Download Free Team Showcase WordPress Plugin 2.2.8 – CodeCanyon | Team Showcase v2.2.8 – WordPress Plugin (Updated on 25th January 2018) | By using this premium plugin you can easily display a set of desire pictures and valued information in different layouts. The main purpose of this professionally designed plugin is to display team/staff members, but it can also be used for other purposes. It is fully compatible with the latest brand new WordPress v4.4.2 and Visual Composer! It is the perfect choice  to display the members of your team, staff or working force, even it can be divided by categories or groups! You can also use it to display testimonials or other kinds of useful content that require an image and text!
Number of Columns
In the grid layouts you can choose how many columns you want to display. The Columns will be responsive and adapt in different screen sizes.
Image Shapes and effects
You will be able to choose if you want the images to display with squared corners, rounded corners or even circular shaped! In addition you can give them extra styles, like grayscale, image borders and shadow styles.
Text Align
Simple text alignment options: center, right of left.
In the layouts where this option applies, you’ll be able to choose if the image will be above, to the right or to the left of the content.
Theme Presets!
In addition to the options above, you can choose a preset combination of options.
The shortcode will work on widgets! Just copy the shortcode and include it in a text widget and the chosen layout will display in the widget!
Team Showcase Free Download Link
Changelog Team Showcase Nulled
version 2.2.6 – September 2021
- PHP error fixed for PHP8 compatibility
version 2.2.4 – April 2020
- bug in autocomplete
- bug fix in pagination & search
- Option to enable block editor
- Extra spaces in image size settings fix
Version 2.1.3 – September 10th 2018
- category will link to url added in description in table layout
- fix bug on image link on table layout
- added 'hoverposition' display option for hover layout
- Version 2.1 – June 27th 2018
- Added code to prevent the plugin to look for updates on repository
- Version 2.0.3 – May 22nd 2018
- updated fontawesome version to 5.0.2
- included option to add header titles to table layout
- Version 2.0.1 – April 12th 2018
- fixed css issue.
- removed option to register plugin - was not working properly
- added better integration with WPML and Polylang
- worked on option to limit one entry per user - added option on settings page
- improved order by last name option
- fixed filter+lightbox issue
- added site='' parameter for shortcode, to fetch entries from another blog/site by blog id.
- fixed function for divi
- improved isotope filter
- Version 1.9.6 – January 24th 2018
- added fix for orderby slug in dropdown for the search form
- improved code for search results with pagination
- implemented order by random (on session) to allow correct pagination with random order
- added fourth taxonomy
- edited search code to allow 'loadmore' to be kept on search results
- added 'search' parameter to shortcode
- added option to register the plugin for automatic updates
- Version 1.9.2 – November 16th
- added administration filters
- Added third taxonomy
- Added shortcode parameter to read which taxonomy to use to create live filters
- added meta_query parameter to shortcode (non documented) : meta_query='_tsposition:Position:LIKE'
- personal url link fixed in table layout
- added do_shortcode for custom fields
- Version 1.8.6 – August 29th 2017
- Added option to include JSON-LD structural data type 'Person' to single pages
- redirect user pages to associated team member entry
- lightbox feature added
- table layout now abides to field order array
- load more feature (in pagination options)
- improved global variables, replaced with apply_filters()
- improved tel: links
- workaround implemented to fix 'associated user url' option
- bug fix on table layout - link to personal URL
- Version 1.8.4 – April 18th 2017
- Isotope Filter Bug Fix
- Added IMDB social icon
- Added 'Load More' button
- Improved new 'Order by Last Word in Name Feature'
- Added 'Search' and 'All' label options in the settings
- added 'include' and 'includetax' parameters to search shortcode
- added undocumented dropdown filter option
- ajax pagination improvements
- search label fix in form
- pager js code modification
- Version 1.7.7 – January 5th 2017
- orderby slug for groups also on layouts
- meta_key='' and orderby='meta_value_num' shortcode parameters are now accepted
- Version 1.7.5 – November 3rd 2016
- hidden features implemented:
Groups might have URL if added in description
orderby='meta_value' and meta_key='' parameters added to shortcode
- Version 1.7.3 – July 18 2016
- fixed css bug
- added twitch and steam social profiles
- added new rewrite parameter when registering cpt
- bug fix ajax pagination
- bug fix category filter
- changed filter code to allow for non-latin chars as the filter identifier
- Version - Version 1.6.7 – April 30 2016
- order code improvement
- isotope filter improved
- Version 1.6.6 – March 18 2016
- Added new social network fields
- Dicontinued image icons - vector icons now are the only choice
- CSS improvements
- Ajax pagination issue fixed
- Version 1.6.2 – February 08 2016
- Added isotope hide filter
- Order by bug fixed
- Version 1.6 – January 22nd 2016
- custom js field added to settings page
- search code improved
- hidden display parameters for hover layout display='hovertitle,hovertitleup'
- filter.js code improvement
- auto complete search
- Version 1.5 – September 11th 2015
- link css option (to help lightbox integration)
- fontawesome version updated
- css improvements for filter menu
- new entry url option - personal url (defaults to inactive)
- fixed table layout bug (Name displaying twice)
- pager code improvement
- better search input sanitazing
- Version 1.4.6 – July 14th 2015
- Added breadcrumb/archive page redirect option
- Version 1.4.3 – April 2nd 2015
- Added option for social nofollow links
- New link option - link to full image (works good with lightbox plugins)
- option for image shape on single page
- updated bxslider version
- Version 1.4 – February 13th 2015
- Improved code in single pages - Added 'People' rich snippets markup
- Fixed small syntax bugs
- Version 1.3.9 – January 20th 2015
- CSS bug on Safari fixed
- New tel: links option
- Version 1.3.8 – December 11th 2014
- New Feature: 'Remember Shortcode Settings'
- New option in shortcode generator: exclude ids
- Updated fontAwesome version
- Added anchor text for personal url field option
- Small bugs solved
- Version 1.3.7 – September 24th 2014
- drag & drop code updated
- small improvement to 'order by last name' option
- added 'children' support for filter navigation menu (dropdown)
- Version 1.3.6 – September 6th 2014
- search message bug fixed
- small css improvements