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Download Free Manual Documentation, Knowledge Base & Education WordPress Theme v7.3.2
Manual Documentation, Knowledge Base & Education WordPress Theme Free Download v7.3.2 – ThemeForest | Manual Documentation, Knowledge Base & Education WordPress Theme Nulled v7.3.2 helps you In no time, create professional-looking online manuals (Documentation and Knowledgebase) or set up a forum to assist customers or clients. In other Words this theme is designed for Questions and Answers OR Support forum using WordPress.
The easiest way to create online user manual Nulled
Write professional looking online manuals (Documentation or Knowledgebase) in no time at all or establish Forum to allow customers and clients to help themselves.
Using Manual WordPress Theme you can:
- Create a professional looking Documentation OR Knowledge Base
- Create a branded FAQ
- Establish FORUM within your wordpress site
- Track article user hits
- Allow user to vote (Like/Dislike) on article helpfulness.
- Reduce support ticket volume and repetitive questions
- Increase customer loyalty and reduce support time
- Benefit from the power and flexibility of a WordPress powered site
Manual Features
- Fully Responsive
- Documentation, Knowledgebase, FAQS, Portfolio, Shop, Education (LMS), Forum Fully Ready
- Translation ready .po/.mo files included
- One click DEMO import.
- Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
- Great SEO Built-In
- Fully compatible with Contact Form 7
- WooCommerce Fully Compatible
- Private Category/Articles Access Level Article Control
- Ajax/normal article load for the documentation
- Advance Ajax Live Search
- Trending Live Search
- Fully customizable (styling option and more)
- WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress
- Advance Typography Options
- LearnPress Fully Compatible
- Great Support
- Child Theme Compatible and included in the package
- Fully compatible with BBpress
- Well Documented
- Article Feedback/Impression system
- Elementor Fully Compatible.
- Based On Bootstrap Framework
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Private Attachment Files
- Advance Theme Option Panel
- And so much more
Using Manual WordPress Theme you can:
- Create a professional looking Documentation OR Knowledge Base
- Increase customer loyalty and reduce support time
- Allow user to vote (Like/Dislike) on article helpfulness.
- Benefit from the power and flexibility of a WordPress powered site
- Establish FORUM within your WordPress site
- Track article user hits
- Reduce support ticket volume and repetitive questions
- Create a branded FAQ
Manual WordPress Theme Free Download Links
Changelog Manual WordPress Theme Nulled
Version - 12th May 2023
[FEATURE 1]: We have introduced a new capability for the 'mega post grid' shortcode. You can now exhibit posts from different post types such as post, knowledgebase, and documentation by selecting a specific 'post tag'. To access this functionality, please use the 'mega post grid' shortcode in either the Elementor or WPBakery page builder.
[FIX 1]: The problem with the 'filter by category' feature not functioning in the Elementor shortcode 'mega post grid' has been resolved.
Version 7.3.1 - 23rd April 2023
[FEATURE 1]: The Table of Contents (TOC) feature now includes a new option that allows you to choose between generating “Random Links” or “Title Links” for the TOC. To access this option, simply navigate to “Manual Options” and select “Table of Contents.” From there, you can easily select your preferred link generation option.
[UPGRADE 1]: An upgraded version of the WPBakery Page Builder plugin is now available for upgrade.
[IMPROVED 1]: Theme security has been improved.
Version 7.3 - 15th April 2023
FEATURE 1: Support feature with page links for paginated posts in the knowledgebase post type.
FIX 1: Issue of not supporting lanaguage and not scrolling to the specific content area for the Table Of Content (TOC) for the post type knowledgebas and documentation.
FIX 2: the crucial problem of search results displaying when no category is selected for the post type documentation, as well as the issue of content not appearing in search results for selected categories where the actual post exists.
COMPATIBLE 1: The most recent version of the theme is compatible with the latest versions of both WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin.
Version 7.2.6 - 11th January 2023
- COMPATIBLE 2: The manual theme is compatible with the latest update of Elementor/WooCommerce.
Version 7.2.5 - 27th November 2022
- FEATURE 1: Targeted "Documentation" category search.
- COMPATIBLE 1: Manual theme compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 7.x.x
- UPGRADE 1: "Visual Composer" to the new available version 6.10.0.
- UPGRADE 2: "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder" to the new available version 3.19.12.
- FIX 1: Sorting issue in knowledge-based tree view while using Elementor shortcode.
- FIX 2: The login form is not clickable on the responsive layout while using the page builder shortcode.
Version 7.2.4 - 2nd September 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: New site demo 'Manual Digial Agency'
- UPDATE 1: Security.
Version - 25th August 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: New site demo 'Manual University'
Version - 24th August 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: Option to add "alt" attribute for the logo.
- ISSUE FIX 1: Some reposted issue.
Version 7.2.3 - 19th August 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: New Site Demo "Manual Handyman"
- ENHANCE 1: "Pricing table" & "service table" shortcode for the both page builder plugin elementor and wpbakery
Version 7.2.2 - 16th August 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: Contact us link inside the article post for the both knowledgebase and documentation.
- ENHANCE 1: Page speed.
- ENHANCE 2: Manual Options KB and DOC section.
- COMPATIBLE 1: Compatible with the latest learnpress version
- COMPATIBLE 2: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 6.8.0
- ISSUE FIX 1: Fix the error message "Deprecate required parameters after optional parameters" for PHP version 8.
Version 7.2.1 - 20th July 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: New Site Demo "classic Corporate"
- ENHANCE 1: Theme design.
- ISSUE FIX 1: Empty array error message when using WPBakery plugin.
- ISSUE FIX 2: Other reported issue.
Version 7.2 - 8th July 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: New Site Demo "Online Service"
Version 7.1 - 3rd July 2022
- ISSUE FIX 1: Sidebar TOC widget issue when load content via ajax
- ISSUE FIX 2: bbPress(forum) design issue
Version 7.0 - 28th June 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: “Next/Previous post link” feature inside documentation.
- FEATURE ADD 2: Search by "knowleagebase category".
- FEATURE ADD 3: New 14 site demos.
- FEATURE ADD 4: Support desgin for the plugin weDocs.
- FEATURE ADD 5: Added shortcodes for the plugin weDocs.
- FEATURE ADD 6: Inline documentation progess bar.
- ENHANCE 1: bbPress forum design.
- ENHANCE 2: All page design shortcodes.
- ENHANCE 3: Manual framework plugin.
- ENHANCE 4: Manua theme coding.
- ENHANCE 4: Design enhanced.
- CHANGE 1: Coding structure.
- REMOVE 1: Slider Revolution plugin.
- REMOVE 2: All old designs.
- ISSUE FIX 1: All reported issue's (elementor, wpBakery, site layout and coding error issue's).
- ISSUE FIX 2: Inline documentation not working properly while using elementor issue.
Version 6.7 - 11th March 2022
- FEATURE ADD 1: “Next/Previous post link” feature inside knowledgebase single page. (Manual Options > knowledgebase > Single Page :: “Next Previous Post (Enable/Disable)”)
- FEATURE ADD 2: Display all post records that are inside the sub-category section for the KB tree view.
- FEATURE ADD 3: “IN PROGRESS” and “NOT SOLVED” tag feature for the bbPress forum.
- FEATURE ADD 4: Limit sub-category display for the Shortcode “Knowledgebase”.
- FEATURE ADD 5: Option to display post excerpt on the live search. (Manual Options > Search > Live Search).
- FEATURE ADD 6: Option to enable/disable Gutenberg editor for the FAQ.
- FEATURE ADD 7: Security update.
- FEATURE ADD 8: Option to enable/disable “Custom Field Box” for the post type “Knowledgebase/FAQ/Portfolio/Documentation”
- ENHANCE 1: bbPress forum design.
- ENHANCE 2: Manual Options.
- ENHANCE 3: WPBakery BBPress Shortcode Login, Register.
- REVAMP 1: Plugin “Manual Framework (Post Type)” (IMPORTANT UPDATE)
- ISSUE FIX 1: Page auto-scroll feature for the targeted direct link URL inside the documentation non-ajax load page.
- ISSUE FIX 2: TOC widget issue.
Version - 17th Nov 2021
- ISSUE FIX 1: Manual Options design issue.
Version 6.6.3 - 8th Nov 2021
- FEATURE ADD 1: Show/hide social icons option for the WooCommerce single page.
- FEATURE ADD 1: Option to change "Related products" text for the WooCommerce single page.
- ISSUE FIX 1: RTL design issue.
Version 6.6.2 - 21st Oct 2021
- FEATURE ADD 1: Added an option "Has Archive" inside "manual Options > knowledgebase > Post Type & Breadcrumb Settings" which will allow users to choose Whether or not the post type will have a post type archive URL.
- UPGRADE 1: "Manual Framework (Post Type)" to the latest version 3.2
Version 6.6 - 11th Oct 2021
- FEATURE ADD 1: Tagging functionality for the Documentation post type.
- FEATURE ADD 2: Option to add custom text in front of the article update date.
- FEATURE ADD 3: Option to display KB category descriptions at the top of KB header (single/category) section (on|off feature available))
- ENHANCE 1: Manual theme design.
- UPGRADE 1: "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder" to the latest version 3.19.11
- UPGRADE 2: "Slider Revolution" to the latest version 6.5.8
- COMPATIBLE 1: with the latest WordPress Version 5.8.1
- ISSUE FIX 1: On the Search result page; "Post Publish Date" & "Post Type Tag" enable/disable settings not working.
- ISSUE FIX 2: Archive page error of learnpress 4.1.2
- ISSUE FIX 3: WooCommerce Shop card generating an issue on the Widgets section.
- ISSUE FIX 4: Fix some RTL design issues.
- ISSUE FIX 5: Remove dependency to appear documentation tree menu on the mobile version.
Version 6.5.2 - 19th July 2021
- ADDED: Added plugin "CMS Tree Page View" as required.
- ENHANCED: Few designs.
Version 6.5.1 - 15th July 2021
- FEATURE ADD 1: Option to switch documentation inline menu style - modern or classic
- UPGRADE 1: "Visual Composer" to the new available version.
Version 6.5 - 23rd June 2021
- FEATURE ADD 1: "Hide Private Articles" inside VC/Elementor shortcode "knowledgebase" ,
"KnowledgeBase - Single Category Records", "KnowledgeBase - Tree View" and "Widget - KnowledgeBase Article"
- FEATURE ADD 2: "Hide All Private KB Articles" inside "Manual Options > Knowledgebase > Global Settings".
- FEATURE ADD 3: "Article Display Order" and "Include Child Category Posts" inside widget "KB Category Articles In Single Page Sidebar"
- FEATURE ADD 4: Ability to change text "reset" via theme options (Maual Options > Text)
- FEATURE ADD 5: Enable/Disable "Doc - Category/Single Page Title Bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > DOC - Category/Single Page)
- FEATURE ADD 6: Enable/Disable "Search Page Title Bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > Search Page)
- FEATURE ADD 7: Enable/Disable "FAQ - Category/Single Page Title Bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > FAQ - Category/Single Page)
- FEATURE ADD 8: Show/hide Header Title Text for the section "documentation page title bar" (Manual Options > Page Title Bar > DOC - Category/Single Page)
- FEATURE ADD 9: Enable/Disable 'Table Of Content' that will appear inside article for the 'knowledgebase' articles (Manual Options > Knowledgebase > Single Page)
- FEATURE ADD 10: Enable/Disable 'Table Of Content' that will appear inside article for the 'documentation' articles (Manual Options > Documentation > Single/Category Page)
- FEATURE ADD 11: 2 different style options for the documentation tree menu ( Manual Options > documentation > Tree Menu )
- FEATURE ADD 12: Replace the main menu with the documentation tree menu when switching to responsive layout - on/off feature available (Manual Option > Documentation > Tree Menu
- FEATURE ADD 14: Ability Re-adjust Responsive Header Height for all the custom 'page title bar'
- FEATURE ADD 15: WP default feature post "Visibility: Password protected" implemented
- FEATURE ADD 16: Popup JS link on the FAQ for the quick access.
- ENHANCE 1: Onclick demo import.
- ENHANCE 2: Widget "KB Category Articles In Single Page Sidebar".
- ENHANCE 3: Footer options (Manual Options > Footer > Footer Styling).
- ENHANCE 4: Search box.
- ENHANCE 5: Mobile menu display.
- ENHANCE 6: Documentation tree menu.
- ENHANCE 7: Enhance "Doc - Tree view ajax load" shortcode for the wpBakery and Elementor.
- ENHANCE 8: Enhance "Inline Documentation" shortcode for the wpBakery and Elementor.
- COMPATIBLE 1: learnpress new Version 4.0.7.
- FIX ISSUE 1: "post_type" flushing rewrite rules.
- FIX ISSUE 2: Blog Single Page Breadcrumb link.
- FIX ISSUE 3: Inline menu overlap issue with firefox.
- FIX ISSUE 4: Documenation content not loading using the direct link url if, activate ajax page load.
- FIX ISSUE 5: Footer hardcode CSS issue.
- FIX ISSUE 6: MsScroll issue while using Firefox.
- FIX ISSUE 7: Fix Learnpress shortcode issue.