Smart Cleanup Tools (v5.3) WordPress Plugin Nulled
Smart Cleanup Tools WP Plugin Download Free v5.3 – CodeCanyon | Smart Cleanup Tools Nulled v5.3 WordPress Plugin is an extremely easy to use, most powerful plugin for database cleanup comes with total of 38 cleanup, reset and removal tools. With this premium paid plugin you can easily remove data that is no longer in use on your website, or it is unneeded. Cleanup WordPress Plugin Nulled will be more effective if done after several months of normal database use. For example cleanup on www.dev4press.com website, cleanup was done 6 months after previous cleanup. Plugin saved amazing 2/3 of the database space, and database from 192MB was scaled down to 63MB. That is 129MB of junk and unneeded data.
smart-cleanup-tools-plugin-for-wordpress-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Main plugin panel shows quick cleanup tool with overview of active tools, found records for removal and estimated size to be recovered. Quick cleanup uses all cleanup tools. If you want to review everything before cleanup, open Cleanup panel for list of all available tools.
Smart Cleanup Tools contains 21 cleanup tools that can remove most of the obsolete or orphaned data in the WordPress database. You can see estimated records that each tool will remove. You can also disable each tool from plugin Settings panel.
Other Features
- WordPress Toolbar Menu with quick access and cleanup options
- Tools to export and import plugin settings and scheduled jobs
- Disable tools you don’t want to use from cleanup and reset panels
- Log all executed SQL queries during cleanup check into file
- Log all executed SQL queries during cleanup execution into file
- Log work with normal and scheduled executions
- Gathers statistical data for each tool used
- Gathers global statistics for saved database space
- Uses AJAX for cleanup operation executing
- Support translation and includes POT file
smart-cleanup-tools-plugin-for-wordpress-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Changelog Smart Cleanup Tools WordPress Plugin Nulled
Version 5.2 / 2023.01.25.
New: tested with WordPress 6.0 and 6.1
New: tested with PHP 8.1 and 8.2
New: major change to the admin side layout and styling
New: many changes to the plugin core code organization
New: many improvements to the code syntax and formatting
New: rewritten most of the plugin styling
New: use of the SASS to generate styling files
Updated: minimal requirement: WordPress 5.5
Updated: minimal requirement: PHP 7.3
Updated: modifications to the styling to rely more on default styling
Updated: Flatpickr Library 4.6.13
Fix: several issues related to PHP 8.x
Fix: missing records info button for some tools