4
- Added: AMP compatibility for Search, Archives, Tags and Author templates.
- Added: New order option "random" for Classic and Grid homepage modules.
- Added: Now PrismJS can be loaded directly from child theme using the next structure: breek-child/assets/js/prism.min.js
v4.0.0 - 06 September 2022
- Fixed: Minor Ads PHP warning.
- Fixed: Very specific error with Amazon Lightsail server, theme options panel assets not rendered properly.
- Fixed: Demo Menu not imported in PHP 8.x
- Fixed: Lightbox 403 forbidden error on very specific server configurations (Nginx + htaccess combination).
- Improved: Multiple Demo Data.
- Improved: License validation.
- Improved: Admin Welcome page.
- Improved: Website first rendering time.
- Added: PHP 8 compatibility.
- Added: New section with related themes on EstudioPatagon -> Our themes.
- Added: New section to customize website max-width on Theme options -> Styling -> Content width.
- Added: New option to disable Preloader/Loading status on Theme options -> header.
v3.7.0 - 15 March 2022
- Fixed: Order by days not working on post thumbs widget.
- Fixed: PHP warning from post thumbs widget.
- Fixed: Incorrect color for CF7 success message.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for social profiles on RTL websites.
- Fixed: Rounded Corners not applied properly for images in WP 5.8 - 5.9.
- Fixed: Incorrect URL for Social Widget (theme options link).
- Fixed: CLS logo warning.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for Galleries (back-end editor).
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for Block Quote (back-end editor).
- Fixed: Lightbox for Images not grouping properly in WP 5.8 - 5.9.
- Improved: Canonical URL for custom homepage.
- Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.9
- Improved: EP legacy widgets preview is always disabled (this apply for WP 5.8 and greater).
- Improved: Mobile menu, now is allowed to click on a parent menu element (by default always menu elements with submenu items can't be clicked in the past).
- Added: Compatibility for other image extensions for the theme Lightbox (Gallery).
- Added: Tiktok and Patreon social profiles on header.
v3.6.5 - 25 March 2021
- Fixed: Incorrect Sticky header color.
- Fixed: Footer titles color not working.
- Fixed: Footer widget border color not working.
- Fixed: Share Post on Linkedin always display homepage instead of Post url.
- Improved: Masonry Layout calculation (sometimes the layout is not correct).
- Improved: AMP validation
- Improved: Tested up to WP 5.7
- Improved: Now views counter uses ajax, this will improve the counting for heavy cache plugins.
- Improved: Sticky posts will no longer appear on widgets, this will prevent incorrect amount of posts.
- Added: Canonical urls (prev/next) for custom homepage.
- Added: New filter "last X days" for Recent post widget.
- Added: "Order by" filter to Posts by Category widget.
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