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Evenz v1.5.4 – Conference and Event WordPress Theme

Evenz v1.2.5 - Conference and Event WordPress Theme

Download Free Evenz – Conference and Event WordPress Theme v1.5.4

Evenz – Conference and Event WordPress Theme Free Download 1.5.4 – ThemeForest | Evenz – Conference and Event WordPress Theme Nulled v1.5.4 helps to build any website for events, including countdowns and event charts, pricing schedules, speakers, venues, and more. With 14 + colour pickers, 4 font pickers, logo uploaders, new design effects and 12 ready-to-use home page templates included, it is completely customizable. Seven-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked! (LATEST)

For activities, conferences, workshops, lectures, parties and more, the WordPress theme. As an instructor of yoga, simple to instal, easy to use, versatile.

Without function bloating, this theme has every WordPress event feature you can want in a single location, only what you need in a single spot.

With reliable updates and support, fast to instal, easy to use. Whether it be a company or entertainment, it is the perfect tool to build any event website.

Create your website for events in the blink of an eye! Import all demo pages in 30 seconds, pictures included, to kickstart your project and start editing in seconds, 12 + home pages included. Ultra-streamlined is the installation process. No needed coding!

Download manager

Which event has no downloads? With Evenz Nulled you can manage your downloads easily, display them in a beautiful fashion and track the downloads. Manage any type of attachment as pdf program, videos, zip files and more. Wanna restrict the access? This theme is compatible with the Download Monitor plugin, the most powerful plugin for downloads, that can have tons of extensions to restrict access with sharing, purchase and more (restricting access to downloads requires extensions not included with the theme).


Easily add unlimited testimonials, display them in grids, carousels or single pages, to add immediate trust to your page and increase event attendance.

Pricing plans

No need for extra plugins! this theme comes with a powerful pricing plans functionality that allows to add unlimited pricing plans with unlimited styles, items and price formatting, in perfect style with the theme, without needing any extra cost or plugin!

Team members, speakers, and more

If you want to manage speakers, artists, music bands for a concert, team members or any other professional profile, there is a special post type for you. Easily add team members with social links, professional profiles, and detailed biography, display them in full page, grids or carousels.

You can easily associate up to 10 speakers or team members to every single time frame of each schedule, to create the most informative timetables of your event.

Mega menu

We found out the existing MegaMenu plugins pretty frustrating, that’s why we rolled our own: fast, easy, reliable. Create mega menus using the visual Page Builder editor and add basically any content you can add to a page, then link it to existing menu items.

Download Links Evenz – Conference and Event WordPress Theme (LATEST)

Old Version

Evenz – Conference and Event WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog

== Changelog ==
1.5.0 [2023 Feb 18]
[x] Archive event item time format fix 
[x] Plugin updates

1.4.1 [2022 June 17]
[x] Captions fix firefox

1.4.0 [2022 April 13]
[x] TGMPA updated - better plugins activation procedure
[x] Page Composer plugin update

1.3.6 [2022 january 03]
[x] Plugins updated

1.3.5 [2021 Octuber 28]
[x] Updated woocommerce.css (columns clear fix)
[x] WooCommerce templates updated

1.3.4 [2021 Octuber 20]
[x] Javascript udpate changed width calculation for waves effect

1.3.3 [2021 September 28]
[x] fields.php replaced footer text type with Editor
[x] copyright-bar.php replaced wp_kses with post_kses to allow html

1.3.2 [2021 July 14]
[X] inc/ttgcore-setup/custom-types/event/event-program-display.php:93 changed 1 with 0 to avoid program not showing with only 1 day

1.3.1 [2021 July 14]
[x] FIX part-event-googlecalendar.php added control if the checkbox is enabled
[x] ADDED checkbox Hide Countdown in the event settings, to remove the header countdown for a specific event

1.3.0 [2021 June 28]
[x] Theme Core plugin update

1.2.9 [2021 march 24]
[x] WPBakery update

1.2.8 [2021 Jan 05]
[x] TTG Core update

1.2.7 [2020 DECEMBER 09]
[x] WPBakery update
[x] Added new QT Swipebox plugin in replacement of Easy Swipebox

1.2.6 [2020 DECEMBER 09]
[x] Force disable plugin Easy swipebox in inc/tgm-plugin-activation/conf.php

1.2.5 [2020 October 23]
[x] Added jquery migrate to frontend
[x] UPDATED WPBakery to 6.4.1

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