Dakota – Multi-Purpose Business WordPress Theme
Download Free Dakota WordPress Theme v1.0 – ThemeForest | Dakota – Multi-Purpose Business WordPress Theme brings a very new and extremely fresh look to the business category by adding a very modern feeling to a bold design. With a versatile design, Blog pages, a variation of Portfolio pages and a wide variety of shortcodes, this professional WordPress Theme is any businessman’s dream. It is an extremely easy to work with and a pleasure to modify its content. Choose Dakota if you really want your work to be a guarantied success.
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Features Index:
- 22 extra theme components for Visual Composer
- Instagram and Twitter photostream
- WordPress 3.x Menu System support and mega-menus
- Modern design with clean, colorful & smooth pages
- Responsive Multi-purpose WordPress theme
- Demo content included, over 100 pre-build pages
- Multiple blog layouts and pages
- Audio and video posts support
- Smooth animations
- Boxed layout capabilities for individual pages
- Custom colors and backgrounds selection
- Up to 5 columns, Filterable Isotope portfolio and multiple layouts
- Translation ready and compatible with WPML
- Detailed theme documentation with screenshots
- Rows overlay, shadows, patterns and half backgrounds
- Easy unlimited sidebars manager
- 5 extra theme widgets
- 3 footer and 1 header areas, each with 4 widget-able areas
- YouTube and Vimeo players and backgrounds for rows
- An easy to use Theme Options panel
- Browser support
- Bootstrap 3.3.x, HTML5 / CSS3
Last Update:
January 25, 2016