Download Free Coinflip – Casino Affiliate & Gambling WordPress Theme v2.7.5
Coinflip – Casino Affiliate & Gambling WordPress Theme Free Download v2.7.5 – ThemeForest | Coinflip – Casino Affiliate & Gambling WordPress Theme Nulled v2.7.5 is a professional WordPress blog theme for Casino Affiliate Blogs and Casino Enthusiasts who are ready to earn so much from their Coinflip Nulled Casino passion. Anybody can start a casino affiliate website and make money by referring visitors to real casino websites. (LATEST)
Perfect for: Casino Affiliates, Gambling, Slots, Casino Review, Bookmakers, Casino News & Blogging, Casino & Gaming Forums and more.
Features of Coinflip – Casino Affiliate & Gambling WordPress Theme:
- Compatibility
- MT Casinos
- Casino Features
- Casino Taxonomies
- MT Reviews
- MT Slots (Casino Games)
- MT Bonuses (Casino Bonuses for Games)
- MT Bookmakers
Download Links for Coinflip WordPress Theme (LATEST)
Coinflip Casino Affiliate & Gambling WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog
Version v2.7.1
Date: 09/08/2023
NEW NOW : Elementor Compatible for Home Bookmakers;
NEW NOW : Elementor Compatible for Home Blogging;
NEW NOW : Elementor Compatible for Home Horse Betting;
NEW NOW : Elementor Compatible for Home Video Poker;
NEW NOW : Elementor Compatible for Home Casino Affiliate;
NEW NOW : Elementor Compatible for Home Esports Betting;
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated;
Version v2.7
Date: 09/01/2023
NEW Elementor Compatibility
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated;
Version v2.6
Date: 08/25/2023
NEW Casino Compare: Added a row to visit the compared casinos -> Visit Casino
UPDATED Translation file from theme and plugins.
IMPROVED MT - Slots Slider v2: layout/visual elements.
FIXED Warning: Undefined array key "mt_dynamic_reviews" in coinflip\functions.php on line 26.
FIXED Casino Compare: Missing checkmark icon on the casino modal selector.
FIXED Casino Listings - Slots: Warning: Undefined variable $thumbnail_src2 in mt-slots.php on line 69.
FIXED MT - Slots Slider v2: overlaping texts in some situations.
FIXED MT - Slots Slider: JS not being applied and the slider wasn't working.
Version v2.5
Date: 04/13/2023
UPDATED All bundled plugins are now updated to latest version.
UPDATED WooCommerce outdated templates from the theme.
IMPROVED Demo Importer.
IMPROVED Styled widget block based.
FIXED PHP warnings in the ModelTheme framework.
Version v2.4.1
Date: 12/21/2022
FIXED Fixed a problem caused by version 2.4 of the theme (Missing rating criteria while editing an MT Review).q
Version v2.4
Date: 12/16/2022
NEW Custom fields are grouped in tabs while editing a listing (casinos, slots, bookmakers).
NEW FontAwesome updated to version 6.x;
NEW Moved a required function from theme to ModelTheme Listings Manager;
NEW Added Discord and TikTok icons to the theme panel social media accounts;
NEW Bookmakers page template (to list all the bookmaker's listings);
NEW Added Developer Hooks for each page template (before template content);
NEW Single Casino post: Added the missing categories section (Named: Posted in);
NEW Bootstrap grid added in ModelTheme Listings manager;
NEW Country flags listed now on the Restricted countries taxonomy;
IMPROVED Shortcodes.
IMPROVED Bonuses: Code box styling.
IMPROVED Casino Archives (The 'Browse by' section is now more compact) and contains now the number of casino items.
UPDATED FontAwesome to version 6.x.
UPDATED Translation file from theme and plugins.
FIXED Bookmaker single page template *sidebar listed below the content.
FIXED The Knowledgebase sidebar toggle not working.
FIXED PHP Fatal Error on the Casinos Comparator page.
FIXED PHP Notices on the Casinos Comparator page.
FIXED Image heights on the Casinos Comparator page.
FIXED Queries not being reset correctly.
FIXED The missing parameter for post status while getting posts (casinos, slots, reviews).
FIXED Reviews on page templates.
Version v2.3.1
Date: 12/06/2022
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated.
Version v2.3
Date: 11/18/2022
NEW WordPress 6.x compatibility.
NEW PHP 8.x compatibility.
NEW Custom fields framework for the casinos, bookmakers, slots and reviews.
IMPROVED Shortcodes.
IMPROVED Theme Widgets.
UPDATED All bundled plugins are updated.
FIXED Bookmaker single page template *sidebar listed below the content.
FIXED Misspelled "Currency" on the archive.
FIXED PHP 8.x Fatal errors.
Version v2.2
Date: 01/21/2022
NEW WordPress 6.x compatibility.
NEW Theme License Activator added in order to import demo data (theme panel tab).
NEW "Demo_Data" folder from the package has been removed. Only automatic demo import will be used starting with this update. In case the automatic demo importer has issues on your installation, please contact our help team to provide the offline files for demo import.
NEW The Restricted Countries taxonomy is now shared with the MT Casinos & MT Bookmakers.
IMPROVED Shortcodes.
IMPROVED Title and subtitle shortcodes: simplified the options + added option to disable the separator.
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated;
UPDATED Theme Documentation;
FIXED Blog Article: Featured image status not working (theme panel option).
FIXED Blog Article: A horizontal white space below the footer.
FIXED Fatal error in widgets by using a missing excerpt function.
FIXED Deprecated: Function Redux::setHelpTab.
FIXED Deprecated: Function Redux::setHelpSidebar.
FIXED Notice: Undefined variable: listing in content-single-review.php on line 100
FIXED Notice: Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in mt-casino.php on line 102
Version v2.1
Date: 09/22/2021
NEW No Builder Demo CHECK IT NOW;
Important: To unlock the "No Builder Demo" you have to disabled the WPBakery Page Builder plugin and Parallax Backgrounds for VC plugin;
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated;
UPDATED ModelTheme Framework plugin to v1.6;
Version v2.0.1
Date: 08/30/2021
FIXED Blog Post featured image z-index (overlapping with the fixed/sticky header).
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated.
Version v2.0
NEW The Restricted Countries taxonomy is now shared with the MT Casinos & MT Bookmakers.
NEW The Restricted Countries flags on frontend (single casino and single bookmaker pages).
NEW Restricted countries with notices if you can play or not on MT Bookmakers post types (screenshot) - (if the casino/bookmaker can be used from visitor's country).
NEW MT Reviews: A review can now be created and assigned to any of these post types (Casinos, Slots, Bonuses, Bookmakers).
NEW MT Reviews: Three new columns on the posts list table to identify the assigned post (Casinos, Slots, Bonuses, Bookmakers) of a review easier - screenshot (Review For, Scores, Score Average) - with links to access the assigned posts with ease. If you don't see the new columns on the reviews table, check if they are enabled from - screenshot.
NEW MT Reviews: frontend single review page: We've listed the scores for the current review.
NEW MT Reviews: Listing the assigned (Casino, Slot, Bonus, or Bookmaker) - this way.
NEW MT Reviews: Comments section on single review.
NEW MT Bonuses: The review scores are now listed inside single bonus pages.
NEW MT Slots: The review scores are now listed inside single slot pages.
NEW MT Bookmakers: The review scores are now listed inside single bookmaker pages.
NEW MT Bookmakers taxonomy page: Added bookmaker's images & review score box.
NEW Removed the green info notices (non-aesthetic) when no content is added for description, features, or text boxes on all post types (Casino, Slot, Bonus, or Bookmaker) - these notices.
NEW Theme Panel header option: to set the header width. Available options: Container and Full-width - screenshot.
NEW Review scores are now listed without rounding the number. Now it is listed with one decimal (eg: 3.2 instead of 3.0) when the score is 3.2.
IMPROVED Shortcodes code.
UPDATED All bundles plugins are updated;
FIXED Back-to-top button styling not being applied from the color pickers from the theme panel.
FIXED Mobile responsiveness issues on single posts (casinos, bookmakers, slots, bonuses and reviews).
FIXED A huge blank/white space on the right side of the mobile variant of the theme (when swiping right.
FIXED Knowledgebase shortcode links being compatible with overrides (link slug hardcoded);
FIXED MT Bookmakers taxonomy page: Fixed the problems with the T&C's not being shown when set;
FIXED MT Bookmakers table shortcode: T&C applies text not being listed as it should on the tooltip.
FIXED MT Bookmakers single post: texts overlapping each other (content).
FIXED An issue with Footer Widgets row 2 - widgets not being saved on sidebar 1.
FIXED Some issues with the small description of the casinos/slots/blog posts making the grid break sometimes (fixes added in ModelTheme framework and Listings Manager plugins).
FIXED A z-index CSS problem on MT - Casinos shortcode (T&C's tooltip below reviews and number lists).
It’s asking for a purchase code to import demo Data. Fix it please