Ivory Search Premium Free Download is a powerful plugin for WooCommerce that enhances the search functionality on your website. It allows you to search for specific WooCommerce products and preserves the theme styling of the search results, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing user experience.
With Ivory Search, you have the flexibility to configure the search form to target specific product types, categories, custom fields, dates, and product attributes such as color and size. You can also exclude certain types of products from the search based on criteria such as product title, category, terms, and custom fields. Additionally, the search form can search for products by SKU and exclude ‘out of stock’ items from the search results.
Not only does Ivory Search Nulled improve the search functionality for WooCommerce products, but it also extends its capabilities to search images, media, attachments, and files. You can search for images, audio files, videos, PDFs, and documents based on their titles, captions, and descriptions. The search can be restricted to or excluded by specific file types or upload dates.
One of the key features of Ivory Search is the ability to create unlimited search forms. Each search form can be configured separately to search specific content, giving you the flexibility to target different areas of your website. You can display these search forms anywhere on your site, including the header, footer, widget areas, navigation menu, page content, or any other location using shortcodes.
With Ivory Search Premium Nulled, you can search for anything on your site, including post types, categories, taxonomies, terms, custom fields, authors, WooCommerce products, bbPress forums, post status, comments, dates, and file types. On the other hand, you can also exclude specific content from the search, allowing you to restrict the search to certain areas or exclude irrelevant content from the search results.
Ivory Search Free Download is a comprehensive search plugin for WooCommerce that empowers you to enhance the search functionality on your website, making it easier for users to find the products and content they are looking for.