FontPress (v3.4.2) WordPress Font Manager Free Download
Download Free FontPress – WordPress Font Manager v3.4.2 Nulled
FontPress WordPress Font Manager Free Download v3.4.2 – CodeCanyon | FontPress WordPress Font Manager Nulled v3.4.2 is a small but powerful typography tool for easily empowering your theme and managing virtually any font.
Table Of Content
Does this include combining Google fonts, Adobe Typekits, @font-face fonts, and simple CSS fonts?
New Google Early Access fonts for non-Latin languages are also supported by the plugin!
Add or simply choose the fonts you want to use. Make global rules and then concatenate them. To properly set fonts, you can manage a long list of parameters:
- font size (with responsive units)
- text decoration (underline, overline and line-through)
- line height
- font weight (with complete parameters list)
- letter and word spacing
- background color (supporting gradients)
- font style (normal, italic or oblique)
- text transform (capitalize, uppercase and lowercase)
- outline (width and color)
- text color (supporting gradients)
- shadow (offset, opacity and color)
Core Features:
Typography Shortcode:
Using the typography shortcode, you can create custom text blocks without any CSS knowledge.
FontPress Nulled includes a handy wizard that simplifies complex changes with a few clicks!
Responsive text:
Managing responsive content can be a real pain, with hours wasted writing heavy code.
FontPress, which includes CSS3 responsive units for font size and line height, could be a real time saver in these situations.
Compatible with builders:
Do you have any idea what CSS selectors are?
Visual builders may be an excellent opportunity for you.
Most elements allow you to add a specific class or ID. Using FontPress rules will be a farce. Code that is optimized and highly targeted without any knowledge or error margin: simply fantastic!
Visual font preview:
There are many plugins that allow you to use custom fonts, but FontPress Nulled adds an important extra to project your changes.
It displays font previews in all of their formats (standard, bold, italic, bold italic) and lets you preview custom text in different font sizes!
Don’t try to figure out which character is hiding behind a name!
fontpress-wordpress-font-manager-nulled.zip (-LATEST)
Old Version
Changelog FontPress – WordPress Font Manager Nulled
v3.3.8 - release date 04/10/2023
improved UX in fonts management, avoiding interactions if font is already doing actions
v3.3.7 - release date 22/03/2023
NEW minor code changes to comply with WP 6.2
v3.3.6 - release date 20/01/2023
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.3.5 - release date 22/12/2022
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.3.4 - release date 20/12/2022
ADDED further check for dynamic CSS creation upon update
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.3.3 - release date 22/08/2022
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.3.2 - release date 29/04/2022
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.3.1 - release date 11/04/2022
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.3.0 - release date 08/04/2022
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.2.4 - release date 08/03/2022
UPDATED LC WordPress Dashboard
v3.2.3 - release date 06/03/2022
LC WordPress Dashboard obfuscated codes arranged to not be reported by security systems
v3.2.2 - release date 03/03/2022
LC WordPress Dashboard introduced
v3.2.1 - release date 24/05/2021
code refactoring to adhere new Codecanyon standards
v3.2 - release date 03/03/2021
ADDED new colorpicker supporting opacity and gradients
ADDED color shortcode parameter to apply gradients
cufons codes removed