OmniMart (v5.0) eCommerce Shopping Platform Free Download
Download Free OmniMart – eCommerce Shopping Platform v5.0 Nulled
OmniMart – eCommerce Shopping Platform Free Download v5.0 | – CodeCanyon | OmniMart – eCommerce Shopping Platform PHP Script v5.0 is a one-stop eCommerce shopping platform. If you intend to purchase a single vendor eCommerce shopping platform. You can select OmniMart Nulled as the best platform for single vendor eCommerce.
Table Of Content
The eCommerce platforms are becoming increasingly popular, and we are committed to meeting all of our users’ expectations. The script supports an infinite number of categories, brands, items, attributes, coupons, orders, and category creation options. It includes 12 payment methods, a full content management system, SEO, an order tracking system, and much more… Read the highlighted features from the bottom up.
Digital Product Sell:
A digital product is an intangible item or piece of media that can be sold and distributed over and over again via the internet.
The Omnimart Nulled allows you to sell digital products (web themes and templates, code, video, music, graphics, photographs, 3D files, and so on) without requiring a license number.
Physical Product Sell:
An Identified Product and its packaging as distributed or delivered to consumers are referred to as a physical product.
It enables you to sell any physical product. Product properties can be added. You can provide attribute-specific pricing. You can also include the attribute-specific stock.
Affiliate Product Sell:
Omnimart Nulled enables you to sell affiliate products using affiliate links. You can include a product with an affiliate link from (Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Alibaba, etc. like this). Users who click on your uploaded goods will be redirected to your affiliate link.
Software License key Sell:
You can sell license keys with Omnimart Nulled Script. License keys for software or games can be sold. For instance, you can add a large number of unique license keys for Windows 11. If a user purchases a Windows 11 license key. The customer will be given a one-of-a-kind Windows 11 license key. You can do the same with other software license keys.
Product Attribute Option:
Omnimart Nulled has an attribute management system that is completely functional. You can add an unlimited number of product attributes. You can add an unlimited number of attribute options. Product pricing add option based on attributes. Option to add product stock based on attributes.
12 Payment Method:
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Paytm
- Paystack
- Mercadopago
- Authorize.Net
- Mollie
- Razorpay
- Flutterwave
- SSLcommerz
- Cash On Delivery
- Bank Transfer
Old Version
– PHP >= 7.2.5
– Fileinfo PHP extension
– JSON PHP Extension
– Mbstring PHP Extension
– OpenSSL PHP Extension
– PDO PHP Extension
– Tokenizer PHP Extension
– XML PHP Extension
– CURL PHP Extension
Changelog of OmniMart – eCommerce Shopping Platform Nulled
v5.0 (18 March 2024)
1. Improve product SEO.
2. Improve Blog SEO.
3. Added Multiple Shipping options on the product checkout page.
4. Update payment page UI.
5. Fixed price round issue in CSV export.
6. Fixed stock-out product add-to-card and checkout issues.
7. Fixed sitemap issue.
8. Fixed database backup issue.
9. Fixed order email order number issue.
10. Fixed some CSS.
11. Fixed some small bugs.
12. Update documentation added video tutorials in the documentation.
v4.9 (19 October 2023)
1) Fixed Stripe Issue.
2) Fixed Paytm Issue.
3) Fixed checkout page state Tax show issue.
4) Fixed the Support ticket Issue.
5) Added mail option in the support ticket, user and admin both will get mail, also added mail enable and disable option.
6) Now after checkout, the user and admin both will get mail and the admin can enable and disable this option.
7) Improve file upload security from the front end.
8) Added coupon remove option.
9) Added social icon add & remove option.
10) Added Image upload option from the Text Editor.
v4.8 ( 14 April 2023 )
1. Updated PHP Version (Now Cpanel requires minimum PHP version 8.1).
2. Updated Laravel Version 10.
3. Updated Payment Gateways Version.
4. Updated all other Packages Version.
5. Fixed Digital Product Stock Out Warning Popup Issue.
6. Fixed License Product Stock Out Warning Popup Issue.
7. Removed the “add to cart” button for Affiliate products.
8. Updated Paypal payment API, and fix payment not working Issue.
9. Updated Mercado Pago payment API, and fix the payment not working Issue.
10. Fixed Support ticket filter Issue.
11. Modified product order number format
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