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DeepSound (v2.8) Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform Free Download

DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform

Download Fee DeepSound Nulled – Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform v2.8

DeepSound PHP Script Free Download v2.8 – CodeCanyon | DeepSound 2.8 Nulled is a PHP music sharing and streaming platform that allows users to upload, share, and stream music and other audio files. It is designed to be easy to use and includes a variety of features specifically tailored for music sharing and streaming.

Because of the advanced API system, DeepSound is the only music platform on the market that fully supports native mobile apps!


PHP 7.2 or Higher.
GD Library.
shell_exec function enabled for FFMPEG.

Core Features:

  • RTL Support
  • Social Login
  • Easy & Nice Looking URL
  • Home/News Feed
  • User/Artists Timeline
  • Store System
  • Events System
  • Multi Upload
  • Import System
  • Ads System
  • Cover Picture/Video
  • Story System
  • Notifications
  • #Hashtags
  • @Mentions
  • Post Privacy
  • Likes
  • Comments & Replies
  • Dislikes
  • Multi Languages
  • Many, many payment methods supported
  • S3, digitalocean, FTP, Google Drive & Google Cloud
  • Verified Profiles.
  • Fully responsive for all devices, browsers.
  • Password recovery by email.
  • Online user counter on admin & home page.
  • Emoticons.

Changelog of DeepSound Nulled

See what’s new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest versions.

v1.5.2 [20/01/2023]
ADDED plugin system, now developers can make plugins for DeepSound and keep your customizations after updates, Read More.
FIXED 2+ minor bugs.
v1.5.1 [13/01/2023]
FIXED clicking on username in message section goes to 404.
FIXED clicking enter on search bar refreshes the bar.
FIXED clicking load more on albums page cause to load albums repeatedly.
FIXED webp upload issue.
FIXED You can not scroll down in the album songs on the mobile browser.
FIXED {{ads}} showing in spotlight page.
FIXED when you click on load more in hall of fame page, you get broken profiles.
FIXED sometimes broken activities show on artist's page.
FIXED some links go to 404.
FIXED home page on mobile browser is not full responsive.
FIXED upload-song and go-pro page on mobile.
FIXED broken home icon showing on nonlogged in header.
FIXED 5+ minor bugs.
v1.5 [22/12/2022]
ADDED the ability to update profile picture from settings page for phone users.
ADDED new theme for volcano.
ADDED the ability to listen to all favourites songs.
ADDED the ability to filter events by date.
ADDED the ability to customize website default color from admin panel -> design settings.
UPDATED Google plus link in footer with Instagram
UPDATED upload system, now ffmpeg runs in background, user can browse the website while uploading a song.
FIXED if the uploaded songs are not submitted, they remain forever on the server.
FIXED 10+ minor bugs.
v1.4.9 [07/10/2022]
ADDED cronjob.php to handle all background processes (required to add).
ADDED the ability to disable custom pages.
ADDED flutterwave payment method.
ADDED the ability to import from
ADDED developers page, users can login to other websites using DeepSound.
ADDED Hindi, Urdu, Chine, Indonesian, Croatian, Hebrew, Bengali, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Persian, Swedish, Vietnamese, Danish, and Filipino languages.
ADDED emojis on messenger.
ADDED reserved usernames system, block certain usernames.
ADDED system status to detect problems on server.
FIXED mouse right click -> paste not triggering save action in admin panel inputs.
FIXED social network links not showing on footer.
FIXED default currency not showing on songs and products.
FIXED stories views not working.
FIXED sitemap hanging on please wait.
FIXED album thumbnail upload, songs thumbnail not uploading.
FIXED social login for vk, linkedin, mailru and discord.
FIXED automatic thumbnail when uploading an album.
FIXED automatic description when uploading an album.
FIXED dropdown menu broken on mobile.
FIXED footer in in volcano welcome page.
FIXED 3 minor bugs.
v1.4.8 [20/08/2022]
ADDED Wasabi storage.
ADDED custom endpoint (domain name) for S3, Spaces, Wasabi and Backblaze.
ADDED Backblaze storage.
ADDED the ability to upload files directly from admin panel to third party storages.
FIXED 5 minor bugs.
v1.4.7 [22/07/2022]
ADDED user roles, editor, moderator, and admin.
ADDED the ability to add, edit and remove pro packages.
ADDED the ability to add custom withdrawal methods.
ADDED feature privacy, choose who can each user a feature, all, pro, admin, users or artists.
ADDED the ability to mark all messages as read.
ADDED time to messages.
ADDED the ability to resend email verfication and two auth emails.
ADDED hreflang tags.
IMPROVED SEO of whole website.
IMPROVED speed bt 50% more.
UPDATED all PHP libs to new versions.
FIXED earnings count was wrong.
FIXED verification badgfe now showing everywhere.
FIXED empty album showing when songs are private.
FIXED songs were downloaded as .html file if remote storage like Google cloud is enabled.
FIXED scrolling issue on admin panel.
FIXED 5 minor bugs.
v1.4.6 (30 May, 2022)
ADDED new left sidebar on volcano theme.
ADDED faqs page.
ADDED new discover page on default theme.
ADDED Yoomoney, Fortumo, Aamarpay, Ngenius, CoinPayments, Coinbase payments gateways.
ADDED the ability to re-arrange playlist songs.
ADDED the ability to translate terms page.
ADDED Remember This Device option to login page.
ADDED Password Complexity System to registration page.
ADDED Auto Username to registration page.
ADDED the ability to translate SEO details.
FIXED 5 minor bugs.
Version 1.4.5 (26 Jan, 2022)
ADDED ffmpeg debug system, now you can debug the output of the ffmpeg
FIXED uploading albums was not working.
FIXED email confrimation was not working.
FIXED price not showing on events and purchased page.
FIXED few minor bugs.
OPTIMIZED database table indexes.

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