MinervaKB v2.1.1 – Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics Nulled
Download Free MinervaKB v2.1.1 – Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics
MinervaKB – Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics Free Download 2.1.1 – ThemeForest | MinervaKB – Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics Nulled v2.1.1 has the most powerful WordPress FAQ module that comes with an instant filter and categories.
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Plus a ton of easiest and flexible style options for it! As a bonus, you can also save up to $20 not buying a separate FAQ plugin Nulled. Instead of adding each and every feature available in WordPress FAQ plugin today we have spent a great deal of time investigating how the FAQ module is used by the largest companies and businesses…
MinervaKB Features
- Ajax intuitive Live Search with multiple themes
- Analytics dashboard, with views, likes and dislikes weekly / monthly graph
- Search analytics – see what users searched for and which results they received
- Shortcode builder
- WooCommerce Integration
- Elementor widgets
- Support tickets (ticketing system)
- Guest tickets and user tickets
- Support agents and managers
- Gutenberg ready
- Article attachments
- Guest posting / Frontend submission
- Software versions labels
- WPBakery Page Builder elements available
- One-click demo import
- Articles feedback with optional email notifications
- Content restriction. Restrict access to articles based on user role. Show login form and teaser to users who are not registered.
- 1000+ Google Fonts with flexible load options
- Articles text color and typography
- FAQ module
- Glossary Tooltips
- Feature Requests module
- Google Analytics integration
- Search on articles and topics pages
- Search for articles using tags
- Custom order of topics (drag n drop)
- Custom order of articles (drag n drop)
- Home page box or list layout, with 2, 3 or 4 columns
- Dynamic Table of Contents in articles
- Custom post type slugs
- Breadcrumbs on topics and articles pages
- Nested categories support
- Multiple sidebars for each page type
- Optionally can display page content on knowledge base page
- Icons for topics or articles (600+ icons)
- Show or hide article views, likes and dislikes buttons and count with custom icons
- Estimated reading time for articles
- Enable or disable comments
- Automatic updates
- Use our templates or switch to your theme default templates
- Override plugin templates from theme
- Topic and articles widgets
- Topics, articles and search shortcodes
- Tip, Info and Warning content shortcodes for use in our articles, with custom colors and icons
- Responsive design
- Documentation
- Optimized for speed
- Translation & WPML ready
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Old Versions
Changelog MinervaKB – Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics Nulled
Version 2.0.9 – Feb 5, 2023 * Fixed: Minor 6.1.1 compatibility fixes * Fixed: TwentyTwentyTwo / TwentyTwentyThree and other official themes layout fixes * Fixed: WooCommerce - warning in KB tab when adding a new product Version 2.0.8 – Nov 17, 2021 * New: Actions & filters for ticket events (create / reply / close). * New: Option to open all faq items by default * New: Lots of Elementor Pro templating compatibility improvements * New: Floating Helper display options improved * New: Feature Requests submit form * New: Categories added to FAQ posts list view * New: Added category column for Feature Requests * New: Email notification on new feature requests * New: Russian translation file * New: Options to change button colors in widgets * New: Admin email notification on new tickets * New: Added separate color settings for the search results page & detailed topic view. Also, topic custom colors can now be enabled for the search results page * Fixed: Child topics duplicated in content tree for multiproduct setup * Fixed: New ticket type was rendered without background by default * Fixed: Missing translations added * Fixed: Table of contents didn't work in Elementor Pro template preview * Fixed: Admin tickets list mobile view is improved * Fixed: Table of contents layout is broken in Elementor Hello theme * Fixed: Notice in recent articles widget in Elementor Hello theme * Fixed: Broken widget styles in Elementor Template editor * Fixed: noindex tag added to article print view * Fixed: Terms checkbox could not be deleted and inserted again * Fixed: Shortcode builder inserted wrong shortcode name for guest post form * Fixed: Icons in Elementor blocks in admin * Fixed: Feedback form not showing without the rating buttons enabled Version 2.0.7 – Aug 5, 2021 * New: Feature Requests module added, with permissions, settings and drag-n-drop sorting. * New: ReCaptcha added for ticket / login / register forms. * New: Option to open tickets on behalf of registered customers as admin/agent/manager. * New: Excerpt layout for Glossary list module, with configuration settings. * New: Responsive size controls added in Elementor KB modules. * New: Option to disable KB search form submit - search results page on pressing the Enter key. * New: Added option for Related block to display other articles from the current topic. Also added in Gutenberg, Elementor and VC. * New: Option to exclude specific pages from Glossary highlighting. * New: Options to configure form button colours on ticket forms. * New: Multiple translation client-side strings added as options for tickets (upload, credentials, etc.). * New: Added Category filter in FAQ questions admin post list. * Fixed: WordPress 5.8 compatibility fixes. * Fixed: Ticket count in Dashboard now only includes New and Open statuses. * Fixed: Form Editor now allows adding system fields, which were removed by the editor. Also many other form editor fixes and improvements. * Fixed: RTL layout for a ticket reply. * Fixed: Attachments icon missing in admin on Font Awesome v5. * Fixed: Glossary not highlighted on some Elementor pages. * Fixed: Unnecessary shortcodes render removed in ticket replies in the admin. * Fixed: More informative ticket error messages on the client-side. * Fixed: POT file for translations updated. Version 2.0.6 – May 12, 2021 * New: Added Font Awesome 5 support for all the major modules. * New: FAQ views tracking. * Update: Visual Composer (WPBakery Page Builder) fixes and compatibility updates, tested on the latest version. * Update: Mobile_Detect library updated to the latest version (better mobile devices support). * Fixed: Form Editor field changes not saved when switching to a different row. * New: Added many translation options for tickets. * New: Added standalone file upload button for ticket forms. * New: Custom redirect option for non-logged-in users when trying to view tickets. * Fixed: Post ID instead of dynamic ticket ID displayed in user tickets list shortcode. * Fixed: Glossary tooltip not fully visible when near the page left/right edge. Version 2.0.5 – Mar 16, 2021 * New: Print button added in articles * New: WooCommerce integration - KB Tab on Product pages * New Workflow for Tickets: New => Pending => Open => Closed * Added filter to show / hide attachments links * Added an option to include empty KB Topics in WP Sitemaps XML * Added 200+ Google Fonts * Added options to edit ticket statuses (name, colors, icon) * Fixed: page zoom on mobile when focusing in search * Fixed: not equal item width when Topic rows are not full * Minor PHP8 compatibility fixes * Added an option to control ticket replies order on the client side * Fixed: wierd behavior of widget title when setting it to empty value * Fixed: restricted articles were not removed from tree of contents widget * WordPress 5.7 compatibility checks & fixes * Fixed: Apply topic restriction filter option conflict with article restriction Version 2.0.4 – Feb 2, 2021 * New feature: Possibility to highlight Glossary terms on any page/post type * Fixed: Child topics not added into reordering in Gutenberg terms select * Fixed: Cyrillic search terms not tracked * Fixed: Unicode search terms not highlighted in a detailed layout * Fixed: Settings import is broken * Fixed: Minor Divi compatibility fixes * Fixed: Restricted articles removed from content tree widget Version 2.0.3 – Jan 12, 2021 * New feature: New admin tickets list, with live filters, search and sorting * New feature: Glossary display on mobile (link/popup or off) * New feature: Custom ticket IDs * Fixed: Admin pages headers with wrong height on some themes * Fixed: Glossary limit per page working incorrectly * Fixed: Fancybox errors after WordPress update * Fixed: remove KB from global search removed from archives also * Fixed: now admin users can open tickets from the client-side without additional permissions * Fixed: admin resources loading optimized, unused templates and scripts removed from some pages * Fixed: errors on some pages when plugin user roles are deleted manually Version 2.0.2 – Nov 28, 2020 * Added: option to disable tickets * Added: global option to limit the number of times each glossary term is highlighted on the page * Fixed: draft articles are displayed as restricted for editors * Fixed: error message on deleting ticket taxonomy term * Fixed: some settings not saved on setups with max_input_var < 1000 * Fixed: conflicts between BuddyPress templates and ticket templates * Fixed: options saving issue due to caching * Fixed: default permissions for support user role * Fixed: article navigation heading was displayed when there're no next/prev articles Version 2.0.1 – Oct 26, 2020 * New: Permissions Editor * Fixed: Permissions model reverted for admin users. Now admins can access all sections, as previously * Fixed: Performance issues for systems with 5K+ users * Fixed: FAQ sorting being reverted to previous values * Fixed: multiple small bugs * Changed: Some default permissions for agents / managers Version 2.0.0 – Oct 3, 2020 IMPORTANT: This is a major release, we strongly advise to make a backup of your database and files via hosting tools. * New: Support Tickets (beta) * New: Admin permissions for KB, FAQ & Glossary based on capabilities instead of user roles * Fixed: multiple fixes and improvements Version 1.6.9 – Aug 21, 2020 * Fixed: Multiple WordPress 5.5 compatibility fixes * Fixed: WPML + Restriction cache not updated properly * Fixed: deprecated module console warnings in Gutenberg blocks. * Fixed: non-static method called statically warning. * Changed: Permission check for settings changed from administrator role to manage_option permission Version 1.6.8 – Jun 2, 2020 * New feature: added option to include FAQ matches in live search results * New feature: added option to include KB Topics in live search results * New feature: added option to include glossary matches in live search results * New feature: topic template elements drag n drop reorder * New feature: use page content as topic template globally * New feature: topic template elements now available as text shortcodes (Breadcrumbs, Title, Description, Search, Child Topics, Loop, Pagination) * Added: option to remove glossary term from articles highlight * Added: global option to disable glossary terms highlight * Added: experimental blog posts glossary highlight option * Fixed: glossary tooltip console error in Firefox * Fixed: font awesome google page speed insights warning * Added: option to configure floating helper offsets * Added: glossary list scroll offset option * Added: option to enable standalone glossary pages & slug edit option * Fixed: new articles and FAQ items now appear after sorted items when drag n drop sorting enabled
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