See My CV Resume & vCard WordPress Theme Nulled v1.1.9 | See My CV Resume & vCard WordPress Theme Free Download v1.1.9 is a personal WordPress theme for creative developers, photographers, architects – in fact anyone who needs creative portfolio or a fancy vCard Resume website. CV theme is a great way to create a personal resume, as powerful functionality lets you display your CV details is a handy and organized yaw, while advanced portfolio options allow you create a portfolio that will fascinate your visitors.
Version 1.1.6: 1. Fixed header overlaps by default option 2. Updated plugins ————————————– Version 1.1.5: 1. Updated plugins ————————————– Version 1.1.4: 1. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 2. Fixed custom fonts in gutenberg editor. 3. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 4. Updated plugins 5. Updated translates ————————————– Version 1.1.3: 1. Fixed pingbacks & trackbacks 2. Fixed twitter connection 3. Updated plugins 4. Updated translates 5. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes ————————————– Version 1.1.2: 1. Update Plugins ————————————– Version 1.1.1: 1. Fixed MailPoet notice 2. Update Plugins 3. Fixed hover slider script ————————————– Version 1.1.0: 1. Updated Plugins 2. Updated Translate 3. Updated Demo Content 4. Removed unneeded sliders script ————————————– Version 1.0.9: 1. Added function wp_body_open() 2. Fixed jQuery Migrate notices 3. Fixed Load More 4. Layer and Rev sliders scripts in Gutenberg editor 5. Fixed archive title for WP 5.5 6. Fixed breadcrumbs 7. Fix for short syntax in js <div /> 8. Fix iLightbox 9. Add example for MPTT demo content in theme 10. Added deprecated function for Flickr widget 11. Update isotope js 12. Update Plugins 13. Update Translate ————————————– Version 1.0.8: 1. Update for Gutenberg 2. Fix for iLightbox in load more gallery 3. Fix to subpage navigation items 4. Remove envato market plugin zip archive from theme 5. Add external link to github repository for envato market plugin 6. Fixes for Envato Theme Check 7. Remove library that are already pre-packaged with WordPress 8. Included library imagesloaded instead ————————————– Version 1.0.7: 1. Privacy Policy 2. Update plugins 3. Add Cookie Notice plugin to plugin activator 4. Deleted function sidebarDefaultText (Soft rejection alister-bank) 5. Add margin-bottom to table tag 6. Added margin for tag <pre> 7. Fix for mega menu navigation on resize 8. Fix styles for WP editor (WordPress 4.9) 9. Fix progress bar if >= 100% on edit campaign page ————————————– Version 1.0.6: 1. Fix for scrollspy (if not one page) 2. Fix Preview Image Size in Admin Panel 3. Add Category Order to Post Nav box 4. Disabled autoHeight(owl slider) on MAC(safari) 5. Fix columns behavior on safari 6. Update color-picker-alpha (for WP 4.9, also work in WP 4.8) 7. Posts Tabs Widget fix ————————————– Version 1.0.5: 1. Fix shortcode heading in column (columns_behavior) 2. Fix for Header Overlaps Content translations 3. Change default copyright year 4. Fix for export-import widgets 5. Fix for One page navigation 6. Update plugins ————————————– Version 1.0.4: 1. Fortfolio fix 2. Update plugins 3. Fix translations 4. Fix for touch on iphone, ipad 5. Soft Reject Do Yoga 22.08.2017 6. Styling Icon Shortcode after updates 7. Blog Standard (likes) fix 8. Add text in Like & Comments functions 9. file versions fix 10. theme_style constant fix in posts slider ————————————– Version 1.0.3: 1. Fix Icon Box with icon before title 2. Change columns styles (366, 368) 3. Added checkbox “don`t show” on open standard project to hide featured image 4. Fix for isotope postWidth (for responsive relayout) 5. Fix empty pagination 6. Fix columns behavior on safari 7. Fix Isotope Mode for all except masonry & puzzle 8. Fix Featured Image in Open Post description text 9. Fix archive categories 10. Fix for profile and project features (one title or one value) 11. Add localize script for theme-style scripts 12. Fix for single post img, add lightbox 13. Add option for projects (project puzzle image) 14. translates 15. Update CC(2.1.3), CFB(1.3.9), LayerSlider(6.5.5) 16. Gix for ids in multiple shortcodes 17. Fix for shortcodes lightbox (dont show default WP text options) ————————————– Version 1.0.2: 1. profiles horizontal columns clear fix 2. Change regenerate ids function (CC 2.1.0) ————————————– Version 1.0.1: 1. Project type Gallery (one_first) img fix 2. Theme description fix 3. Header side fix 4. fix for theme style constant for plugins 5. Fix bottom sidebar responsive 6. Yith Woocommerce Ajax Search integration 7. Fix gallery shortcode (ilightbox) 8. Update isotope 9. Fix plugin activator plugins path 10. Fix for fonts settings (remove default value for font-weight and font-style) 11. Add escapes to breadcrumbs 12. Timeline responsive fix 13. Show social icons and share if CC is active 14. Fix for comments, pingbacks and trackbacks 15. Change columns styles 16. Update Languages 17. Update Sliders & CC ————————————– Version 1.0: Release!