Tairo (v1.5.0) Multipurpose Nuxt Tailwind CSS Dashboard System Free Download
Tairo – Multipurpose Nuxt Tailwind CSS Dashboard System Free Download v1.5.0 | Tairo – Multipurpose Nuxt Tailwind CSS Dashboard System Nulled v1.5.0 is a multifunctional dashboard design system that goes beyond being a simple template or theme. Developed as a full rewrite of Vuero, Tairo leverages the power of Nuxt and Tailwind CSS instead of Vue and Bulma. This design system offers readily available pages to kickstart your application development and an assortment of additional elements to help you create custom pages to suit your specific needs.
From dashboards, forms, and layouts to profiles, apps, elements, and components – everything you require to get started is integrated within Tairo themeforest free download. Moreover, Tairo ships with Shuriken UI, its own UI library, which offers numerous customization options. The built-in quickstarter simplifies your project setup process. Please note that it is not a WordPress theme.
Nuxt Powered: Tairo is built on Nuxt, a free and open-source framework that offers an intuitive and expandable approach to creating full-stack web applications and websites with Vue.js. Nuxt leverages conventions and an opinionated directory structure to automate repetitive tasks, allowing developers to focus on building features. However, its default behaviors can be customized and overridden through the configuration file.
Vite Powered: Tairo is powered by Vite, an opinionated web development build tool that serves your code via native ES Module imports during development and bundles it with Rollup for production. Vite boasts a lightning-fast cold server start, instant hot module replacement (HMR), and true on-demand compilation.
Tailwind CSS: Tairo nulled employs Tailwind CSS as its styling engine and is built with a custom Nuxt component library called Shuriken UI. These components are straightforward and highly customizable in terms of shapes, variations, and colors.
Modular Code: Tairo’s source code adheres to best practices and follows a modular approach, enhancing code maintainability. Everything is pre-sliced into layers for better management.
Nice Looking Starters: Tairo features over 100 prebuilt pages, providing a comprehensive admin/web app design system that can be used on your preferred platform or in a completely custom project.
Responsive Design: Leveraging Flexbox and CSS grid, Tairo is designed to be natively responsive for mobile and tablet devices, ensuring an optimal viewing experience across all screen sizes.
Tairo – Multipurpose Nuxt Tailwind CSS Dashboard System Free Download Link
In summary, Tairo themeforest nulled is a dynamic and highly customizable dashboard design system offering a comprehensive toolkit for developers looking to efficiently and effectively build robust web applications.
Changelog Tairo – Multipurpose Nuxt Tailwind CSS Dashboard System Nulled
Version 1.5.0 - Apr 11, 2024
### Bug Fixes
* **AddonCarousel:** allow to define vue3-carousel props and events
* calendar z index
* content typos
* **demo:** improve panel a11y
* **demo:** proper use of vueform validation in new card form
* **demo:** reuse components and update deprecated props
* documentation examples responsiveness
* **layer-collapse:** burger menu hydration mismatch
* message icons demo
* prop typos
* search modal text size and layout
* **TairoToc:** remove fixed styles, add nav-end slot and focus elements on click
* use NuxtPage instead of RouterView in page sublayouts
### Features
* add account pages
* add badge to new content in demos page
* add balance dashboard
* add banking dashboard 4 and messaging v2
* add card pages
* add dropdown with form variations
* add Icon nav layer
* add new dashboards
* add overview dashboard
* add payments and transactions
* add quickview dashboard
* add recipient details
* add stepper forms
* add subpages
* add TairoImageZoom component
* add value to v-focus in order to conditionally disable focusing
* **demo:** disable inline styles and enable view transition api
* **layout-collapse:** add tooltip to navigation items when collapsed
* make tairo modal wrapper tag customizable
* **panels:** add 'md' size + teleport panels to body
* set packageManager field and dependencies in layers for remote
* update documentation
* update landing master layouts
* update layers documentation
* update to nuxt 3.11
* use new BaseInputHelpText component
* use shiki instead of shikiji ([e5cd43f](https://github.com/cssninjaStudio/tairo/commit/e5cd43f72bc0324ef86858ec95d0355b0c35f19d))
* **useMultiStepForm:** add validation and documentation
### Documentation
* add button to open customization modal
* add spellchecker
* **autocomplete:** add allow create item example
* rework learning path, update examples and components reference
Version 1.4.0 - Jan 25, 2024
### Features
- add autocomplete country example
- add password input component and dependencies, replacement to TairoPasswordStrength
- Add phone input component and dependencies
- add shuriken-gradient.svg and shuriken-gradient-dark.svg logos
- input number component usage and add related documentation
- refactor autocomplete examples
- refactor button-action, accordion, avatar and breadcrumb docs
- replace prettier with eslint stylistic
- **TairoPopover:** improve component placement with floating ui
- update avatar and accordion docs
- update checkbox docs
- update components doc examples and text
- update components documentation
- update documentation overview
- update input docs
- update input file docs
- update input number docs
- update listbox docs
- update Mapbox styles and geocoder placement
- update nuxt configuration files
- update nuxt, shuriken-ui and zod
- update remaining docs pages
- upgrade to shuriken-ui v2 and nuxt v3.9
### Bug Fixes
- add panel emits demo
- convert charts series to use shallowRef
- **demo:** new event date picker data binding
- improve server response type
- lazyload markdown imports
- markdown rendering reactivity
- move unused dependencies from layers to demo
- null reference errors in app.tairo properties
- page and layout transitions to app configuration
- replace tailwind w/h classes with size
- use BaseCheckbox and BaseIconBox color props
- use import.meta.env instead of process.env
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