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Product Badges (v2.4.4) by 99w Nulled

Product Badges Nulled
Product Badges Nulled

Free Download Product Badges Nulled v2.4.4 | Product Badges Free Download v2.4.4 plugin used to get an extra badge on shop page, Single product page and category page.

Woocommerce add new badge helps to create product badges easily. This plugin provides an easy to use user interface to create all product labels for woocommerce products.

woocommerce sold out badge also available in plugin when product is out of stock than it can be help for you

If you want to setup woocommerce sold out badge in your wooccommerce site than we can do it which product is out of stock badge.


  • Easy to use
  • You can add new product badges.
  • You can select Show Label and Show Label Single product page.
  • Select Product badge position.
  • Customized font size, label color and background color.
  • Add Product Discount Text.
  • You can Select Label Shape, Image Badge select or Custom Image Badge Select.
  • Product Badges add conditionally with product wise.
  • Product Badges add conditionally with category wise, tag wise and price wise.
  • WPML Support

Product Badges Free Download Links

Product Badges For Woocommerce is translated into multiple languages Chinese, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, and many more. Help localize Woocommerce even further by adding your locale Language. 

Changelog Product Badges Nulled

2023-08-03 - version 2.4.0
* Added: High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility if WooCommerce version is 8.0.0 or higher, note that this version includes several changes for HPOS compatibility, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website regardless of whether HPOS enabled, HPOS and the compatibility in this extension are very new, use with caution
* Changed: Development assets
* Changed: PHP requires at least 7.2.0
* Changed: WooCommerce requires at least 7.3.0
* Changed: WooCommerce tested up to 7.9.0
* Changed: WordPress requires at least 5.9.0
* Fixed: Typo in responsive breakpoints information

2023-05-31 - version 2.3.2
* Added: Badge management responsive width breakpoints information
* Changed: WooCommerce tested up to 7.7.1
* Changed: WordPress tested up to 6.2.2

2023-01-09 - version 2.3.1
* Changed: phpcs.xml development asset configuration
* Changed: WooCommerce tested up to 7.2.2
* Fixed: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() warning displayed if WordPress debugging mode enable

2022-12-22 - version 2.3.0
* Added: Set badge by specific tag(s) functionality
* Added: Development assets
* Changed: Loading of JS assets moved to footer
* Changed: WooCommerce requires at least 5.0.0
* Changed: WooCommerce tested up to 7.2.1
* Changed: WordPress tested up to 6.1.1
* Fixed: jQuery $ uncaught conflicts may occur depending on website/theme/plugin/extension configuration

2022-03-25 - version 2.2.0
* Note: This version includes several changes to asset enqueues, upgrade conditions and more, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website, clear all caches after upgrading to ensure all assets are reloaded
* Added: WCPB_Product_Badges_Translation class
* Added: Minified CSS/JS assets created and enqueued
* Added: WooCommerce not installed/activated notice
* Changed: CSS assets now SCSS
* Changed: Enqueues plugins_url function calls so folder name not included that could effect installations where folder renamed
* Changed: Upgrade conditions now use version_compare
* Changed: WordPress tested up to 5.9.2
* Changed: WooCommerce tested up to 6.3.1
* Fixed: Translations may not load due to load_plugin_textdomain not hooked on init

2021-12-17 - version 2.1.5
* Added: footer_styles() function in WCPB_Product_Badges_Public class
* Changed: Refactoring of public-badge-position-loop.js and public-magnifiy-position.js assets
* Changed: WordPress up to declaration
* Changed: WooCommerce up to declaration
* Fixed: Badges may not appear until page refreshed on Safari browsers
* Fixed: Badges are hidden by default until page loaded and then shown via JS which causes delay in display, potential inconsistencies/non display in some browsers
* Removed: public-badge-show.js and public-magnify-hide.js assets as replaced by HTML/CSS equivalents

2021-09-26 - version 2.1.4
* Added: Image library badge alt text
* Added: Image custom badge alt text if alt text has been set
* Added: Image custom badge src now uses esc_url
* Added: Bfcache specific conditions for showing badges after bfcache load
* Changed: WordPress up to declaration
* Changed: WooCommerce up to declaration
* Fixed: Undefined $text variable notice appears when using countdown badge if WordPress debug mode enabled
* Fixed: Flatsome theme shows badges in gallery thumbnails on single product page

2021-03-30 - version 2.1.3
* Fixed: Countdown badges do not display on some iOS devices in Safari browser due to date/time format
* Fixed: Badges may not display if a website uses AJAX request based display of products after initial page load

2021-03-20 - version 2.1.2
* Added: Configure settings button to activation notice
* Changed: Dashboard colors so consistent with admin color changes in WordPress 5.7
* Changed: WordPress tested up to version 5.7.0
* Changed: WooCommerce tested up to version 5.1.0
* Fixed: Various issues causing PHP 7 based deprecation notices when debug mode enabled
* Fixed: Various PHP 8 based notices/errors, note that the recommended PHP version for this extension remains 7.x
* Removed: Option population function on activation as already done during install/upgrade functions

2021-02-27 - version 2.1.1
* Fixed: Incomplete admin CSS line causing text type badge fields to be shown on load, fix applied in maintenance release as could cause other badge add/edit issues depending on browser

2021-02-27 - version 2.1.0
* Note: It is recommended to clear site caches after upgrading
* Added: Countdown badge type
* Added: Father's day badges
* Added: Mother's day badges
* Added: Activation class
* Added: Activation notice
* Changed: Upgrade class
* Changed: JS assets so split across multiple files so functionality no longer duplicated across files due to compatibility modes, now JS functionality required is conditionally loaded
* Changed: Default badge offset and width field values
* Changed: WordPress minimum version inline with WooCommerce requirement
* Changed: WooCommerce tested upto declaration
* Changed: Filter assignment of some general badges to availability
* Fixed: Order by on some backend fields not correct
* Fixed: Badge can appear in incorrect position for a few milliseconds before page fully loaded
* Fixed: Changelog typos
* Fixed: Magnify may not be hidden as expected if multiple badges per product is enabled
* Fixed: Incorrect text domains
* Fixed: Backend filter names are not translation ready

2021-01-16 - version 2.0.0
* Added: Compatibility mode setting
* Added: Multiple badges per product setting
* Added: Settings page and button
* Added: On backorder assignment condition
* Added: Notices to dashboard in relation to new settings added
* Added: wp_kses_post() information under code textarea when adding/editing a badge
* Added: WooCommerce 4.8.0 compatibility
* Added: WordPress 5.6 compatibility
* Changed: WordPress up to declaration
* Changed: WooCommerce up to declaration
* Fixed: Some text badge options (such as border radius based) do not work on loop pages due to wp_kses_post()

2020-12-03 - version 1.3.0
* Added: Availability badges
* Added: General badges
* Added: Badge order functionality to allow management of badge display priorities when multiple badges used
* Added: Order, type, position, visibility and products columns to badge list with sorting function
* Added: Non-sale display option so products not on sale can be targeted for badge display
* Added: Out of stock display option so out of stock products can be targeted for badge display
* Added: Featured display option so featured products can be targeted for badge display
* Added: load_plugin_textdomain
* Added: Various performance improvements including less JavaScript and removal of image based size/positioning calculations
* Changed: Badge display funcctionality to reduce non-display issues caused by themes removing WooCommerce image based filters, now only uses the woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item action (loops), woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html filter (blocks) and woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html filter (product) which are less likely to be removed by a theme
* Changed: Badge display functionality so no longer calculates badge position based on image sizes which could potentially give an incorrect position, position is now CSS based after image containers added via JS
* Changed: Text badge markup so it does not include the CSS rules if values are empty which can occur if styles have not have been set before (e.g. a new badge)
* Changed: Some badge color filter assignments
* Fixed: Badge will display as a broken image if it is a image library type and the library image is not selected
* Fixed: Badge will display as a broken image if it is a custom image type and the custom image is not uploaded
* Fixed: Badges displayed in block editor are not positioned correctly
* Fixed: Product block sales flash is not hidden
* Fixed: z-index on badge needs increasing due to some themes setting a high z-index on product images, while keeping low enough to account for sticky headers with higher z-indexes
* Fixed: Flatsome theme uses woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html on all gallery thumbnails not just the main image, so badges are hidden on the gallery thumbnails in this theme
* Fixed: Some themes do not have a relative position on .product so add one but not !important as some themes override this to be absolute
* Fixed: Some themes may override width and height of a custom badge image
* Removed: Initial badge display hidden and the show of badge via CSS rules, no longer needed due to changes to badge display

2020-11-26 - version 1.2.2
* Changed: Upgrade function call to before WooCommerce conditional check
* Fixed: Product page magnify icon may position incorrectly when more than 1 image
* Fixed: jQuery may not be defined due to lack of dependency in enqueue on some themes
* Fixed: Clear button too wide when selecting text badge colors

2020-11-20 - version 1.2.1
* Fixed: Button not clickable in alert which appears when no matching images when filtering image library, replaced alert with text
* Fixed: Cyber monday badge incorrectly filters to black friday not cyber monday

2020-11-18 - version 1.2.0
* Added: Black Friday badges
* Added: Cyber Monday badges
* Added: General badges
* Added: Christmas badges
* Added: Valentine's badges

2020-11-14 - version 1.1.0
* Added: Black Friday badges
* Changed: Product loops description text to include details on display within WooCommerce product blocks

2020-11-13 - version 1.0.6
* Added: Compatibility with all WooCommerce product blocks which use the woocommerce_product_get_image() filter and wc-block-grid container
* Fixed: Uncaught error call to a member function get_id() on cart page on some themes

2020-11-10 - version 1.0.5
* Added: WordPress multisite network compatibility
* Fixed: Some themes may position badge images incorrectly due to theme absolute positioning

2020-11-01 - version 1.0.4
* Fixed: Product badge may not display on product page

2020-10-29 - version 1.0.3
* Fixed: Product badges may still apply to sticky add to cart on product pages, added further CSS rule to target product gallery only, loop rule (e.g. for related products) uneffected

2020-10-28 - version 1.0.2
* Fixed: Product badges are mistakenly being added to products in widgets, sticky add to cart, etc

2020-10-28 - version 1.0.1
* Changed: With free gift badge color filter assignment
* Fixed: Dashboard input fields (e.g. offset field) too wide on lower resolution screens

2020-10-19 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release

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