S2W Import Shopify to WooCommerce Nulled v1.2.7 | S2W Import Shopify to WooCommerce Free Download v1.2.7 help you to import data from Shopify to WooCommerce easily. With only 2 steps your Shopify store data will be imported included store settings, shipping zones, taxes, pages, blogs, coupons, customers, products and orders. The plugin uses Shopify API key to transfer data from Shopify to WooCommerce store directly, your data is kept private.
Table Of Content
- Unlimited import with no extra pay:You’re free to import all your data from Shopify to WooCommerce. There is no limit on how many products, data… you can import. You don’t need to pay any extra fee to import, just import as many as you want.
- Commit import successful:We commit that you will import data successfully. Please follow our guiding document and video to know how to use the plugin to import data from Shopify to WooCommerce. If you have any trouble with the import progress, feel free to contact us.
Import products may be the most important part when migrating from Shopify to WooCommerce. The plugin allows you to import all your products from Shopify to WooCommerce with title, price, description, variation, image, categories.
- Restrict results to after the specified ID: choose to import only a product with an ID greater than a specified ID.
- Import by ID: Enter ids of Shopify products separated by “,” to import.
- Import by CSV file: The plugin allows you to import products using the product CSV file export from Shopify.
- Filter results by product type: import only products in a Shopify product type.
- Filter results by collection ID: import only product in a Shopify collection ID.
- Import products by published date: choose to import products published before/after a specified date.
- Products sequence: Choose the sequence for imported products. There are 6 options to select orders by Title Ascending, by Title Descending, by Created Date Ascending, by Created Date Descending, by Updated Date Ascending, by Updated Date Descending.
- Imported product status: choose to set imported product status as published, draft or pending.
- Product categories: The plugin will create the same categories as Shopify and add the imported products. You can also add all imported products to a specific category, like “imported Shopify products”.
- Download images: choose if you to download product images to your WooCommerce store. Product images will be downloaded in the background. You can also download images after importing all products by going to Products.
- Import progress bar: the plugin display the import progress bar which informs you of the import progress.
S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce Free Download Link
- Security: your data is transferred directly from Shopify to WooCommerce without any intermediate server.
- Easy to use: the import progress is very simple to use. First, you need to create a Shopify private app then fill the app API private key and password into the back-end. And finally, just click the “Import” button.
- Unlimited import: The plugin does not have any limitation of how many products, orders, customers… that you can import.
- Logs: S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce provides log files to check the import history.
- Auto-update the plugin: you can automatically update the plugin during your support period.
Changelog S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce Nulled
/**1.2.3 - 2023.10.10**/
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 8.1.0
- Updated: Option import customer by last X date
/**1.2.2 - 2023.09.11**/
- Fixed: Fixed issue with S2W_Error_Images_Table
/**1.2.1 - 2023.09.08**/
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 8.0 and WP 6.3
- Added: Added option only sync product exist via webhooks
- Fixed: Fixed issue with auto-sending order emails after migrating order data.
/**1.2.0 - 2023.07.31**/
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.9
- Updated: Compatibility check with W2S by Villatheme - Update product and order to shopify
/**1.1.15 - 2023.05.27**/
- Fixed: Fixed mismatch inventory status
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.7
- Updated: Add more message to debug
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2023-04
/**1.1.14 - 2023.04.28**/
- Fixed: Import re-import blog
- Fixed: Cron update order and product not working
- Fixed: Fixed import product csv
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.6 and WP 6.2
/**1.1.13 - 2023.03.08**/
- Added: Option to import inventory from a CSV file
- Added: Ability to import orders/customers by ID besides products
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 7.4
/**1.1.12 - 2023.01.06**/
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2023-01
- Updated: Customer registered date is kept when migrating
- Updated: Use WC logger instead of PHP error_log to log errors
- Added: Ability to choose to skip or override a product if it exists when importing via CSV
- Added: Options to update existing products, existing customers when importing from main settings page
- Added: Logs for CSV import
- Added: More options to sync products via cron and webhooks
- Added: "Force sync" option for Cron Products sync and Cron Orders sync
/**1.1.11 - 2022.12.19**/
- Fixed: Import pages
- Fixed: Wrong detection of images from product/post description if there are embedded youtube video
- Fixed: Error importing orders when new WooCommerce feature "Enables WooCommerce Analytics"(since WC 7.2) is off
- Optimized: Failed images deletion
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2022-10
/**1.1.10 - 2022.11.25**/
- Fixed: Inventory policy mapping
- Added: Option to sync barcode for imported products
- Added: Possibility to choose a taxonomy to import Shopify product type/vendor to
/**1.1.9 - 2022.11.02**/
- Updated: Compatibility check with WP 6.1 and WC 7
- Added: Button to empty failed images list
/**1.1.8 - 2022.09.01**/
- Fixed: Product sync - Images
- Fixed: Import shipping zones
- Fixed: Import refunds in some cases
- Updated: Deleted Shopify variations will also be deleted from WooCommerce when syncing product variations
- Added: Option to change user capability to use the plugin
/**1.1.7 - 2022.06.22**/
- Fixed: Import description images when Use external links for images option is enabled
- Fixed: Multiple order refunds/adjustments
- Updated: VillaTheme support
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2022-04
- Added: Map quantity for importing csv
/**1.1.6 - 2022.03.29**/
- Updated: VillaTheme support
/**1.1.5 - 2022.03.23**/
- Fixed: Filter products by product type not working properly if product type contains special characters
- Updated: VillaTheme support
- Added: Sync metafields of variations
- Added: Option to sync new variations for cron
- Added: Option to use original Shopify cdn image URLs when using with our EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links plugin
/**1.1.4 - 2022.02.08**/
- Updated: Support Shopify custom apps as Private apps are deprecated and can't be created as of January 2022
/**1.1.3 - 2022.01.15**/
- Fixed: Incorrect some customer data in some cases
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2022-01
- Added: Sync product status
/**1.1.2 - 2021.09.17**/
- Fixed: Webhook product update
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2021-07
- Added: Product status mapping option
- Added: Sync new variations
- Added: Sync tags via webhooks
- Added: Option to chose to import Shopify product type as a category, a tag or a post meta
- Added: Option to chose to import Shopify product vendor as a category, a tag or a post meta
- Added: Option to chose to import Shopify product barcode as a post meta
- Added: Option sync product metafields by mapping to post metas
/**1.1.1 - 2021.02.24**/
- Fixed: Orders imported via webhook
/**1.1.0 - 2021.02.18**/
- Fixed: Imported customers not showing in WooCommerce/customers
- Fixed: Refunded orders
- Updated: Import categories images + description
- Updated: Compatibility with WP5.6 and WC5.0
- Updated: Use latest API version 2021-01
/** - 2020.08.15**/
- Fixed: Download description images
- Added: Update tags, product date
- Added: Support order refund items
- Updated: Compatibility with WP5.5 and WC4.3
/** - 2020.05.09**/
- Fixed: File not exists bug when importing CSV
- Fixed: Can not set product attributes/variations correctly when attributes is in non-latin languages
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1
/** - 2020.04.25**/
- Fixed: Webhook verify issue
/** - 2020.04.21**/
- Fixed: Cron update
- Fixed: Download images in product description
- Added: Options to update existing blogs
/** - 2020.04.06**/
- Fixed: Auto update function
/** - 2020.04.03**/
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2020-04
- Added: Option to download images in product description
- Optimized: Download images in the background
/**1.0.9 - 2020.03.31**/
- Fixed: Import blogs, pages
- Fixed: Order line item product quantity and subtotal
- Fixed: Download duplicated images
- Fixed: Conflict usage of accordion
- Updated: Compatibility with WP5.4 and WC4.0
- Updated: Support latest Shopify API version 2020-01
- Improved: Import speed
- Added: Option to update order line items in admin orders
- Added: Support Webhooks to import/update products/orders/customers automatically when new data is available from Shopify store
- Added: Filter Orders by financial status, fulfillment status
- Added: Option to set role when importing customers
/** - 2019.11.26**/
- Added: Import smart collections to categories
/**1.0.8 - 2019.11.12**/
- Added: Filters for importing coupons
- Added: Filter products to import by vendor
- Added: Log for "Import by ID" function
- Added: Support WooCommerce 3.8
/**1.0.7 - 2019.10.17**/
- Fixed: Function to download error images
- Fixed: Function to update variation attributes
- Fixed: Sanitize email when Shopify API returns special character in order's billing email
- Optimized: Reduce bad request rate
- Optimized: Reduce error images rate
- Optimized: Import speed
- Optimized: UI/UX
- Added: Option to update billing address and shipping address
- Added: Option to import and update product slug
- Added: Option to use global attributes instead of custom attributes so that attributes can be used for WC filters plugin...
- Added: Cron update Products/Orders
- Added: Import product from CSV
- Added: Import coupons settings
/**1.0.6 - 2019.08.10**/
- Fixed: Error download product gallery if a product has too many images
- Fixed: Conflict with some plugins or theme that use accordion
- Added: Update product URL, variations SKU
- Added: Able to view images that were not downloaded successfully to download again
/**1.0.5 - 2019.07.12**/
- Fixed: Validate input ids when importing products by ID
- Fixed: Error matching variation attributes when attribute name is not in English alphabet
- Updated: Replace "Save & update all" with "Update selected"
- Added: Update product attributes
- Added: Shortcut to products and orders import settings
/**1.0.4 - 2019.06.13**/
- Added: Import product by ID
- Added: Set request timeout
- Added: Import product options: products per ajax request, product type, collection ID, published before date, published after date, order by
- Added: Import order options: orders per ajax request, Import orders created/imported at or before/after date, Import Orders sequence
- Added: Import customers per ajax request
- Added: Options to update product images, title, inventory, description, price
- Added: Options to update order status, order date, order fulfillments
/**1.0.3 - 2019.05.30**/
- Fixed: Order status, order date
- Fixed: CURL error timeout
- Updated: Set Shopify product type as a WooCommerce category
- Added: Display Shopify order number instead of WooCommerce order number, able to search by Shopify order number
- Added: Order status mapping option
/**1.0.2 - 2019.05.16**/
- Fixed: Some sites can not send API correctly
- Fixed: Search categories: empty categories are excluded
- Fixed: Assign wrong product to order when product sku, product id or variation id is empty
/**1.0.1 - 2019.05.08**/
- Updated: Support
- Updated: Auto get key
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