SuperTinyMCE PRO v6.2.1 – Professional HTML content editor
Free Download SuperTinyMCE PRO v6.2.1 – Professional HTML content editor
SuperTinyMCE PRO v6.2.1 – Professional HTML content editor Free Download | SuperTinyMCE PRO NUlled v6.2.1 – Professional HTML content editor | TinyMCE 5 editor Nulled. With professional and advanced features, image editor, Bootstrap functions, icons, and more additional plugins to edit the content of pages, products, categories and more. Replaces the Prestashop editor.
supertinymce-pro-professional-html-content-editor-nulled.zip (v6.2.1 LATEST)
Prestashop, by default shows a very basic editor to be able to edit the contents of the web. For this reason, users are limited to editing simple content and with little possibility of advanced design without knowledge of html.
To facilitate editing and allow users to build advanced elements in web content, we have developed this professional module.
The SuperTinyMCE PRO module replaces the default editor with a fully professional and advanced one, allowing the user to create designs and content easily and with very professional designs.
Edit your web content in an easy, simple and very comfortable way, having all the organized buttons and functions at your fingertips, as well as enjoying many more editing possibilities with additional add-ons.
Contains more than 1000 font family types, so you can edit your content without font restrictions, you can even insert custom font family types. You can also customize the styles of the editor skin.
Even through one of its options, you can customize the sites where you want the editor to appear. Includes option to show the editor in the CONTACT FORM.
In addition, it has a very complete configuration page, from where you can customize many options and parameters to make the editor work for you.
We have incorporated other third-party plugins and developed by ourselves so that the user can use more functionalities (Youtube videos, file manager, Flickr, Readmore, etc…)
With SuperTinyMCE Pro Nulled you will edit your products, categories, CMS pages, etc … as if you were doing it from professional editors such as Microsoft Word or similar. You will have all the elements available to make content edits with a very professional appearance.
This module replaces the default Prestashop editor, it even shows the editor in the CMS category descriptions, Email translations and in the contact form.
The editor includes a plugin to integrate the elements of the POWR platform within the text content. You can create custom forms, countdown timers, social media buttons, Paypal buttons, Sliders, Chats, pop-ups, and many more elements.
It is possible to show the editor in the text areas that you want indicating its ID value or by controller. This feature extends the compatibility between modules developed by third parties that use their own editor. In this way, the editor used by these modules can be replaced by the SuperTinyMCE Pro editor Nulled.
“SuperTinyMCE PRO is Prestashop’s best-selling content editor”
supertinymce-pro-professional-html-content-editor-nulled.zip (v6.2.1 LATEST)
SuperTinyMCE PRO Professional HTML content editor Nulled Changelog
What's New in Version 6.2.0(11/09/2022) [FIX] Minor Bugs. [FIX] Fontawesome 5 library conflicts with themes which is loading Fontawesome 4. [FIX] Issues blocking edit inputs of plugins when tinymce editor is executed inside a modal windows. [IMP] Update Tinymce to version 5.10.6 [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop version 8.0 [ADD] Fontawesome 4 library. [NEW] Case plugin (Plugin to convert content to uppercase and lowercase). [NEW] Phone link plugin (Plugin to insert phone links inside text). Support and updates At the time of purchase, your Business Care subscription for your first year is automatically included, then tacitly renewed at the end of the period. You can cancel your subscription at any time, before the end of the current period. Services included in your subscription: Security updates Compatibility updates Developments and upcoming features Unlimited support Want more details? Check out the most frequently asked questions about Business Care.
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