Flat manga – Build your own manga reader site PHP Script
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Download Free Flat manga – Build your own manga reader site PHP Script
Flat manga – Build your own manga reader site PHP Script Free Download – CodeCanyon | Flat manga – Build your own manga reader site PHP Script offers you a an easy and quick method to build Manga sites such as mangafox and mangareader. It is built with a lot of features you require to create a basic flat manga and many more features for more advanced. Flat manga also offer an easy and quick option to personalize your website, without require editing sources.
General Specific Features
- Easy to set up Just enter a few information and in a few clicks and your website will be live.
- Professional and powerful admin pages Flat manga has professional and well-designed admin pages that ensure that admins of the site can handle everything (mangas chapters, mangas as well as chapters) quickly.
- Stable, light weight lightweight, and Reliable Flat manga with the H0 Framework which is powerful and flexible. The framework also features extensive internal caching systems and an optimized SQL implementation, which makes manga that is flat light in weight.
- Design system Template System Modern with bootstrap by default, makes Flat manga contemporary, updated and flexible. Additional templates are available here.
- Locales system Simple to translate your site into different languages using one file just.
- Dynamic Content and widgets are flexible, and you can customize your website to fit your personal design, by using html to make your website more flexible and distinctive
- The Flat Manga interface is informative and has an excellent layout and user-friendly interface. You can also use tooltips as well as a popovers added to the list to provide more details.
- Standing-alone Flat manga works as a stand-alone app however with the H0 Framework it is possible to communicate Flat manga and other manga with the that same
- Framework such as forum and support boards, etc.
- Flexible manga chaptering supports non numeral manga chaptering, so that you can have chapters such as “Extra 01”, “Extra 02?, “Special 01?, etc.
- Search engines friendly (SEO optimized) This application using friendly slug for friendly url, this slug also effect multi language, in English, the url is manga-something.html, in Vietnamese, it is: doc-truyen-something.html. It is very active. You can also modify your meta description, the page titles and search terms for the manga page Chapter page.
- Clean code Flat manga well-written and uses a good programming structure to make it durable and stable. It has several layers to manage the basic process, the themes, modules/add on system pages, widgets, and page
Key Features - Recent manga updates and recent chapters for homepage that includes AJAX ratings for every chapter. as well as viewer statistics, and the date of their addition.
- Manga List page that lists every manga available in the database, with cache built-in for speedy processing and hover information to provide useful and useful
- Manga Preview Information display when hovering over thumbnail model.
- Multi Read type is used to display the content of the chapter page by page, with an simple navigation. There are three options of reading manga chapters that include multiple pages of reading single page reading, and multiple pages that are touch-sensitive (Cool touchscreen device). Multiple pages of reading will result in an entire page for each chapter’s images. A single page reading option will offer one page for each chapter. It is easy to change the reading mode between multiple pages and one page, and the reverse. You can also turn off the reader option on the Dash Board.
- Manga Search, which is an app, which provides the user with a search box that has auto complete/auto suggest features
- Manga of the Week, that is a widget to display the most popular manga from the past week.
- Manga List widget to count the manga series (most popular, updated recently or added, most recently rating) according to widget configurations
Widget for Chapter List - Manga Statistic is an application that displays the complete and precise manga statistics.
- 3 Comment types allow users to post comments on their preferred social media, while administrators can also allow or disable the types of comments.
- Inline manga detail pop up when mouse hover on manga name
A system for intensive caching - Multi Language – You can choose to add your own language, and perform translation with ease. There are two default languages: Vietnamese and English
- Notification
- Membership Module
Users register
- Register using activation or not (ADMIN configuration)
- User login
- Ajax login for the user
- User forgotten password retrieve
- User change information, avatar
- Users who stand alone CP This is crucial for the latest integrated applications.
- The manga is submitted by the member. Chapter and chapter, ADMIN will either accept or deny
- Add/edit/delete/search/list users
- Add/edit/delete/search/list manga
- Add/edit/delete/search/list chapters
- Add/edit/delete/search/list translate groups
- Configuration system. It allows you to alter the configuration of your site and application along with the type of comment, locales and so on.
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