Lobo v2.8.3 – Portfolio for Freelancers & Agencies Download
Free Download Lobo -WordPress Theme v2.8.3 – ThemeForest | Lobo v2.8.3 – Portfolio for Freelancers & Agencies WordPress Theme especially developed for creative agencies and great freelancers. Graphic designers, photographers, illustrators or any kind of creative is now able to easily create a quick and easiest portfolio to showcase their own work having a distinctive and creative touch. Lobo is a best modular, this means that your great and perfect contents will be created in the basis of a custom module builder that will smoothly allow you to easily compose and create your own layouts in seconds.
Table Of Content
- Responsive, of course
- Two different navigations
- Unique modular content layouts. You can create unique and very creative layouts to display your projects in a very easy way.
- Unique and custom page/module builder
- Premium Royal Slider included.
- WordPress native customizer ready
- Isotope & masonry layouts
- Infinite scroll
- Cool sticky submenu feature that will allow you to have access to some secondary functions within your site. This option can be disabled, of course. You will have in this way a more normal scroll experience…
- Cool filtering method for your project items
- Multiple portfolio pages
- Custom fullscreen backgrounds for each project and section.
- Parallax backgrounds and videos. You can disable it as well.
- Fullscreen hero videos from Yotube & Vimeo.
- Self hosted soundtracks/music (mp3/ogg). With a custom player fully integrated with the theme´s concept.
- Google fonts library
- Font-awesome icons retina ready
- Select the portfolio columns choosing from 1 to 4 columns.
- Adjust the sizes for your text, fonts, color. Combinations are unlimited.
- Localization ready
- WooCommerce integration (e-commercer/shop features) support
- WPML support
- iOS/Mobile Ready
- Touch gestures and keyboard support for sliders
- XML to import dummy content to have an easy and fast start with your new theme.
Lobo Free Download Link
Changelog Lobo – WordPress Portfolio for Freelancers & Agencies Nulled
v2.8.1 // 14 Oct 2022
WooCommerce 7.0 Ready
WordPress 6.1 Ready
PHP 8.0+ Ready
v2.7.8 // 05 July 2021
WooCommerce 5.4+ Ready
WordPress 5.8 Ready
v2.7.7 // 29 March 2021
WooCommerce 5.1.0 Ready
Fixed WooCommerce review issue
Improved share options
Minor perfomance increase
v2.7.6 // 18 February 2021
WooCommerce 5.0 Ready
Fixed PHP 8 warning on single project pages
Fixed issue related to hero text modules with background images enabled
Some minor visual improvements
v2.7.5 // 28 January 2021
PHP 8 Ready
WooCommerce 4.9 Ready
Improved hero text modules on mobile
This theme update includes an update for Lobo Shortcodes plugin – You may want to update your plugin placed within includes/plugins/lobo-shortcodes.zip. You just need to unzip this file via FTP in your server and replace your old folder in wp-content/plugins. As always when you update your site, we encourage you to keep a complete website backup.
v2.7.4.2 // 10 December 2020
Fixed shortcodes issues in WordPress 5.6 – You will need to update your shortcode’s plugin placed within includes/plugins/lobo-shortcodes.zip. You just need to unzip this file via FTP in your server and replace your old folder in wp-content/plugins. As always you update your site, we encourege you to keep a complete site backup. WordPress 5.6 is a major update. New installations don’t need to manage this step, since last shortcode versions will install automatically.
WooCommerce 4.8.0 Ready
v2.7.4.1 // updated: 12/01/20
Fixed shortcodes issue and plugins update. If you are updating your theme, you have the new updated plugins available within the theme’s folder includes/plugins. You just need to unzip them within your plugins folder (wp-contents/plugins) in order to replace the older plugins in your installation. Don’t forget to backup your site first anytime you update your website.
v2.7.4 // updated: 11/30/20
Fixed issue related to comments
Fixed: Some minor issues related to module contents
WooCommerce 4.7.1 Ready
PHP 7.4.1 Ready
v2.7.3 // updated: 07/11/20
Added: New Fonts – DM Serif Text, DM Serif Display…
..., IBM Plex Sans, IBM Plex Sans Condensed, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Serif
Fixed: Issue with video poster sizes
Improvement: Alt tag for images back modules
Update: WooCommerce 4.3+ Ready
v2.7.2 // updated: 03/23/20
Fixed issue with logo color detection
Improved cart icon in mobile
Updated theme activation method
WooCommerce 4.0+ Ready
v2.7.1 // updated: 11/23/19
v2.7.1.1 // updated: 11/25/19
Fixed an issue with product tabs (caused by last update)
v2.7.1 // updated: 11/23/19
Added support for WooCommerce 3.8.0
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce products grid number
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce variation images
Fixed an issue with text module backgrounds
v2.7.0 // updated: 09/02/19
Improved loading speed by integrating lazy loading of images
Improved support for responsive images
Added support for WooCommerce 3.7.0
v2.6.4 // updated: 05/24/19
Added support for WooCommerce 3.6.1
v2.6.3 // updated: 03/28/19
Fixed an issue with infinite loading on Android devices
Updated the Lobo Shortcodes plugin to fix an issue with the Twitter shortcode
Fixed other minor visual issues
v2.6.2 // updated: 12/06/18
WordPress 5.0 Ready
Improved video support for hero headers
v2.6.1 // updated: 11/14/18
Improved support for WooCommerce 3.5.1
v2.6.0 // updated: 10/25/18
Improved support for PHP 7.2
Added support for WooCommerce 3.5.x
v2.5.7 // updated: 03/12/18
Added support for WooCommerce 3.3.x
Improved latest portfolio shortcode
Some other minor fixes
v2.5.6 // updated: 04/01/18
Improved video support in hero headers
v2.5.5 // updated: 18/12/17
Fixed an issue with the module builder in Firefox
v2.5.4.1 // updated: 06/12/17
Fixed issue with child themes in some environments
v2.5.4 // updated: 05/12/17
Added support for WooCommerce 3.2.x
Fixed some issues for WordPress 4.9
v2.5.3 // updated: 29/08/17
Fixed an issue with variation images in WooCommerce
Improved HDPI support
v2.5.2 // updated: 04/08/17
Fixed an issue with TinyMCE dropdowns related to WordPress 4.8
Fixed some minor bugs
v2.5.1 // updated: 04/07/17
Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
Improved mobile navigation on Android
v2.5.0 // updated: 02/08/17
Improved performance and support for latest versions of WordPress
v2.4.9 // updated: 07/26/16
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce checkout page
Fixed a bug related to the unlimited portfolio settings
v2.4.8 // updated: 07/13/16
Added support for the new Google Maps API
v2.4.7 // updated: 06/17/16
Added support for WooCommerce 2.6.1
Updated Font Awesome library to 4.6.3
v2.4.6 // updated: 05/05/16
Fixed layout issue in cart ‘apply coupon’ area (mobile) WooCommerce 2.5.2
v2.4.5 // updated: 03/11/16
Added support for WooCommerce 2.5.2
v2.4.4 // updated: 01/31/16
Added support for WooCommerce 2.5.0
Improved checkout UX
Added ‘Work Sans’ Google Font to the theme´s font library
Updated Font Awesome library to 4.5.0
v2.4.3 // updated: 12/12/15
Fixed a pagination related issue in WP 4.4
v2.4.2 // updated: 11/11/15
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce variation images
v2.4.1 // updated: 10/20/15
Improved support for WooCommerce 2.4.7
v2.4 // updated: 08/18/15
Added support for WooCommerce 2.4
v2.3.8 // updated: 08/13/15
Fixed the mute option for Vimeo videos
Fixed the WooCommerce double images issue
v2.3.6 // updated: 05/27/15
Improved YouTube player to support the new API (v3) and allow more videos per page
Fixed IE9 loading issues
v2.3.5 // updated: 05/06/15
Fixed WooCommerce user forms
v2.3.4 // updated: 04/28/15
Fixed broken cart page in WooCommerce 2.3.8
Removed register buttons from WooCommerce, when the option is disabled
v2.3.3 // updated: 04/20/15
Fixed a bug caused by last update
v2.3.2 // updated: 04/20/15
Fixed some video related issues
Added support for the WooCommerce product shortcode
Fixed a bug in WooCommerce v2.3.6
v2.3.1 // updated: 02/26/15
Added support for WooCommerce grouped projects
Fixed alternate portfolio filtering
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce checkout
v2.3 // updated: 02/13/15
Added support for WooCommerce 2.3
Added social meta tags in the header
Added a new “related projects” module
Added a “please update message” for IE8 users
Updated Font Awesome to v4.3 (Lobo Shortcodes update)
Fixed a minor localization issue
Fixed an error related to WooCommerce products with no description
v2.2.2 // updated: 01/22/15
Fixed a bug related to self hosted videos with WP 4.1
v2.2.1 // updated: 01/13/15
Full theme ready for WP 4.1
Fixed a bug related to portfolio & touch devices
Fixed an issue with lightbox design on retina displays
v2.2 // updated: 12/12/14
Added an optional URL field for image modules
Improved the gallery module
Fixed blog grid numbering
Fixed a few WooCommerce related details
v2.1 // updated: 11/26/14
Added custom lightbox option for portfolio items
Added image option as a fallback/poster for video heroes on mobile devices
Added change log view in the backend
Fixed the fade option for the modular slider
v2.0.9 // updated: 10/25/14
Added an option to disable unlimited portfolios
Added support for WooCommerce categories grid
Fixed some other minor issues
v2.0.8 // updated: 10/06/14
Updated Font Awesome to v4.2 (Lobo Shortcodes update)
Fixed WPEngine module builder conflict
Fixed thin fonts issue
v2.0.7 // updated: 09/27/14
Fixed a bug related to WooCommerce variations
Fixed a bug related to logo force detection
v2.0.6 // updated: 09/22/14
Fixed issue related with e-commerce functionalities due to the last update
v2.0.5 // updated: 09/21/14
Added support for WooCommerce 2.2.x
Added templating system for the Module Builder
Added _target option for the social shortcode
Fixed self hosted video headers with auto height
Fixed WooCommerce variation images issues
Updated the language files
Last Update:
January 30, 2023