Sports Store v1.1.9 Sports Clothes & Fitness Equipment Store Theme Free Download
Download Free Sports Store v1.1.9 Sports Clothes & Fitness Equipment Store Theme
Sports Store Sports Clothes & Fitness Equipment Store Theme Free Download v.1.1.9 – ThemeForest | Sports Store v1.1.9 Sports Clothes & Fitness Equipment Store Theme Nulled is the ultimate Woocommerce store for sports equipment, fitness clothing and other sports wear and fitness accessories.
sports-store-sports-clothes-fitness-equipment-store-wp-theme-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Extended WooCommerce segment allows you to generate a strong fitness clothing and sports equipment online shop, yoga products store and other sports websites. You can develop a fitness blog or a single sports item landing page together with the sports store website.
This Sports Store WordPress Theme Nulled involves a wide range of custom widgets that enable even more content management alternatives and sophisticated social networking options such as Flickr, Facebook and Twitter. This sport clothing store, fitness shop and yoga theme comes with two famous slider plugins included, the Layer and Revolution Slider, both featuring superior features and amazing impacts. There is no need to buy them, it’s all in!
sports-store-sports-clothes-fitness-equipment-store-wp-theme-nulled.zip (LATEST)
Sports Store – WooCommerce WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog
Version 1.1.7: 1. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 2. Fixed custom fonts in gutenberg editor. 3. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 4. Updated Woocommerce template 5. Updated plugins 6. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.6: 1. Fixed pingbacks & trackbacks. 2. Fixed twitter connection. 3. Update Plugins 4. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.5: 1. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.4: 1. Fixed MailPoet checkbox 2. Fixed hover slider script 3. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes. 4. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.3: 1. Fixed jQuery Migrate notices 2. Fixed iLigihtbox 3. Fixed isotope 4. Fixed demo content 5. Updated plugins 6. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.2: 1. WP 5.6 section and column update fix 2. revslider 6.3.3 -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.1: 1. Gutenberg styles fixes 2. Update Woocommerce 3. Envato theme check fix 4. Yoast SEO breadcrumbs fix 5. Classic Editor fix 6. PHP 7.4 implode fix 7. Gutenberg plugin notices and CC button fixes 8. Shop sidebar fix 9. WP 5.6 pop-up fix 10. WP 5.6 drag&drop fix 11. WP 5.6 columns fix 12. WP 5.6 demo import fix 13. Update isotope 14. Update ilightbox 15. Update plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.0: 1. WP 5.5 Color Picker fix 2. Removed Form Builder plugin 3. revslider 6.2.20 4. LayerSlider 6.11.2 -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.9: files operations: 1. CC update 2.4.3 2. Woo 4.0.1 3. revslider 6.2.2 4. LayerSlider 6.11.1 5. TGMPA fix 6. Gutenberg Fixes -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.8: files operations: 1. Fix for settings upload images script 2. Update importer 3. Add scrolling for cmsmasters_table (style) 4. Fixed empty sidebar in gutenberg 5. Fix for update_post_meta. Value must be a string 6. Gutenberg heading shortcode line-height fix in editor 7. Fix for comment-form-cookies (show if checked 'Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox.') 8. Fix for activating cmsmasters plugins 9. Fixed project puzzle and recommended proportion project puzzle image 10. Fixed "Columns Custom Height Behavior" 11. Removed word Custom from setting General\Content & General\Footer 12. Custom meta box functions are allowed for design only. Removed 'Read More' from post options if CC inactive 13. Update jquery.isotope.min.js 14. Logo 2x(retina) must has width as 1x (no retina) 15. Languages update 16. Woo 3.6.0 -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.7: files operations: 1. Update plugins 2. Update woo files -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.6: files operations: 1. Search layout 2. Update Woo 3. Change google fonts and add local fonts 4. Fixed website in Contact Info Widget 5. Fixed style for input[type=date] 6. Fix for function "register_widget" 7. Change cookie notice plugin 8. Update for gutenberg 9. Update Languages 10. Remove inline styles from admin 11. Fix adaptive for clients 5 column 12. Add One Click Demo Import plugin Support 13. Fix for social sharing shortcode (pin it button) 14. Change default layout and archive layout in settings 15. Update Plugins 16. Change layout to fullwidth if sidebar is empty 17. Fixed for smooth-sticky.js in IE 18. Added table of contents to style.less and style.css 19. Remove envato market plugin zip archive from theme 20. Add external link to github repository for envato market plugin 21. Fix for posts slider -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.5: files operations: 1. Update plugins 2. Fix headline background attachment for touch device 3. Fix to subpage navigation items 4. Smooth Sticky update 5. Fix for iLightbox in load more gallery 6. Update for Gutenberg 7. Remove library that are already pre-packaged with WordPress 8. Included library imagesloaded instead 9. Fixes for Envato Theme Check
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