Download Free Literatum – Just Write WordPress Theme v2.2.3
Literatum – Just Write WordPress Theme Free Download 2.2.3 – ThemeForest | Literatum v2.2.3 – Just Write WordPress Theme is a fantastic theme which is designed for writers and online journals/magazines who want to showcase their pieces in a clean modern fashion, with easy navigation and a focus on content.
All configuration choices for Literatum WordPress Theme are integrated and leverage the basic functions of WordPress to facilitate management, hence eliminating difficulties over time in dealing with three complex configuration panels. It’s a wonderful theme for WordPress users both advanced and beginners.
Features List of Literatum – Just Write WordPress Theme
Navigation AJAX can be set to speed up and approach the website with just one click.
An avatar can be uploaded via the administrative site by each author.
Featured images for every category
You can connect a picture to each site category. This image is shown at the top of the website category.
Video covers for posts (version 1.2.2+)
The video file you want to display can be uploaded instead of the posted image. Look at it. (It’s an mp4 video thus Google best for Google Chrome. Not a mobile device)
Category templates
The design you want to show the items in every category of the website may be configured easily. For future improvements, literatum Theme contains two various templates extendable.