Master Slider v3.6.7 – WordPress Responsive Touch Slider
Download Free Master Slider WordPress Plugin v.3.6.7 – CodeCanyon | Master Slider v3.6.7 - WordPress Responsive Touch Slider (Updated on 30th July 2018) is a premium and high quality professional designed image and content premium slider for WordPress. It comes with extremely super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation having pure swipe gesture which you have never experienced before in your previous age. It is a truly responsive and perfect device friendly professional WP slider which works perfect on all kind of major devices. Master Slider 3.6.7 is an awesome layer slider as well because it has the ability of adding any HTML contents such as texts, images etc in layers.
- The Most SEO Friendly Slider Plugin in Market!
- Easy to Use Interface
- Simply Create Fully Responsive and Device Optimized Sliders with 8 starter samples
- Use Sliders Cross-browser and Works Well on All Popular Browsers! (Tested IE8+ and other modern browsers)
- Superlative Lightweight Outputs in Compare with Other Plugins
- HTML5 Valid and Clean Markups
- Touch Swipe Navigation
- Manage Slideshows with Autoplay Timing Options!
- 24h Support with Expert Agents (check out our rates on WordPress)
- Drag and Drop Slider Creation
- Extremely User Friendly Admin Panel
- CSS3 Transitions with jQuery Fallback
- Hardware Accelerated CSS3 3D Transforms
- Optimized for Any Screen Sizes and Touch Devices
- Smart Loading Assets
- 6+ Interactive Slide Transitions
- Smart auto crop
- Loop and linear sliding
- Shuffle Ordering Slides Option
- Auto-height Slider
- Vertical and Horizontal Direction Navigation
- Fully Customizable Thumbnail and Tabs
- Vertical and Horizontal Bullets
- Mouse Wheel Navigation
- Customizable Arrows
- Exclusive Widget and Shortcodes
- Scroll Handle Slide Indicator
- Smart Memory Management
- 6 Modern and Unique Skins
- Timer-bar and Circle Timer UI Controls
- Custom User Roles and Capabilities
- 5 Image Positioning Options (fill, fit, tile,…)
- Advanced Import And Export Tool
- Built-in Cache Boosting
- Translate Ready
- Multisite Compatible
- Extensive Developer API
Master Slider – Touch Layer Slider WordPress Plugin Free Download Link
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