MaterialX v1.1.4 – Material Design Personal Template Free Download
Download Free MaterialX – Material Design Personal Template v1.1.4
MaterialX – Material Design Personal Template Free Download 1.1.4 – ThemeForest | MaterialX – Material Design Personal Template Nulled v1.1.4 has been developed to present its profile, description, portfolio etc. as a model focused on twitter bootstrap and materialization. Easily adaptable to all platforms and completely sensitive.
materialx-material-design-personal-template-nulled.zip (LATEST)
For those wanting to create an incredible and modern HTML5 portfolio site or personal page, MaterialX HTML Template Nulled is a minimum clean and modern HTML5 template and angular template.
The Material X Nulled is a modern one-page, html prototype for a personal portfolio & blog based on a Bootstrap 3 system. With Google’s new material design conception, Material X Nulled is ideal for showcasing your personal portfolio or agency company. It’s fine for everyone as a resume/vCard platform. It will look and work great on any platform thanks to the responsive design! The SASS preprocessor makes adapting and provides infinite opportunities super fast.
materialx-material-design-personal-template-nulled.zip (LATEST)
MaterialX – Material Design Personal Template Nulled Changelog
Change Log : Materialx - v1.1 1: Some minor bug Fixed 2: Improved animations 3: Improved responsive layouts 4: Added 8 color schemes 5: Added menu switching options
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