Delicate v3.6 | Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Download Free Delicate | Multipurpose WordPress Theme v3.6
Delicate | Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download 3.6 – ThemeForest | Delicate | Multipurpose WordPress Theme Nulled v3.6 is a multipurpose WordPress theme with a flat template. Great for Multi-Purpose Business Websites, Freelance Portfolio Websites, Corporate Business Agencies, Creative Design Agencies, Consultancy Agencies, Tax Audit, Internet Marketing, Money Investment, Transportation, Real Estate, Logistics, Day-to-Day Services Firms, Startups, Small eCommerce Shopping Websites, Tech, IT Industry, and SEO Agencies. This multipurpose theme includes a strong WooCommerce-powered WP eCommerce platform.
Table Of Content
Above all, the delicate theme Nulled is entirely customizable and includes Woocommerce, which offers a wealth of back-end choices for customizing product and sales page designs. This beautifully designed WordPress theme is fully responsive and has a variety of layout options. This theme is also tailored for search engines. Create your dream business website in a matter of hours with Layer and Revolution Slider support, WPML, and the powerful Admin Panel.
With WPML compatibility, we also provide you with three language options. The good times aren’t over yet. Browse the list below to see what other exciting features are in store for you.
The Delicate Nulled WordPress Theme comes with well-organized, commented, and clean code, with a strong emphasis on typography, usability, and overall user-experience.
- 15 Layered PSD for customization
- Works and looks similar in all major browsers
- Fully Tested for WordPress 3.5.1
- 100% Responsive Theme
Old Versions
Delicate Multipurpose WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog
Delicate Multipurpose Theme Change-log 2022.11.18 – version 3.4 * Compatible with WordPress 6.1.1 * Compatible with latest WooCommerce versions * Compatible with PHP 8.1 version * Updated: All premium plugins 2021.08.31 – version 3.3 * Compatible with wordpress 5.8 2020.12.22 – version 3.2 * Latest jQuery fixes updated * Updated: All premium plugins 2020.08.13 – version 3.1 * Compatible with wordpress 5.5 2020.07.28 – version 3.0 * Updated: Envato Theme check * Updated: sanitize_text_field added * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: All premium plugins 2020.06.26 – version 2.9 * Compatible with wordpress 5.4.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts 2018.12.17 – version 2.8 * Some design tweaks fixed 2018.12.17 – version 2.7 * Fixed customizer issue * Fixed plugin activation issue * Updated dummy content * Updated third party plugins 2017.12.14 – version 2.6 * Compatible with WordPress 4.9.1 * Fixed deprecated issues * Fixed Theme check issues * Fixed php notice issues * Updated dummy content * Updated third party plugins - Layerslider-6.6.5 , RevSlider- and Visual composer-5.4.5 2017.06.02 – version 2.5.6 * Fixed Nice scroll issue 2016.06.30 – version 2.5.5 * Updated TGMA Plugin * Compatible with WooCommerce 2.6.1 2016.04.21 – version 2.5.4 * Compatible with WordPress 4.5 * Updated menu.php located at framework/theme_options * Updated jquery.tabs.min.js located at framework/js/public 2016.03.30 – version 2.5.3 * Fixed sidebar issue * Fixed list issues 2016.03.18 – version 2.5.2 * Compatible with WordPress 4.4.2 * Updated TGM Plugin * Updated slider plugins * Updated font awesome icons * Updated dummy-data xml file 2015.06.24 – version 2.5.1 * Updated prettyPhoto jQuery library ( XSS vulnerability ) 2015.04.29 – version 2.5 * Compatible with WordPress 4.2.1 * Fixed XSS vulnerability * Updated TGM Plugin * Updated Layer and Revolution Sliders * Included Envato Toolkit 2014.04.28 – version 2.4 * Now compatible with WordPress 3.9 * Fixed side navigation hover issue in chrome * Fixed portfolio related projects issue * Added fullwidth with thumb layout option for archive page * Fixed portfolio pagination issue in backend * Now compatible with WooCommerce 2.1.7 2014.02.26 – version 2.3 * Now compatible with WordPress 3.8+ * Added Social share in Product detail page * Fixed z-index issue in Portfolio single page
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