Filter Everything (v1.8.6) WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter Nulled
Download Free Filter Everything – WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter v1.8.6
Filter Everything WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter Free Download v1.8.6 – CodeCanyon | Filter Everything – WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter Nulled v1.8.6  is a new professional WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter that allows you to build powerful faceted filtering system for your site.
Table Of Content
- Download Free Filter Everything – WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter v1.8.6
- What is the best filter plugin is capable of?
- Step-by-Step filtering
- Filtering pages with specific filters accessible to index
- Beautiful, clean URLs as well as Permalinks
- Individual Filters Sets for pages and archives
- SEO rules
- Compatible With Plugins Common
- Filters any WordPress post type
- Can be used on any WordPress Page
- Allows customized WP Queries
- Compatible with Page Builders
- Optional filters
- Filter Options to set
- SEO Rule options
- Settings (most important)
- Translation/Localization
- Do I have the ability to filter Custom Post Types using this plugin?
- Can I filter using Custom Fields using this plugin?
- Can I filter using Custom Taxonomies by using it?
- Can I filter grids for posts that are generated using Page Builder?
- Does the plug-in work with shortcodes?
- Changelog WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter
The next version in WordPress Filter (and as well WooCommerce’s Product Filter) which lets you create a Powerful Faceted filtering system by any parameters. It can filter any type of post such as Custom Post Types as well as Products It is well-designed and offers helpful filters.
What is the best filter plugin is capable of?
- to filter the results by any criteria
- to filter out any type of Post (products post, cars, posts and houses, recipes, recipes, etc.)
- Supports any type of filter views (checkboxes radio buttons, checkboxes, labels dropdowns, lists or ranges)
- to be ready to using mobile devices
- to be productive and efficient
- AJAX support AJAX
- and and compatible and to work WordPress themes and plugins that are popular (ACF and WPML, for example)
Step-by-Step filtering
This feature allows users to add certain Filter terms that are dependent on the the selection of a different Filter
Filtering pages with specific filters accessible to index
Through Search Engines and get more customers to your website by “chunky middle” and “long-tail” keywords.
Beautiful, clean URLs as well as Permalinks
For filtering results pages. This lets them be indexed by Search Engines, share, bookmark , or other methods.
Individual Filters Sets for pages and archives
It allows you to design specific filters for specific Categories Tags, Categories, or other pages. This means that you can filter posts or posts based on the relevant parameters only.
SEO rules
This allows you to generate automatically H1 title as well as SEO title and Meta description to filter pages.
Compatible With Plugins Common
- Tested on Page builders like Elementor, Divi theme and builder Themify builders, WPBakery, Visual Composer Oxygen builder. It should be compatible with different page builders.
- It has been tested and is compatible the WPML plugin.
- Tested using SEO plugins Yoast SEO The All In One SEO, Rank Math SEO, The SEO Framework, SEOPress and Squirrly SEO.
Filters any WordPress post type
WooCommerce products include posts, recipes, posts (but there isn’t a WP Recipe maker yet) vehicles real estate, vehicles, and more.
Can be used on any WordPress Page
This includes pages that were created using Page builders such as Elementor, Divi builder, Themify WPBakery Visual Composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder etc
Allows customized WP Queries
You can filter out posts that are associated to Any WP Query on a page. It also includes custom WordPress loops that are directly stored in the theme’s files.
Compatible with Page Builders
Tested using Elementor, Divi builder, Themify builder WP Bakery composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder, JetEngine and many more.
Optional filters
- Filtering criteria
- Filter label
- URL prefix used to identify filter
- Meta Key (for filters via Custom Field)
- View [Checkboxes] and Radio buttons Dropdown Range]
- Filter logic [AND
- Sort terms by [Term ID] Post count IDSort terms using [Term name
- Terms that include or exclude words
- Folding [Enabled Disabled]
- Use to make Variations
- Show Hierarchy (for taxonomies with hierarchical structure)
- Search field (to search for words)
- Parent filter
- Hide until Parent selected
- Set the range slider to “On? [Enabled | Disabled]
- Slider Step (numeric value)
- Tooltip
- Show selected [Enabled Disabled]
Filter Options to set
- What filters should you use? (Location any page in which the Filter Set is expected to be able to work)
- What should be filtered? (WP query that must be removed)
- Always hide in the first Filter only to hide
- Show the count
- Hide empty Filters
- class of post container
- Apply Button> mode
- Apply button label
- Label for reset button
- Alternate Location (redirect to the result from a different page)
- Priority – for pages that have two or more filter sets
SEO Rule options
- Post type
- Combination of filters (Archive Page + Filters)
- SEO title
- Meta description
- H1 Title
- SEO description (SEO text to be used for a specific filtering pages)
Settings (most important)
- URL prefixes – order and value
- Indexed Filters
- Mobile devices settings
- AJAX settings
- Color scheme
- Smart scroll
- Layout and behavior modifications
There is *.pot files within the plugin, which allows you to translate it to any language. It is currently available for translation to Russian only.
Do I have the ability to filter Custom Post Types using this plugin?
Sure, you can filter all public post types. No matter how they were made using the custom post types plugin, or directly within PHP code.
Can I filter using Custom Fields using this plugin?
Yes, you can filter your search by any custom field. It doesn’t matter how they were made using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin or directly within PHP code.
Can I filter using Custom Taxonomies by using it?
Yes, you can filter your search by the attributes of any Custom Taxonomy including WooCommerce attributes or created using CPT’s CPT UI extension plugin.
Can I filter grids for posts that are generated using Page Builder?
Sure, you can filter them. You can also filter custom WP queries directly in the theme’s files.
Does the plug-in work with shortcodes?
Yes, sure. It is possible to place Filter Set and Selocted filters (active filters chips) Sorting dropdown and button to open widget from anywhere by using the following shortcodes: [fe_widget],[fe_chips], [fe_sort] [fe_open_button[fe_open_button]. Find out further on shortcodes.
Changelog WordPress & WooCommerce Products Filter
= 1.8.6 =
*Release Date - 18 July 2024*
* Dev - Added ability to translate SEO Rules with Polylang
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with Polylang plugin
* Fix - Fixed the ability to rewrite functions wrapped with function_exists()
* Fix - Fixed small issue with terms order equal to the order in ACF field
* Fix - Fixed issue with text search through filtered posts and apostrophe character
* Tweak - Added hooks 'wpc_taxonomy_location_terms', 'wpc_post_type_location_terms', 'wpc_author_location_terms'
= 1.8.5 =
*Release Date - 15 May 2024*
* Dev - Added "Labels for Chips" option to configure chip labels
* Dev - Added "Dropdown Label" option
* Tweak - The "Show in Chips" option was hidden due to lack of demand
* Tweak - Now default terms order in a Custom Field is the same as in ACF field
* Tweak - If ACF field terms have labels, they displays in the Filters widget instead of values
* Fix - Fixed issue with WPML and Homepage in different languages
= 1.8.4 =
*Release Date - 08 April 2024*
* Dev - Tested and improved compatibility with WordPress 6.5
* Fix - Fixed issue with Filter Set for a post page
* Fix - Fixed issue with preview products in draft status and PHP > 8.2
* Fix - Fixed JS error occurred on type in the Search field input
* Fix - Issue with incorrect attribute 'for' in the Filters Widget title label
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