PressFly v3.3.2 – Monetized Articles System
Download Free PressFly v3.3.2 – Monetized Articles System Nulled
PressFly – Monetized Articles System Nulled Free Download 3.3.2 – CodeCanyon | PressFly v3.3.2 – Monetized Articles System Nulled allows your users to write articles so they and you can earn money by getting paid per article view. PressFly PHP Script includes a complete system for writing articles, publications, topics, news and posts. Also, it includes referrals system, withdrawal system with the ability to add unlimited withdrawal methods, Login with social networks like Facebook, Twitter & Google, translation ready, multiple captcha integrations like reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox/invisible and Solve Media and much more!. The inspirational websites like buzzfeed.com, thenextweb.com, makeuseof.com, techcrunch.com, cracked.com, medium.com, whatculture.com, listverse.com & sportskeeda.com
Table Of Content
The script works on shared, VPS and dedicated hosting plans just check if your hosting company meets the script system requirements listed here. Also, you can find a list of recommended shared hosting companies here.
- The article’s visitor should gain reCAPTCHA V3 score equal to or greater than the score you set from the admin settings.
- The article’s visitor must wait a number of seconds based on the article long.
- The article’s visitor must be unique within 24 hours.(admin can change the number of paid views per IP per 24 hours from the admin settings)
- Proxy/VPN visits will be excluded from earnings.
- Adblock visits will be excluded from earnings.
- Visitor IP changed will be excluded from earnings.
- The article’s visitor must have JavaScript enabled.
- The article’s visitor must have Cookies enabled.
- The referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money
- A user can refer other users and when these users earn the main user who referred then will also earn a percentage of their earnings.
- Admin has the ability to set the referral Percentage
- Admin can enable/disable the referral system
PressFly – Monetized Articles System Free Download Link
Changelog PressFly Nulled
Version 3.2.0 - (3 January 2023)
- Added: [Most wanted feature] Ability to show AdLinkFly short links within PressFly articles.
- Added: Require PHP 8.1
- Added: Members can delete draft articles
- Added: PHPMailer to send emails via SMTP, Sendmail,
- Improved: the script no longer requires putenv and getenv PHP functions
- Improved: disable the article submit button after submitting the form
- Fixed: Error when a user changes his password from the member area
- Fixed: Referral earnings are not displayed correctly on the member dashboard
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 3.1.0 - (27 November 21)
- Added: add an option to sync newly added language translations with admin added languages
- Improved: Cache the popular articles widget for better performance
- Improved: Dynamically get the supported GD image types
- Improved: Add headline tag to article SEO schema
- Fixed: Sometimes sitemap display an error
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.2 - (24 November 21)
- Fixed: Some new installations can't pass the last installation step.
Version 3.0.1 - (23 November 21)
- Set the minimum PHP version to 7.3
Version 3.0.0 - (23 November 21)
- Added: PHP 7.4/8.0 compatibility
- Added: Use the latest Laravel 8 version
- Added: Added articles bookmarks feature
- Added: Added articles like feature
- Added: Added Admin groups feature so super admin can create many admin groups like Super Admin, Article Manager, Withdrawal Requests Manager
- Added: Integrate hCaptcha
- Added: Allow members to save the article as a draft
- Added: Login as a user feature
- Added: Dynamic social networks links so you can add any social network
- Added: Easily embed videos, SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub gist. Also added the ability to embed any other service.
- Added: Control meta data for article page and articles listing like hits, author, created and updated
- Added: Add the article main image to the RSS feed
- Added: Apply shortcodes into pages
- Added: Adding support for "webp" image
- Added: Display earnings for each article in Member/Admin articles listing
- Added: Add SEO fields for pages
- Added: Add disable proxy service option
- Added: Add font size to editor
- Added: Add WhatsApp/Telegram share button
- Added: Add Google rich cards/snippets for articles and pages for better SEO
- Fixed: Cloudflare SSL redirect loop
- Fixed: Titles are escaped twice
- Improved: improve SEO by increasing the CLS and CLP score
- Improved: After changing the password, logout from all other devices
- Improved: Improve Mailchimp
- Improved: Disable the submit button while submitting articles
- Improved: Allow sitemap.xml
- Improved: Display the article image correctly on mobile
- Improved: Admin can view all articles with any status
- Improved: Update TinyMCE to the latest version
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.2.1 - (14 October 19)
- Enhancement: Remove the interstitial page from the ads protector
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.2.0 - (14 October 19)
- Enhancement: Remove the interstitial page from the ads protector
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.1.1 - (12 October 19)
Ads Protector enhancements
Version 2.1.0 - (12 October 19)
- Enhancement: Ads Protector enhancements
- Fixed: Login via social networks isn't working
- Update the GeoIP countries database
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.0.0 - (11 October 19)
- New: Integrate IsProxyIP.com paid service to detect VPN, TOR, hosting data centers, public proxies, web proxies & Bad Search Engine Robots.
New: Ads Protector >> Protect the ads using reCAPTCHA v3 score and protect the ads from proxies/VPNs,.. using IsProxyIP.com
- Added: Review the article statuses
- Added: SEO meta title, description & keywords for articles, categories, tags
- Added: SEO keywords option for the entire site
- Added: Canonical URL
- Added: Share cards for facebook and Twitter
- Added: vk.com and Pinterest share buttons
- Added: Instagram, VK, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram icons to the top bar
- Added: Instagram and VK to the follow us widget
- Added: Display article hits
- Enhancement: Prevent classifying emails as spam
- Enhancement: - Add a notice to upgrade PHP to 7.2.x or higher.
- Enhancement: - Update the admin dashboard UI
- Fixed: TinyMCE missing language error
- Fixed: Newsletter widget error
- Fixed: Members can't upload images bigger than 2MB
- Fixed: Author popular widget gives 505 error when added in pages other than the author page
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 1.6.0 - (28 July 19)
- Fixed: Improve the article view page performance
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 1.5.0 - (23 July 19)
- New: Sitemap
- New: Site RSS feed and category/author/tag RSS feed
- New: RTL Support for frontend & member area
- Added: Available Balance/Pending Withdrawn/Total Withdrawn into the withdraw page
- Added: Option to change date/time format
- Added: Allow new media embed Facebook Post, Facebook Video, Instagram, Pinterest
- Added: Ability to add Ads between paragraphs
- Added: users can upload a profile image
- Enhancement: Related articles based on article tags
- Enhancement: Add missing withdraw request reasons
- Enhancement: Add TinyMCE more languages
- Fixed: Featured image is not changing after article update
- Fixed: Adsense responsive ads not showing
- Fixed: Referral earnings are not working on some installations
- Fixed: Empty withdraw request data
- Fixed: Tags status issue
- Fixed: User biography doesn't save
- Fixed: Referrals date doesn't display on the member area
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 1.0.5 - (29 March 19)
- Fixed: Sometimes error 500 on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: Sometimes error 500 on the withdraw view page
- Enhancement: Editor allow style attribute for img tag
- Enhancement: Add default values for widgets
- Enhancement: When deleting an article also delete its statistics
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 1.0.4 - (27 March 19)
- Fixed: Error 500 on the article page
- Fixed: Admin see the old article when viewing article pending for review
- Fixed: published_at data not added to the new articles
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 1.0.3 - (25 March 19)
- Fixed: Display correct image on Facebook
- Fixed: Admin can't delete users
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
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