CarSpot (v2.4.5) Dealership WordPress Classified Theme Download
Download Free CarSpot v2.4.5 Dealership WordPress Classified Theme
CarSpot Dealership WordPress Classified Theme Free Download v2.4.5 – ThemeForest | CarSpot Dealership WordPress Classified Theme Nulled v2.4.5 is a completely featured and strong WordPress vehicle dealer theme intended to develop your company online for automotive and car dealership owners.
Table Of Content
Whether your company is a tiny car dealer’s store or a big fully functional car dealer’s company, this most sophisticated WordPress automotive theme will help you develop a complete feature-packed website. Carspot WordPress Theme comes up with outstanding ad characteristics that you’re ever expecting from the best WordPress theme car dealership to maximize your company revenues. It involves an efficient vehicle search and car comparison function that makes it ideal for buyers to look after different cars or vehicle models.
- Elementor Page builder Added
- Vahicle review stamp
- Radius search with google
- Car Detailed Review System
- Car Comparison
- Category Base Form Fields
- Category Base Search
- Bump Up Ads
- Category Base Pricing
- Related Taxonomy
- Live Search With Suggestions
- Bidding Module
- Seller Rating & Seller Badges
- Two Type Of Communication Mods
- Complete Messaging Module
- Water Mark On Ad Images
- Email Templates
- YouTube Video Option
- Login With Social Media
- Bad Word Filter
- Targeted Advertisement Slots
- Create Custom Ad Type
- Location Base Search
- Redux Framework
- Bootstrap 3
- Child Theme Supported
- Pricing Plan Paid and Free both available
- Turn ON/OFF Featured Ads Option
- Working Contact form
- Cross Browser support
- 650+ Google fonts
- Social media icons
- SEO optimized
- Membership Plans
- Front End Listing Submission
- Facebook Login
- Google Plus Login
- Language translation supported
- Social Share for Posts
- Well commented code.
- Mail Chimp Integrated
- Google Recapcha Integrated
- RTL Version
- Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
- Fully Responsive
- Custom fields
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Unlimited Colors
- WP Bakery Page Builder For WordPress
- Woocomerce integration
- Review and rating system
- Email notification
- Add to favorite option
- Mail Chimp Integrated
- Google maps integrated
- Google location support
CarSpot – Dealership WordPress Classified Theme Free Download Link
Changelog CarSpot – Dealership WordPress Classified Theme Nulled
Updates: v 2.4.1 —– September 12th , 20231- Fixed the Front-end ads posting issue. 2- Ads slider issue when using Elementor is fixed. 3- Fixed Sell Your Car page Google Maps is also not working on the sell your car page. 4- Fixed Elementor and bakery ‘Google Maps listing’ widget issue. 5- Fixed the ad details page, showing some extra fields. 6- Fixed: The author is not assigning from the back end to the ads. 7- Fixed, make an offer are turned off in theme options. But they are still displayed on the listing style 3 issue. 8- Fixed test drives are turned off in theme options. But they are still displayed on the listing style 3 issue. 9- Fixed: The financing calculator is off from the back end but still showing on the ad detail style 3 issue. 10- Fixed communication mode phone number, but it still shows a message to seller at front style 3 issue. 11- Minor CSS fixes 12- JS fixes 13- Plugins updated Updates: v 2.4.0 —– May 25th , 20221) Fixed the “ADS Carspot” widget issue. 2) Fixed wp Backery custom price type issue. 3) Fixed the “Used Cars” shortcode issue. 4) Fixed Maximum bidding email template issue 5) Minor CSS fixes 6) Fixed Category-based custom fields translation issue in the WPML. 7) Fixed the Top bar language switcher not showing in the Mobile view Plugins updated 9) Fixed Category-based template form issue 10 Compatible with the Latest WordPress 6.2.x and PHP 8.2.x Updates: v 2.3.9
—– November 09th , 20221) Fix the Location Taxonomy Issue. 2) Fix the wp Bakery car Inspection Widget issue 3) Minor CSS fixes 4) Plugin Updated 5) Translation file updated Updates: v 2.3.8 —– October 24th , 20221) Car Inspection feature added. 2) Add wp Elementary Inspection Widgets. 3) Add wp Bakery Inspection Widgets. 4) Car Inspection Email. 5) Car Inspection approval Email from admin. 6) Minor CSS fixes 7) Plugin Updated Translation file updated Updates: v 2.3.7
—– June 17th , 20221) Bidding feature. 2) Max Bids 3) Difference bid 4) Bidding timer. 5) First bid email & max bid email 6) Update the Bidding feature 7) Show the minimum Bid in the text field 8 ) Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x 9 ) Plugins updated 10) CSS updated Updates: v 2.3.6 —– May 11th , 20221) Sell your car from Changing 2) Create a minimum bidding field with theme Option 3) Create a bidding difference field with a theme 4) Add a Bidding timer. 5) Send the first bid email & max bid email 6) Add the price type option given 7) Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x Plugins updated 9) CSS updated Updates: v 2.3.4
—– December 31, 20211: WordPress 5.8.2 compatibility 2: added archive page with category description 3: Redux framework update. 4: Styling issue fixed. 5: Plugin Update 6: Bug Fixed 7: WP Backery Update.
Updates: v 2.3.2 —– August 04, 20211: WP Backery Update. 3: Redux framework update. 4: Compatible with WPML. 5: Styling issue fixed. 6. Plugin Update 7. Bug Fixed 8. WordPress 5.8 Tested
Updates: v 2.3.1 —– March 15th, 20211: Header issue fixed 2: Style Issue Fixed 3: Resposnive Issue Fixed 4: Contact form fixed 5: Bug Fixed
Updates: v 2.3.0 —— 3rd February 2021
Updates 1)WordPress 5.6 updated 2) PHP 8 Updated 3) Plugins Updated 4) Known bugs removed 5) Style files updated
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