Interactive World Maps (v2.5) Free Download
Free Download Interactive World Maps v2.5
Interactive World Maps v2.5 Nulled | Interactive World Maps v2.5 Free Download | This is a WordPress plugin to create as many maps as you want, with interactive and colored markers, continents, countries or regions.
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interactive-world-maps-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Show Different Regions
You will be able to show hundreds of different kinds of maps, already included:
- A map of the entire world.
- A continent or a sub-continent. (Africa, Europe, Americas, Asia, Oceania and all their sub-continents)
- A country. (virtually all the countries in the world are included, featuring the most requested: USA, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil, India, Australia…)
- A country divided by its regions. *
- A state in the United States.
- The United States divided by metropolitan areas.
- A state in the United States divided by metropolitan areas.
Color Regions or add Markers
You can add active colored regions to the map, and display them in 2 different ways:
- As Regions – It will color the whole region, for example a continent, subcontinent, a country, a country province, or a US state.
- As Markers -It will display a colored bubble in the chosen regions, that can be a city, a state or a country.
World Maps Free Download
interactive-world-maps-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Changelog Interactive World Maps Nulled
2024/04/23 - v2.5 - security improvements
2022/12/17 - v2.4.11 - Improvements for WP 6.1 and PHP8 compatibility
2021/04/21 - v.2.4.9 - Bug fixes on overlay maps
2020/04/27 - v.2.4.8 - Bug fixes on custom action, admin improvements
2020/03/16 - v.2.4.5 - Bug fixes on edit screen, code improvements
2019/01/20 - v. - javascript improvement, added 'projection' shortcode parameter support, custom icon image hand cursor fix, image in colorbox fix, first iteration of duplicate maps, better handling for iOS html tooltip bug;
Last Update:
June 17, 2024
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