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Uncanny Learndash Groups (v5.2.0.6) Nulled

Uncanny Learndash Groups Nulled
Uncanny Learndash Groups

The Uncanny Groups for LearnDash plugin Free Download v5.2.0.6 | Uncanny Learndash Groups Nulled v5.2.0.6 makes it easy to sell your LearnDash courses to organizations and have them manage and view reports on their own groups and users on the front end–without having to give them access to your WordPress admin panel in the back end. It’s a powerful plugin that can automate and simplify how you use LearnDash Groups Nulled. Even better, it gives your organizational customers more control over their learning options and reporting capabilities.

If you’re new to the plugin, we strongly recommend checking out the screencast below to get a high level overview of everything before you dive in. Yes, it’s a long video, but it covers a lot of important concepts that will really reduce the learning curve. And if you haven’t yet purchased the plugin, it’s available here: Uncanny LearnDash Groups Nulled.

Decide How To Use Uncanny LearnDash Groups

Once you have purchased the plugin, you’ll need to decide how you’re going to use it.  There are several options:

  1. Manual group management: Provide front-end management and reporting capability to to existing groups, and manually create new groups yourself.  You may decide to use this method if you typically conduct sales offline/in-person.
  2. Sell custom group licenses: Allow visitors to select the courses they want (from a list of available courses that you create), then purchase group access to those courses through WooCommerce.  Access purchased via this method is always a one-time payment; subscription-based custom licenses are not currently supported.
  3. Sell pre-configured licenses: You decide what courses (or combinations of courses) users will be able to purchase by building license products in the admin panel, then offering those license products for sale through your WooCommerce store.  Access purchased via this method can be a one-time payment or subscription.

You can also mix-and-match the methods above, but even if you’re doing so it’s helpful to think through the setup of each method independently. Please note that for all group sales, guest checkout must be disabled in WooCommerce. Groups can only be created and customers added to groups when there is an associated WordPress user.

Uncanny Groups Features

  • Manual Group Management
  • Sell Custom Group Licenses
  • Sell Pre-Configured Licenses
  • Learn How Users Can Manage Their Own Groups

Uncanny Learndash Groups Nulled Changelog [2023-06-20]
Group Management - Edit user - WordPress filter to disallow email field editing #778
Group Management Reports - Child group user data not appearing in some reports #788
Translation - String case to render proper translation #786
WooCommerce License - Edit product - Missing General tab #784
Group Assignments - Student column not appearing #782
Group Assignments - Column resizing issue #782
Group Assignments - Column defaults not working as expected #782
Gravity Forms - PHP Error in a certain situation  #780 [2023-05-31]
Group Management - Use Course Order set by the LearnDash setting #756
Group Management - Randomly generated passwords now include special chars and are 18 characters long #722
Load static assets from inside the plugin #776
Groups License Product - PHP Warning when creating a product #771
Group Quiz Report - Not loading quiz data in a specific situation #766
Group Management - Incorrect group info appears for the Group Leader of a child group #765
Group Management - Email Users - Not displaying number of email count when site language is not English #764
Gravity Forms - Key redemption field not working when create a new user feed is added #763
Groups License Product - WP Action ulgm_after_license_product_is_created #775
Group Management - WP Filter ulgm_rest_api_allow_display_name_update to let the group leader update display_name field of the user when they update First or last name #773

5.2 [2023-04-27]
Group Management - Email Users - Now shows number of recipients #725
Group Management - Add Users forms now supports RTL #729
Group License & WooCommerce Payments - Licenses purchased via WooCommerce are not getting correct group names #751
Assignments report - Dates are ordered alphabetically #749
Group Management - Remove arrow added to dropdown by Astra #746
WooCommerce - Edit product - Conflict with WooCommerce Store Credit #744
Group management - Child group getting pre-selected on page load when hierarchies are enabled #741
Edit groups - Group-specific email drop-downs not expanding #737
Essay report - Student attribute not working #730
Security hardening for Uncanny Automator installer #707
Group Management - WP filter added to force check and hide the student child data checkbox #739
5.1 [2023-03-09]
New feature:
Subscription License - Now supports fixed price and min/max quantities #664
Buy Courses (Build a license) - Now supports minimum and maximum quantity attributes  #690
Group License - Remove index & follow directives when adding noindex & nofollow to license products #723
Group Quiz Report - Group, courses, quizzes drop-down lists now use Ajax to populate values  #689
WooCommerce Group Product type - PHP Error in a certain situation #720
LearnDash Custom Labels - PHP error in a certain situation when LearnDash v4.5+ is installed #718
WooCommerce - The "Create account" option during checkout will not be hidden if the cart products do not include groups  #715
Bulk discounts - Fix PHP Warning related on admin page #709
Progress Report - ajax_url variable renamed to prevent conflicts with other plugins #695
Group Management - Fixed price license - "Add seats" now adds the minimum seats set for the license #685
WPML config file #702
Load main backend JS file only where it's required to prevent issues with other plugins #686
Group courses - ulgm_courses_is_purchasable filter added for woocommerce_is_purchasable product type option #691
Group Management - Filter ulgm_groups_management_send_emails_group_user_course_statuses to add/remove "Course status" options in Send email model #683
5.0.1 [2022-11-17]
Group Management page - If a group has no courses then the Status column shows 'N/A' #672
Group Reports - Columns now use LearnDash custom labels (if populated) for Course, Lesson and Topic #663
Fixed Price License - Now displays '/ Group' instead of '/ Seat' when users are purchasing a group with a fixed number of seats at a fixed price #660
Group Management - Inverted direction of button drop-down if an RTL language is active #651
Group Essay Report - Essay submission was not including paragraph breaks in modal #679
Course Report - Discrepancy in course progress percentage #677
Fix - [uo_groups] shortcode breaks Elementor's layout in a certain situation #670
Bulk discount settings - PHP Type Error #653
Group License - Duplicate group was created when WooCommerce Order status switched from Completed to another status and back to Completed #649
Add in-plugin notifications #636
Group Management - Bulk add & Invite users - Added actions to allow custom fields #659
do_action( 'ulgm_before_add_bulk_users_columns', $current_group_id );
do_action( 'ulgm_after_add_bulk_users_columns', $current_group_id );
do_action( 'ulgm_before_add_bulk_users_form_fields', $current_group_id );
do_action( 'ulgm_after_add_bulk_users_form_fields', $current_group_id );
Group Management - Add Group Leader Form - Added new do_action hooks #655
do_action( 'ulgm_after_add_group_leader_form_fields', $current_group_id );
do_action( 'ulgm_before_add_group_leader_form_fields', $current_group_id );
5.0 [2022-10-04]
New Feature:
Group Management - Shared/pooled seat system for group hierarchies #597
WooCommerce - Set Minimum/Maximum Group product quantities and fixed prices #531
Enrollment Key redemption form block #602
Group management & reports - Option to change default sort column #608
Progress Report - Search box now displays loading animation when searching users #232
Group Management - Removing a group leader does not add the currently logged in user as a new group leader #610
Group Management - Group leaders of parent groups can now manage group members and group leaders of child groups #605
Access mode of new LearnDash groups now set to closed for manual group creation and group license orders #581
Group License purchase & WPML - Now adds required WPML details #573
WooCommerce - Course selection box now select2 on edit product screen #527
WPML - Add seats link is now WPML friendly #633
Bulk discount & PayPal checkout - Fixed decimal precision issue when the bulk discount is applied to a license price #586
Groups Quiz report - LD_QuizPro::showModalWindow conflict with SEO plugins #624
Edit group - PHP Error on some sites - ngettext changed to _n() #41608 #583
Under the hood:
Blocks - Migrate blocks to WordPress library #626
ulgm_permissions_callback_message filter to modify "You do not have permission to manage groups" message #525
"Add and invite user" form - Actions to add custom fields before or after the form #613
Create a Group - Filter to make Course selection optional #635
Group Management - Filter to manipulate user group ids #621
Group Management - Filter to hide total and available seats #618
Group License subscription - Filter to hide course title in subscription product #619
Group License - Filter to force update license price #603
BuddyBoss Sync - New do_action added for Automator #599
Several do_actions added #637

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