Download Free OMGF Pro – Host Google Fonts Locally for WordPress v3.7.7
OMGF Pro – Host Google Fonts Locally for WordPress Free Download 3.7.7 – FFW | OMGF Pro – Host Google Fonts Locally for WordPress Nulled v3.7.7 was designed with performance and user-friendliness at the forefront. It utilizes Google Fonts Helper API to Google Fonts Helper API to automatically cache fonts that your theme and plugins are using to reduce the number of DNS queries to speed up the performance of your WordPress website.
Table Of Content (LATEST)
How does OMGF Pro Works?
Once you have installed the plugin you can select the Optimization Mode you prefer to choose between Manuel (default) as well as Automatic (only available in Pro).
If manual is chosen, you simply set OMGF Pro Nulled up to function according to your preferences and then use its detection mechanism to detect the address you prefer. Modify the stylesheet(s) to your liking and they will be applied across your website.
When in Automated (Pro) mode, OMGF Pro is running in the background, and it records all requests via and When a page is initially loaded, it redirects these requests to its Download API, and transfers the fonts to your server. It creates the stylesheets for your fonts , including SVG TTF, EOT WOFF and WOFF2 formats in order to ensure the best compatibility across browsers!
Why do you need OMGF Pro?
How can fonts that are downloaded via Google’s service be in violation of GDPR? The reality is that when you request a font through the browser of the user the user’s IP is recorded by Google and used for analysis. Lifehacker
Utilize Browser Cache to reduce DNS requests, cut down on the number of times you have to change layouts and provide Google Fonts in a 100 100% GDPR-compliant manner with OMGF!
OMGF Nulled was designed with performance and user-friendliness at the forefront. It makes use of Google Fonts Helper API to Google Fonts Helper API to automatically cache the fonts that your themes and plugins utilize to reduce the number of DNS queries as well as speed the performance of your WordPress website.
What are the reasons you should use OMGF Pro?
In comparison with the free edition of OMGF, OMGF Pro comes equipped with a variety of advanced features that allow you to boost the quality of your WordPress website’s Google Fonts implementation.
Maximize Performance
- Combine and deduplicate Stylesheets Reducing external request (i.e. server lookups or, DNS requests) by combining all requests to into 1 locally hosted stylesheet.
- Definition of the”Fallback” Font Stack: Reduce the amount of cumulative layout shift by correctly implementing the display of fonts by swapping and creating an (stack of) fallback family of fonts for each font you have.
- Fonts that you can preload simply preload the most important requests through your Management Panel.
OMGF Pro goes beyond the local hosting of Google Fonts and provides you with tools that can minimize the clutter caused by themes and plugins:
- Simply remove the font styles (e.g. italics) and/or font-weights (e.g. bold) that you don’t.
- Forcing that subsets are used for every font within the WordPress configuration.
Increase GDPR Compliance
If you’re using Google’s fonts, Google records every visitor to your site..
To be in compliance with GDPR law It basically means you’re not permitted to display your fancy fonts until they’ve signed off on your privacy and cookie notice guidelines… Ouch!
There are many reasons to be I’m sure I won’t need to explain why you shouldn’t..]
OMGF Pro Nulled automatically parses your website’s contents to Google Fonts as well as blocks any request from Google‘s servers no matter if the fonts are loaded via different methods, such as:
- Webfont Loader or, webfont.js
- Inline @import or @font-face statements,
- @import and @font-face statements that are embedded into CSS files,
- Google’s Early Access API for Early Access API, etc.
- Basically, anything! (LATEST)
Old Version
OMGF Pro Nulled WordPress Plugin 3.4.1
OMGF Pro Nulled WordPress Plugin 3.1.3
Changelog OMGF Pro Nulled
Updated License Manager to v1.11.5
Fixed: Ultimate license holders would get \"license expired\" notices.
Fixed: Soon to expire licenses would block the ability to install updates.
3.7.4 | February 6th, 2023
Added: omgf_pro_modify_source_url filter
Fixed: the JS code snippet added by Remove Async Google Fonts is now Base64 encoded, to prevent lawyer firms from sending warning letters as a result of a false positive and scare the $#!T out of OMGF Pro users.
Fixed: issue where WebFont Loader library replacing would sometimes swallow up other elements before it.
3.7.3 | December 5th, 2022
Added: Essential Grid compatibility,
Improved: use protocol relative URLs to avoid SSL- and permalinks related quirks in WordPress.
Added: Pen theme compatibility.
Fixed: allow Modify Source URL to be a protocol relative URL.
3.7.2 | November 7th, 2022
Tested with WP 6.1.
Improved: OMGF Pro now checks if the defined value in Modify Source URL actually leads to a valid path.
Improved: OMGF Pro now checks if you\'re running PHP 7.2 or higher and if not, will throw a human readable warning and deactivate the plugin.
Improved: WebFont Loader detection would be too specific, missing some implementations.
Improved: Clarified notice in Detection Settings when Auto Config Adv. Processing is enabled.
Improved: OMGF Pro now removes asynchronously loaded WebFont Loader (webfont.js) libraries when Remove Async Google Fonts is enabled.
Improved: OMGF Pro now removes asynchronously loaded <style> blocks containing @import statements referring to the Google Fonts API.
Improved: code and performance optimizations in Force Font-Display and Process Local Stylesheet options.
Improved: Auto Config Adv. Processing can now be enabled on a separate page by appending ?omgf_optimize=1&omgf_pro_auto_config=1 to a URL.
Added: Visual Composer Grid compatibility for Material Icons.
Fixed: undefined constant OmgfPro_Admin_Settings::OMGF_OPTIMIZE_SETTING_FILE_TYPES error.
Updated license manager to v1.11.3.
3.7.1 | October 12th, 2022
Improved: Adv. Processing options are no longer disabled when Auto-Config is enabled.
Improved: Show a clear notice under the Adv. Processing options when Auto-Config is enabled.
Added: compatibility for themes (like Sonaar) which used the handle \'load\' to generate dynamic CSS.
3.7.0 - Codename: Einstein | October 9th, 2022
Added: Auto Config Adv. Processing feature in the Task Manager.
Fixed: Fallback Font Stacks and Font Display Attributes weren\'t added to inline style blocks.
Fixed: When the same font-family was declared in different ways in the same style block the Replace option would fail.
Fixed: @import url() without quotes weren\'t detected.
Fixed: @import statements referring to the Variable Fonts API (CSS2) weren\'t fully detected, due to the \";\" in the middle of the string.
Fixed: When replacing or appending Fallback Font Stacks, font-family statements immediately followed by a \"}\" weren\'t detected.
3.6.6 | September 14th, 2022
Improved: Process WebFont Loader now also detects minified WebFont Loader libraries (webfont.min.js)
Improved: Remove Async Google Fonts also removes asynchronously added font files ( and Material Icons ( libraries.
Fixed: Set required PHP version 7.2
Fixed: Process Local Stylesheets now also supports @import String (e.g. @import \"\") syntax.
Added: omgf_pro_frontend_web_font_loader_script filter to allow modifying the input and output of the Process WebFont Loader option.
This is useful when a lot of shorthand (inline) JS is used (e.g. no semi-colons at the end of a line) in a theme and/or plugin.
Fixed: Borlabs Cookie\'s cookie box wouldn\'t close when clicking \"Accept\" when Remove Async Google Fonts was enabled.
Improved: Remove Async Google Fonts and Jupiter theme compatibility now only runs if OMGF is actually allowed to run.
This fixes issues with e.g. Divi\'s Frontend Builder not properly executing when OMGF Pro was active.
Updated license manager to v1.11.2.
3.6.5 | August 10th, 2022
Added: compatibility with Material Symbols Outlined, Material Icons and other (future) icon sets loaded through the Variable Fonts (CSS2) API.
3.6.4 | August 2nd, 2022
Fixed: dev comments shouldn\'t be rendered in JS frontend.
Added: debug points to relative URL rewrite methods.
Fixed: base64 encoded strings in local stylesheets would pass as relative URLs, sometimes causing Fatal Errors.
This also resolves compatibility issues with WP Optimize.
Fixed: Render blocking WebFont.load() scripts would pass by undetected.
Updated license manager to v1.11.1.
Updated license manager to v1.10.4.
Added: Compatibility for dynamic CSS generators using custom-css as a handle.
Added: Filter omgf_pro_dynamic_css to easily add additional handles for dynamic CSS generators in the future.
Fixed: append() method wasn\'t saved before intercepting its async Google Fonts requests.
Fixed: Updated static version, to force a browser cache update for admin JS files.
3.6.0 | July 20th, 2022
Added: Remove Async Google Fonts feature, which allows you to remove async Google Fonts loaded using JS (appendChild(), append(), insert()) by your theme and/or plugins.
Fixed: Relative local stylesheet URLs weren\'t handled properly.
Fixed: when Force Font-Display and/or Process Local Stylesheets was enabled and many optimizable stylesheets were present in the frontend, this would cause slowdowns.
Fixed: Stylesheets loaded using @import now get a unique identifier to prevent duplicates in cache.
Fixed: External Web Font Loader (webfont.js) libraries are now properly replaced with a local copy.
Added: Several UX tweaks when managing Optimized Fonts using Replace and Fallback Font Stack.
Fixed: Stricter matching when looking for local stylesheets.
Fixed: Root (/) and protocol (//) relative URLs should never be rewritten when rewriting and caching a local stylesheet.
Fixed: Stylesheets that didn\'t require optimization (by Force Font-Display or Process Local Stylesheets) would be checked over and over again.
3.5.2 | June 25th, 2022
Fixed: Jupiter Theme would throw WSOD (White Screen Of Death) when Web Font Loader detection was enabled.
Fixed: Check if OMGF is active, before calling constants in DB migration scripts.
Updated License Manager to v1.10.3.
3.5.1 | June 16th, 2022
Added: filters to allow changing of the WebFontLoader detection regexes, because JS objects can be written in many ways.
Fixed: prevent duplicate str_replace action in local stylesheets by using stricter preg_replace with regexes.
Updated license manager to v1.10.2.
3.5.0 | June 14th, 2022
Added: Bunny CDN compatibility
Added: compatibility for Themify Builder, which mimics Google Fonts\' API i.e. use different @font-face statements to include different subsets of the same font style.
Fixed: when local stylesheets were located in unusual places, this would sometimes cause other local stylesheets to not be detected.
Fixed: check if a local stylesheet actually exists, before attempting to process it.
Updated license manager to v1.10.0.
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